We woke as some tried to talk with the pokemon placed guards only to hear their name over and over some tried to make translators and such but well we prepared and left while taking the new creatures they saw Sheperd went and researched a bit to find us wore like cartoons for kids us and searched for my name and found the normal version shearing it with the others while they learned that I am a treat but too bad people I opened the door and we left I found ower new destination being quite nice a lush land with trees and cute resident s I found a thing ting to consume all I used my psychic powers and contained it all I had a condensed static ball wich then I started to consume and then we proceeded to leave as I have a grown a glitchy crista on my tale I had it infuse in the demonic skulls to make them cooler the element was rather corruptive in nature and I tamed it as I did with the radiance since well I have the Anima to keep me stable along with primes medaling the moust vilatile substances become quite maliable to my tuch olivia was suprised at first but calmed at the threght was neutrolazed and we left and i found myself on a roof i went around and finaly wen olivia saw waves of dragons they were fling to this place i placed my hands on the cristal roof and i used my gigantamax and with a brutal terring and growing sounds my body was shreded like browly but my skin was tore wilw the mucles bulged grew and then toned i was like browly wile my tale split to form a dna like structure at each a skull resided the last nock was replaced by a huge axe duble blade it had serrated blade,s my furr was like tatoos made of fur i then coverd my exposed mucle with bone plates to make it look more menasing the bone plate was flexible i checked my form i was quite lerge hulck levels of large i felt my psihick powers corse theie each end evry cell almg with the other three energy's as the thre cristals were on my face i lled at the large mass of drsgons and charged at them thsy were suprised as many of them tuned to meat balls olivia was suprised and was curious i had teleported the dragon bones in my inventory wile the other h7manoids registred my prezence i saw some griffon riders they were behind me as i kept turning the cromatic dragons into meat balls i kept the materials scales since the intact skeleton was afely in the pokey world they were just flesh wich wa compacted to a sfere they were sufering and thsy were alsaw sufocsting since no bones thing they died and i enjoyed the souls and energg in the body's i finished this game with the multy headed dragon and his litle draconinc rider i finishedby geting theyr bones and scales leaving them in some psihick balls the residents were suprised i took the saks of flesh and organs i floted back up to the large mancion as i kept srinking my bone plates being absorbed within my body and my tale changed stedely wen i tuched the mancion i was a bit tierd i then teleported the dragons in another soace of the poket world were it was very cold to preserv them i saw a dragon cariing some residents ariving on the roof i was on Olivias lap naping there was a shield around her the people got close but didnt tuch the dome the dragon on the other way was unpatient and got ahocked for his truble a few hours passed as some guards came to the top of the cristal mancion i saw a large grey dude a few humans and such a cobald wached atentively he was of a red colore i felt the world grant my body a fast recover along eith olivias restfull luluby increasing my regeneration and rest i was a bit larger around twice the size as my tale was alsaw longer and the end of it had five new gems a red one a blue one a black one a green one and lastly a wight one as for now i have eight gems as such i changed the round nob to a serated mace with eight blades in equilateral formation with the gems in between the blades all round ovals with a Anima borders i sat up i loked at my hands they were five fingerd pawes with aposoble tumbs i saw my cute belly was still there but i had bone plates forming were tehy were in my mega form as i will coll it now i was happy and i streched my tale moved and olivia released the dome i checked my mouth to feel sharp razer sharp teath but they loked like they were rather harmless as the were round simialr to hoogy woogy's i moved my tale and grabed olivia to then to theyr shock or not i with her dicepeared and i found myself at a bar in and etery we walcked in and saw a large orc woman she was nice so i waved with a smile my fute aperence and aparent quazy naked ness i was in olivias grasp we both a room and i saw a hearless femeale cat kin she was quite sweet we both some food and we arived to ower room i paid for a few weeks to then with olivia go to sleep.