I woke as I felt a few descendants from the ninja arrive I was at the door of my treehouse they were waiting for my yearly visit a cute gall with bird decorations all over her clothes waved at me I fell and landed in front of them I had a smile and then ae talked I felt they gained enough knowledge and she shed enough feathers to make some more suits for them yo use they were independent as the core power will be inherited from generation to generation I finished the spell with the link of 3 the grampa the son and the child of the son or daughter I finished with the elements with the rule of three and the slow change of the bloodline to that of tengu in general I smiled and with a move of my hand a shard of metal from my wings plunged in their harts infusing their blood with the bloodline then with a smile I took the little dark bird demon in de disguise of a woman I left with a smile while a Garganta opened and we left we arrived at a world where I felt quite the energy in the are refreshing she grew a bit as she kept sifening the power i checked the iceland i was on then i grew my large metslic wings wich i flew from with Nera in my hands she was enjoying the are we kept flying untilll i found a large mounten range i perched on it as i saw botes rize and fool from it my youthfull partner enjoyed the harsh winds she sprouted her dark wing as the mask formed on her face black fethers coverd her protecting her i jumped off the line and we flew together i saw a large city were we landed the hole place was made in levels as botes came in and out i checked around and found some different lokjng people with fish or other caracteriatics i landed and got Nera on my sholders we went around end with no suprise we saw some celestial dragons short ugly and lathebly weack surounded by guards the saw as we ignored them and got angry i smied and with a swift transformstion i was ewuiped in a metal knite suit with a maw structure were my mouth was it opend and closed as i spoke with a large cape made of metalic fethers i moved swiftly and the tow Dragons were stuck to a wall with thaterd clothes and beoken bones wile the guards were in similar states wile the slaves were killed a mercy relly i then made my way slowly to the tow arogant stupid kids i fluffed up my metal fethers maiking them look like scersted blades grabing one longer fether and i started writing on theyr flesh with suptile non vital cuts i then loked at the femeale she was shivering from fear i took smoler blades molding then in a rounded at the end stake then i placed it on the ground i grabed her and made her fall on it with her rear randomly inserting within her holes the scram made it ovious its painful i saw a bulge coming from her belly then she curled up and wimpered wile from her rear black metal tendrils started spreding over her body replacing her clothes with a small armore her flesh and bones were interwived with strands of metal leaving only her brain uninfiltrated she screamed all the way thrue the transformation she was short nifty level of short i manipulated my fethers metal within her to pupet her i then left as she folowed Nera asked me wath have i done to the short femeale i told her abouth the tecknick and the way to use it without afecting the internal structure of theyr body to much i added enoth metal to place strain over her body ao she can build mucle and a bit of hight not much she will not be cspable to reach my waist a short stack if her training will go well we went from shop to shop buying or doing things then webarived at a ship yard were i asked for a sturdy bote skeleton big enoth for around six people they agreed and i used my metal fethers to make thin shests to cover it completly leavibg a beutifull pattern i asked them to check the voiency and if it has any modification it needs i molded the metal and layerd the bote skeleton wile holding are in the empty spotes it had they were curious way didnt i fill those with wood since it helps keep thing aflote wilw i told them that are helps get things to the surfece or other gasses lile helium and such we saw the ship cozely stand from sincking i asked for the sea stone duatwich i used s very thin lear to cover the botes underside i with Nera and dragon slave one left the port city i thinck i saw a guy in swiming truncks and blue hear maiking aome kind of mini bote i got my imige on a bounty with quite the hay amount if mony the slave was still training slepaing and playing with Nera at her request i sprouted my wings and conected my talons i then grew my wings to be proportional to the botes size and we flew on the water surfece i ansorbed any kinetic inpacts and used themas fule for more speed we reached the destination a iceland were thunder stikes rather offten i parcked the bote and ancored it were i made some metal spikes to make it from moving no matter the waves and such we walcked off as the girls stayed close to me as i had a metal umbrela at hand that was large enoth to cover five people i kept absorbing the lightning energy as it ahot at me the girls observed as my sking glowed and my bones were visible from the hay temperature inside myself thinck ot the god more of the mother of endever and such i had