I woke as the discontent gods were around me they were allowed by my friends to do their worst since they really think I am quite very hard to kill and I am I saw them perform some kind of formation as I spewed my energy around rainbow ice formed on their body's I naturally produce this substance some kind of dust it induces weakness like being super drunk some of my minions are immune but these newly evolved ones well they stoped with their stuff and started getting naked and such an orgy proceeded around my sleepy body increased in a comfy and cool shield keeping me safe as some of them crawled closer attempting to do many perverse and degenerate kind of actions I already managed to spread my frozen tendrils deep in this planet it was quite large and nobody would recognize that they are my tendrils when I go to my largest form that would be around a tenth of this fucking large ass planet it had a couple of continents that hosted different life forms I was in the elemental continent as some told me before there are foreigners that came for viaitores of theyr own continent that came to have a simple life with theyr novle ability's to the native of the new they come from they thinked that we were from the other continents as such went to hunts us since we are holding similar enoght energy to be asimilated wel all except me and Ena wich were culivating rare powers i finished making a Overmind structure as the tratores energy were darined my my roots not killed but now permanent battery's for my use the overmind was made malueable a harvester of bowth genes and energy as people spend time here any energy left for the planet was absorbed by the roots directly wen someone was to couse to much rukus aka killing a root wood pears theyr energy core and such them underground to be broth to the overmind's shortest energy colectore roots to be directly managed by it i was checking the programing and making a new systemic creature to be bonded once more with my soul at least a part of it since Sis is no longer compatible wile she helped the Avatar manage the lower plane i am analizing the bothersome new arivals in this town of myne the overmid is conected and directed by Azy as i coll it he was a dupicate to Sis but not idiot proof i managed and did permit him to mange the Overmind that had a copy of mi own mind in controll of it new creatures were born Vex were alaw made and then fed to become god-like and i like it i fet army's come to the meat grinders were my overmind got usefull knolge genes and such i was on a throne of roots with some other seats around some evolved ones came talcked with me and then left after a short mofication and such may days passed untill a bigshot arived to know of us the large tree that towored above the town i comendiered he felt that a new power took root in his teritory but he thinked that the owner of the takn teritory was just a weck upstart as such he sent few of his manifestations they all were drained and consumed by the overmind growing the tritory with each new victim any hostiles were captured for draining wile all the frendly were guided to the throne room for noting and subsequence deaing with them corespondingly some evolved did left the town and some normal gods joined the town as time went on i felt few powers atempt to stop the growth of my roots erth gods atempted to poll on my roots fier gods burning them and so on the only problem they found is that my roots absorbed theyr energy before they were given a chance to worck on them anodite and ectonirite being broth to theyr god varients are quite good for manipulting energy's absorbing and chainging the energy's to many purposes from supiments to trusted civilians or woriors to growing the cores that were to make things i had the energy's refined and used to make things on the level of the god's i enjoyed the benefits as i overlaid those too genes within my own cells each and evry one my fluff got even fluffyer i can manipulte it and go intengible way easyer the realty bending became a lot better i made with the use of my void artifacts along with Azy he showed me some specialized tools in thos town from before the evoution they still used the tools and such i personaly staid to power the overmind but the link started becoming loser as it formed its core it was around ten percent and i can go around the ege of its shorter roots now ariveing around half the now city alwredy thrise the size of the former town i was seen by those new citisens wich wanted power moustly cripled cultivatires or old ones all chainging and discovering theyr talents i enjoyed as they evoved grew and i colected new variants with each evolved ones i managed to make lines of my longest roots to reach difrent city's in time i met with soul trees that were having theyr roots spred as well i chated with them as i similry do harvest souls and help them go thrue the cicle of reincarnation as al the minds i held yes previously i called them souls but they were only the outer shell wil the inner was guided to the cicle minds saved and body's duplicated forming slowly new souls that were to not go in the origina cicle but in my own version of it wich alowed the minds to borrow a lesser fragment and refine it for me and in time they wil grow stronger thw sousl i took within mysefl are now easyer to manipulte stip from will and such keping the memory's was tricki at first but the scientists did a good job as i transfered some of the overminds duty's to its soul forge i can propably make god souls if i have enoght power but anyway i had artifacts spred thrue the City to facilitate controll and strenght this plainer level is going to be capable to hold with me in it until i maybe grow to have ten times my curent strenght i started sending Avatars as the Overmind is making bonds with difrent Soul Tree's i found natural soul trees and reincarnatores that decided to stay stationary i relly enjoyed the knowge we sent theue the roots it acted as a networck i alwredy made safeguards and mind bariers so we cant influence each other and will not do so intentionaly comunity's were made around some of them wile others were not prefering being alone my Hex were growing and i managed to make many difrent variants as they ate aome returned to be reasimilated and to reconstruct themselfs and such i spent time growing and waching my new allayes grow i was resting yes still paing atention bur reating.