Thre was a couple of week off attempts to encroach on the main temple as they call it the crimson lads were favorite to zerg growth and such will the purple lands were inducive to the protos and lastly, the blue lands for the Terrans and their technologies I analyzed and understood the progress they have made I then randomly infused large concentrations of the energy's like boosts they battled off the idigines fauna since the crystalized materials were quite a boost to their cultivation they cant go off-world that easily I checked and understood to make fun of them with memes or just punny yet rather dangerous Heros from oversexualized versions of their species to hundreds of puns and prank-like weaponry I grew quite fond of the new zerg adaptations but they understood at night the horror show comes up as my necromorphic ability's show they dangerous monstrous forms I checked the enemy's and such to keep them level with their progression they have made their way to near enough to push one last time to reach my temple they were split between the lnds from the sides like being surounded by the sides of my beloved ziggurat shaped tempe they reached the first step were my weker hero units make theyr leaving teaching and such , next was the place were my heroic units train theyr offspring and the thirds step is were they elarn from the main three crafter races they do move thrue the world to get inspiration then they return and craft something new or someting similar to the old but updated usuly a flegeling hero a doll a golem and latly a spirit nicknames can be given so they may meet each other for other misions during this the dolls may give gifts to theyr party and the golems may houn theyr crafting from wepons to minions to battle the enemy's they ujualy return in a few months from theyr departing a bit difrent yet well that is expected i felt as the the comanders aproche the main builing they passed by the infermery were Marseline was playing with the kids they took a look and ignored her since the window was one sided they thinked it was on theyr side but the window just made them belive she is no threght to them on sided mind altering and on the other side perfect vew to the outside no mind fuckery i felt wen they desmanteld the guards to my crafting corner i was curently finishing the tuches to the Xel'naga in a similr form to The old sleaper the creature was made more humanoid and rather cute Ln'eta i saw then as my hands were on her wings finishing her wings they enterd the room first the terran lover of the queen next was the queen herself all prima zerg then lastly Artanis they were redy to kil me but they saw my form a skeletal thricolored shell containing energy shaped like a lanky tall goth humanoid i was worcking with mass that streched from my sksletal form as then i took a peace from my energy body wich rapidly regrew visibly i set that peace in her chest as she glowed for them moment and lastly she took her first breath as she oked around and i turned to them with a smile i asked them way have they come erly since i am still strong enoght to harvest them all by myself and i am not finished spliting enoght power soul and mass to act withoust consequences to theyr litle world , they became intrigued at this statement after wich the protos delagate asked me way am i in need to as i plced it Harves the races in this itle cluster of worlds, at wich i just smiled shivers went on all theyr backs ,as then i said: Harvest is just a poite way to say i am geting moust of you to a safe spot since i am to purge the lastl of the life in this universe since you all are alwredy set to distruction since your universe is just a darkverse faited to be destroyed unless someone cleans the world enemy i alwredy stole that individual as your faiths are now myne to do as i plese there were zerg protos and corupted terrans and such on the surfece i purged this hol plnetoid asimilated all the mass metal rock evrithing even the guy's soul with his mision as a eradicator you better be happy that i chose to come here since the original world enemy was devowered by this stupid queen aowing him to get to the linch pin the plot shield that you of all people shud understood that no week teran can save from being the pupet of a xel'naga the thing is i am going to devowere the sead thing along with the last good xel'naga as such this is a race if you guys were not here then you might have alwredy got to it as the xel'naga has gaind alwredy a proper body and Menks is probably being under his controll it seams i need to go personaly to cleanze the idiot ,then they felt the planetoyd change as a lear of thricolored energy coverd theyr ships and the planet as such then next monent we arived over the main terranwordl and then meteors were formed that then were sent to the sufese crushing under them any orbital defenses as i felt his presence i focused on the metalic meteors as i shaped them into giant skeletal monsters with flames acting as theyr flesh they went and killed large numbers of the hibrids and absorbing theyr mass they met with the xel'naga's host they were not that capable so i fused them into a hecatoncheires that beat the hell out of the host and then bind the guy from moving as we arived at the location the three main caractes were behind me as i loked over the restrained guy i then molded the giant into overlaping olates of armore to then hear and feel his pain i started using his houst to start draining him from here as yhe devise wont alow the body to die they understood i am doing wath i told them then i anounced the harvest of usefull people starts i told the ther factions to gsther theyr species and to come back to here ao i can send them to a sefe zone wile this hapend i alsaw stole the queen of blades linch pin they all gstherd up in a few weeks during wich the xel'naga was beging to not completly eat him i dismised it and drained the last of his power wile then my conection from hism went to his minion wich was drained in a hour or so as then the conection went to the last living xel'naga and then we made a generatore to do its worck in this world i sent the thre factions to the inner world were they went to zones with compatible terains and then i left them do theyr thing wile i started the mashine as i sent the world with the creations in the poket world as me and Marseline left and we managed to arive to the void of this wordl were i absorbed the remenant enrgy's of the dead xel'naga and finaly i stole the void lock and gste sending it to the poket world to be extrwcted by prime if he desieres and such , i grew some flesh and took my previous red blue and purple look wile we arived at a nice world were we both a hotel room and went to rest to prepare for the next adventure.