359. Slapping the guy around.

I lifted my palm and kept slapping him with each slap I said this is for Rukia this is for Rukia's friends this is for her brother and such on I ended with half of his face skin tearing off revealing a black skull I kept on slapping him until even his blade crumbled to dust I chuckled as I connected to the power source he felt my grasp on it while this happened his expression turned to a more terror then rage as it slowly transferred to me since I don't want to control it but work with it the cooperative relationship kept growing as I checked on the guy who seams weaker and weaker until he stopped at his previous natural strength my tusks gree while I gave him a sharp smile I touched the Hogioku as then I ripped it out they saw the gruesome process and I smiled as I regenerated fully and without problem I saw the flesh shreds on it tey glowed and grew and grew until a female shape formed it was cute a head smaller than me with small cute tusks her chest and hips were appropriately a size larger then the avrege wile my smile grew larger she smiled in return and gave me a hug clothes coverd her the moment the flesh was constructed i checkedher form pale skin yet it was healthy loking she had overall's showes and a hoody i loked at the asshole and with tow evil smiles we started wraping him in a special material she has inhereted the Omega Osmosiom as i call the stage of power the blood line can offer i used only the base of the blood line to not just oversower eveithing after i finished the storage we meet with the kids as i placed my hand on ichigo as i tood him: I am taiking your Shinigamy powers untill you canprove you can grow stronger by your own try becoming a Full bringer wen you master that way of power i will give you your shonigamy powers back good luck and i with my new companion dicepered and reapered in Huecko mundo were we made pwrt way to Las noches were we help the Espads grow bowth in personal caracter and power.