After the rest period ended my team was quite small around five people except me I gave the psiker of ower team a conversion cristal with a small ember within it he grabbed and started sending energy within it as it slowly ignited and grew to fill the crystal to slowly start cracking I grabbed the cristal and told him to ease up on the energy I fixed the cracks and instructed him how to purify his energy with a meditation he started revolving his energy thure the cristal containing golden flames with aqua blue core he got the hang of it after few hours and when he used it for a phenomenon it went smoothly and with less dangerous consequences for using them while the corrupting effect of the warp was completely negated as when he used the shroud no corrupted warp power was capable to get easily in contact with him I asked him to concentrate the pure energy in his cells and soul mainly ten percent of all he refines so we can see what, normal humans, with the conversion cristal over time effects are, he told me he felt refreshed and comfortable we arived at the next mision it was to colect some freandly's from a daingerous place aka ork's we arived ans saw felt and understood this was a small vilege of ork's low level of tecknology yet rather daingerous i alsaw was curious since i can desquise myself rather well i grew buff i hunched my neck and then changed my skin to that similar to the orks by absorbing a bit of theyr skin then i thincked twice as i dismised my hunck just staing straight wile my clothes turned purple and black my camarads saw the transformation and rated it as if a spacemarine was painted green and wering purple and black i chuckled and i made some other purple clokes for them since they are ork's they were reluctant but i told them this colores are used by the comandos as such they get esely not noticed even if it looks stupid we then went on the side of the ocasional conflict we reached at a point were the vilege was ovious and the slaves were duing some building stuff hm amo and sowing if i am corect the people of intrest are in the gathering i then started digging like the last time we got use to that as i kept in contact with a wacher on the outside wile we kept digging and from time to time maiking holes for are and such i arived under the targets and i prepared the erth to colapse lile a platform wile the top part will close up sealing the top a bit loud but can be made quite daingerous if they were to be on theyr feet i got the miming right as i threw a grenade as i saw the people foll with the platform the granade fell next to a ork who was wide eye as the humy slaves just got eaten by the erth since the tow covers resembled bare traps as i checked on the new camarads i split the group in combatants and non combatans as they saw me pull ropes closing the sealing more i spred my blue flames and the scrap metals were turned into hachets and blades with some small armure for vitals i point them to my teal as i spoke in Gothich as they call english in this warhamer world i saw as they losend at this time i was back to my normal pale skin sonce my green skin was eaching i stoped the cover i was anounced there was a comotion in the vilege wile i colapsed the mecanism i build carefully grechen were alwredy diggig to serch for the lost slaves the grechen ran maniakley biting and such we reached the exit of the tunel this hole operation took to days one for driling my way under and another to set the trap that moved the slaves to safety then we will prepared to make the jurny out of the dainger zone we reached the base were the people we saved were sent to be interogsted cleaned and fed after wich a bit of rest period and lastly put to worck we were debrifed and sent to rest for a day then we were given another mision off planet in a large Monalithic ship were we were tood to help and guard a vip she was neaded on a difrent ship i checked the worp shrowds and placed some safeguards for any malfunctions wile i asked for any corupted rooms and such i found them and checked them out as then i floded the rooms walls and such with my power tearing the influence off from the worp to my own and then drained the power revealing normal walls i checked this monalithickle structure as the residents were helpfull i made some other safeguards to the vip's room i was mowstly with her wile my companions were prepering for any unexpected situaltions i made sure to not let them over do it as i have a bommer a sniper a psiker tow jack of all trades and me the suprise unit as they call me since i am ujulay in my teen size wile wen battle gets thick i go large mucled and daingerous well she did like my calm presence i kept pase with her as neaded she was told of my rather unique caracteristics i from tome to time turn to cristal's i found around wile my insides resemble flames that ujualy segnifies that i felt some worp presence that was not that freandly i checked on my sholder as i felt some guards come abord wile i we arived at the near check point were she was dropped off we were found that we need to help them as they drove in with a single psiker from the Tyranid strand i took acction as i saw them they tried to stop me but to late the staisys barier was removed the creature loked at me as then it burst in blue flames i healed and sedated it then the staysis was reforged with my energy as the power sorce i made a cristalized dome they were suprised as i made a bar to guide the creature i told them to point me to the place were we store it it was a former corupted infermery as it had a demon with a host kid to be exact i healed the kid and captured the demon for refinement and use as a igredient in a small progect they were calm wile i kept charging the batery's we enterd worp as my form changed into a cristline one with one of my hands having wings and a halo aroud my wrist like a clawed gountlet i hert the gentel voice from it wile the smoke gountlet talcked at wich i boncked on its place were its eyes were active she shut up, the others looked at the gountlet and i made a graping motion as a smoke hand grabed wath i wanted and broth it to me i scrwched it a bit plyfully it enjoyed it wile i then checked for any other anomaly's the ship was quite safe i returned to normal as we reached the drop of were they showed me the way to the facility were we were met with tow super Maries they denied only to notice i was glering at them they called for the doctor we were still on the landing pad wen we saw a guy from the Mecanicus profesion he noticed the specimen and was delighted the tow Marines were suprised as well i was transported to the holding area were i asked for some tranquilants i made them are born and got the insectoid nocked out then i opend the conteinig unit as the mecanicus moved it to a tecknologicle stasys place i arived back on the ship as i was asked to do some more misions with the guards tqy were to go and check a rumor of a special box that makes weepons that were tronger i got my team torest as we made ower way to the box were i ingulfed it in flames to wich jt changed shape an size and with that the ork energy's were corupted by my pure power worping it to my will then we colected the box to a safe place wile the afected individuals were with a clear head as they understood the benefits and detraments of the tools we got it to be studyed by nobody as it became my proprety the war mecanicus was inraged but the gunds the box showed wen he dared to point his mecadendrites at me got his atention and submision i further modify'd the gun bow at wich it was made like a tardis shaped as a backpack with a input and output with some butons for dispensing serthen usefull items wile on the other side a femeale android was cariing like a backpack its interface to be exact the backpack still can transform to shot at the suprised mecanicus she folowed me wile he saw my skin turn to cristal as flames were found within my body i huffed and we left there were misions to be done then we were sent with recruits to train only to get in tuche with a neckron ship we entered it and i opend it the thing was not active we went as i found the core wich i captured and gave it to Vicky the Gunbox as my camarads called her she stored it as i checked the interior then i called for reinforcements and i stored it in a poket space were i asked for a meating with the god emperor for the release of it in theyr custody they knew they cood not do anything to me or my camarads sice i am more my gards then i saw the desecated body his soul still strong i found myself in front of him i was observed as i then poled a golden spark out of my chest they were suprised but the next scene made them even more suprised as it flew to the husks body were it enterd its chest as he started regenerating wile the extra metal bits were discarded a tall black hear teen stood in front of me he was streching as i smiled and did a mocking bow he noticed it and chuckled he was serious but a joke in god taste was permited i then gave him a second spark as he used it on the equipement to make some more things he remodeled the the room and then he sat and pulled the data pad as he spent time lerning wath happend untill now seaing him get angry he made his suit and went to root out coruption any cults and such then regur ed to the theone room were he sent some requests during this i was sleaping in my room.