We woke and talked, Donas desired to mess with this world's underworld I made some equipment for her then I followed her on Dona's little adventure we started at first passing through shady bars she got some info to get to the root of things I followed her as a reinforcer whenever there were small fry and she did not desire to dirty her hands I just broke some bones and finally we got ower hand a branch of the underworld under ower control I took care to get Eri, Donas was quite good to her as she is truly cute we took her to ower ship were I made an inhibiter bracelet and regeneration pendent to help her recover she was scared at first but got used to us Donas was a combat competent and slightly villainous version of a female Papyrus she doesn't like to cook but she is as innocent as him from time to time Eri was surprised when I showed my normal state while making an illusion that covered her identity she was my captured princess and holograficly dressed as such but under the hologram a confly full pijamas were equiped she held a teddy bear and in the hologram it was replaced by a behoder smaller and cuter but still a tentacled monsteozity it had eraser head's ability and Donas was imunse since she is not a quirck user she colled the bear villain stoper since wenwver she pointed it at a villain well they fell or became quite harmless enoght for amy of my punches or magic to give blunt dorce trouma to my enemy's bones thatering them we did encounter heroes but moust of them were reluctant wen they were placed agents me we dug deeper an deeper into the underworld i got Overhals body for experiments and i did get his ability auite a number of my fellow avatars got it an with each one boss got another fragment of law if creation and we kept bulding his creation skill with Azy at the helm we may just make abfull law for us to use we got to meet All for one he was suprised since there was no quirck to steal but well i captured him and started striping his power all the copyed powers as well we were finished wen his quirck was done and i got a mini AFO on my sholders trying to influence me i juat cut his mind from my memory stored it in a chibby and gave it to Donas as a present she was quite divious sometimes even now i can hear the chibby cry due to it being crushed under Donas large personality's the chiby is prety much imortal unless its starved to death it will not die i had domne tests then we took over the rest of the underground world from country to country untill we finished dominating the underground sociaty's then we stedely lowerd the viloence quirck problems with sending serthen vilains to medics in the name of a wellnminded minions is beter then a easely to confuse and consequencly defeat them with grater ease we got quite strong subordonates and some numbers retiered to notmal civilian lifes moust had mony or quitck enabled mental probems we kept things as they were paing days and such we snded the itle adventure by elminating the simbole of hope by capturing fixing and then removing his quircks and then giving him a new identety we took a nice ong vacation.