a smile as the heat grew and grew they didnt fell it but saw my skeleton wile my eyes glowed blue wile the metal umbrela was still the normal metal black we visited the inhabitans and left with a smile the place was plesent i went to the bote were we sat sale i concentrated energy in some metal structures the sfears of power were not made for heat and electric energy so i now have bracers that blowed blue but didnt emit any heat or power the glow was cool thow and wen i want to sleep i just cover them with a clothe or something we drifted a bit as then i located the next area were we wanted to go and passed over the grand line we kept flying up and reached a iceland on Clowdes i found myself on a shrine were winged people wore about to observe a blond guy to take a bite from a blue and yellow fruit i snached and took a bite insted wile half of the dude was under my ship i finished digesting the fruits speciel power my metalic magestic form became magneticly charged due to electricity being part of each and evry cell of my body i started passsivley manipulate the power i got and kept my core generating heat energy from wich i can get stamina slowly increasing my curent energy reserves as the i saw the peole around me have theyr eye's wide open due to my form resembeling a giant metal and electric pheonyx i was giving s large rawr towords the sky wich Nera joined her scream was bird like wile my own was like a thunderstome met a blender with metal within it i chuckled wile my the rawr's ended i became humanoid once more as my wings remained bowth sets one of metal and behinde thouse a pare made of electricity i loked at Nera wich was in a similar form but one pare of wings black and red wile she wore a black cute drees as her hear was of a deep red i smiled and checked the winged idiots then i saw them kneal i moved the ship to sea the blond guy unconscious i checked to sea he had some broken bones i grabed him by the scruf of his clothes and frew him to a prieastess i gave her a charming smile she ordered some deciples to send him and pach the pretencheus prick i smiled and ordered the idiots around i took up flying and arived at the second iceland were i serched around and found a serthen tecknologicle marvle i went thrue the metal esely and found its inteligence core i came in contact with it and it recoild i drained its mind and stuffed it in a android the size if a biddy she was cute as i anlised and managed the teck intresting stuff and such with some small compulsions she sat on my left sholder i stored the usefull tools then checked on the transformation chaimber with the solution and such i learned how to make the pingiyins to fly i stored moast of the metal and then we arived at the surfece were the previous god saw my wings and desiered to chalange me to a battle i accepted and with a cuple exchange of hits he understood i am made of fucking metal and now i am alsaw electricicly charged he hurt himself at each punch or cut he gave up wen i nocked him out and told the people that the other half of theyr camarads will meet and live with them here i checked for those wich were not happy or acepting as i then onyfing them as they knelt and went to the border of the clowde iceland i went and checked around then i started teaching them usefull tech and such untill i chose a leader for wen i am gone i with Nera enjoyed owerselfs and i saw the new joy boy he came up with his freands i felt the ships spirit as wen they went around to have fun i sneacked in the ship i tucjed its interior and outer shell i tuched theold wood and started infiltrating its body fixing its inner skeleton and under the surfece of the first lear of wood perserving the larges of wood avealeble i gave the controll over the adition of the metal to her and then i gave her a dool body wih a cloke and a basic metamorphiccover so she can desine her own personal body i waved goodbye as i was sent notice by Nera as the joyboy battled the thunder ony made from the blond asshole he was the head guard they all resembled more Tengu but with oger body's i checked i called him FellwDog since he will never be a God we left to battle and meet with them they were fun wile we train them wen they were tierd we invited them to dinner and wen the bell was talcked about i grabed Fell and three him agentsthe giant golden bell i kept it as a reminder for the past wile the ponaglif is used at the bells iner but to ring it the sound is a lot louder with it, the girl called robin was suprised about my crations and wen she askd for the ponagliph i lowered it since it was tied with my fether metal bits we showed them the bit were the first joy boy wrote his signature and some words i checked the writing and gave her a perfect copy writen on a paper i did visit the lower ponagliph in the fish iceland we made bonds with the wueen king andtheyr cute dother they asked me to merry her so she may beunder my protection after i made a show of me dealing with the trublesome parts in theyr kingdome wich made a grave mistake antagonizing me they wene now the new guards around the fish kingdome as abiss creatures i beoth her to the flying icelands were we enjoyed ower time and i got myself a nice place to sleep.