392. and another word.

We woke and prepared both some food I absorbed some biomass and such I made a world map as I covered the entire world in a thin amount of my spores mapping everything and then reabsorbing the necromorphic spores some were left behind to act as markers of my other Avatars and then we were finished I opened the Garganta to then we walked through it we arrived and I checked the energy's present to feel the saturation of mental energy's being at a medium I then analyzed all my energy's and then with a smile I started disassembling the flesh leaving the body and then with it turning to energy my tricolored energy form was ready to reconstruct my body optimized to be capable to host all the things I assimilated then I looked at Marseline as I looked a bit different I was goth looking with the three colored becoming so dark only slight noticeable by the shine they gave as i looked like a skeleton made of three types of dark mass similar to metal yet comfortable to touch as my anodite body was laierd under the bone construct alowing me bowth powers my skeletal form was all coverd by glowing runes that glow like the shine they have from crimson to purpoe and lastly blue i loked around to sea Marseline smile and then asked me if it hirt the change she ment i just smiled and then the planetoid we were on started chainging from lfeless rock to a black material that had shine's of my own it all converted wile the old core was broth to me as then i gatherd lose energy and infused it to feel it start then i sent it to the midle of my thing as it shaped itself in a large sfere hallow in the interior wile pilars were made then sections and rooms and then the sfere shape changed to ablarge pacman maw wi the room was perfectly sized wile then teck rooms for difrent purposes were genersted then me and Marseline saw the syonic signatures aproche us i moled the smuth surfese of the planetoid into a forest of marker structures similr to them and lastly i made dolls golems and spirits to inhabit the surfese they were all small fragments small enoth to give them wil my will but still will to function as then i made them battle to reduce the numbers and make divergences the culing was finished and i got thre lord level units and subordinates they ocupide theyr homes and prepered for embound zeno's i bulid a cave sistem that resembles a dungeon build with black bricks anybody who wood sea the surfese of thebplanet they wood se it is moustly black with crimson, blue and purple quite abnormal i felt a ship anding as he the cloked and walcked on the plnets surfese checking flora and fauna wich is al just metalic constructs with precoded ai that alowd them to develp and try to survive the thre races have specific ability's , the blue spirits can name and as consequence bond chreatures to themselfs along with granting them power , the purple dolls they can give atributes like fier , ice small shape shifting and such but the ability's need housts or better sead creatures to use those gifts as such the crimson golems were the ones wich made them the fauna from the smalest of rodents to the larges of elephants like creatures all made out of biometalic mass like the Markers the protos saw the creatures hunt live maiking other simialr to themsels and such he folowed to the trace to the dool town waching as creatures were being carved apon to make them capable to use the gifts they can get then he passed as he saw the spiritualcreatures they saw as the creatires were lked over debated and then named depending on theyr potentioal rarely the lord class beings gifted the same creatres to keep bance then there was the golems wich were the ones crafting many desines of creatures from humanoids to monsters or other creatures he then saw the map of the world well the last peace at least since to find my home he neaded to sea the thre maps separatly to get the coordonates it took him a bit of time i thinck he felt my gaze on him on the way towords me he saw a small vilege were Marseline was plaing with cute creatures and such he was suprised to sea a creature of flesh living along with the biometalic creatures living in this new mokery of a planet he folowed her to my home were i was crafting a protos doll as i was maiking the finishing tuches he arived my protos was a bit more well atractive then the previous eliteration i tuched the femesle protos doll's chest abover her brests as i infused her with huge amounts of energy as the black metal with a blue tint to it glowed and became lighter colore ending in a blue skin like colre similar to the normal protos she fell to the flore as her purple eyes glowed Marseline asked my way did i make a femeale of all things for me to only laff and tell her this creature here is no femesle yes it has the mamal lactaiting parts but it alsw has the male bits they are only coverd by the clothe i coverd her before she was seen by you dear, and wath do you thinck Zeratul dose it come close to your species looks since i do thinck of naiming her the Queen of laizers or something similar aince there is a Queen of blades alwredy , as i finished speacking he uncloked himself i smiled and Marseline was suprised as my creation loked sround in confusion i turned my head to her and then ,i pointed at her and spoke, From now your bame will be Kelpy as this is just your true form you mai shift to any other form you fell necesery as such go and learn from the thre tribes as they are your seniors and the lords were instructed to be well freandly and like uncles and ants then as she elft i turned to my worck banch Zeratul asked me wath am i and my purpose i smiled and chuckled wil i was making a zerg like creature i spoke : Long ago there was a man he lived with a single desire but it never happend well untill it did at the wim of a god or goddes i dont remeber well you see he was gifted with thre powerful gifts one was the zerg biology the second a power from a demon aong with a copy of its soul and lastly a creature split into too parts as it resided in the void it had acess to it anywere it went ,he lived growed and made a home for himself and then he decided to visit other reality's to wich he didgot genes and esence made powerfull freands, suborodnates and such to then he got bored of that and started sending avatars of almalgamations of powers genes and such he is curently taking care of the world he first arived at and i was a fragment that is alowed to grow i will be a very powerfull sorse of materials and strenghten souls and such i am now on my favorite part of the jurny colecting esence and having fun doing it the popultion on this ship is redy at any time to battle endless nubers of creatures harvest flesh body's and much more i am being kind so you all can get stronger and well you will bring the news that me Nergal shall go and harvest moust of the creatures wich live in this small grupe of liveble cluster of worlds and such go give them this litle trinkets to al the leaders it will open the day we start the harvest festival good luck and you shood know the one that corupted the zerg and now is infesting your beloved calla or how you cale the things behind your head, on now you can go i am almawst redy to bring to life this zerg like woman i fet him leave huriedly as then i finished waking geni the zerg human queen lke kerigan but larger then we kept living for a few months as we went to war.