440. Falls and bill.

I woke as the world turned weird I had felt the change but only after an hour or so did I feel the changes the four companions I have didn't panic since the reality anchor which I am, is keeping a bubble of stable sane reality if not a bit mischievous we left the hotel meets a pyramid with four stick-like limbs one large eye and a set of tophat and bowtie i smiled a rather concerning smile for all my body then started growing from my human-like the form I grew and grew taking some characteristics from grimmsnarls and some other monsters I looked edge as several skulls floated in my weight mane of hearing while I had now a T-shirt on I placed my hands on my mouth and giggled like a kid a monster an Eldrige monster and so much more the sound itself distorted his reality all life was converted to a rather plain outlook he panicked as he did to become 2d while I didn't I was looking on him as then I grabbed the flat triangle and with a sickening crunch all heard a rather shrill scream and another one and another one i finished the last bite as he didnt have a chance to sai his plee to that god then with a snap and poof aound reality returned to its normal state i had bill within me and then i had a new piramid shaped cristal afixed to my tongue it was flat but large enoght to be visible i then reverted to my kid form my claws became carved with his piramid like patterns on my thung the cristal loked like a eye his eye as my eyes were car like i the reconstructed this wierd bubble wile the demons and creatures were now human well with a human shell week but with a removel of theyre seals i did get them a specieal space in this wierd buble as guardians they huffed and puffed but they understood i am stronger and so they lissen d or they become snacks just like theyr former lord and no thungue ornament i smiled as i tore the tshirt leaving my fluffy body feel the brease i with Opivia , Krieg, trasmutate and ,Ravager he was suprised as he saw humanity they took the lok,s on instict of the code i made we saw the humans react to us yhere were too sets of twins i was laffing as my companions were loking around we wandered as i was floting like a spirit i had mable fling with me wile her brother was still serious she just went with the flow they felt and expirienced the changes as the rift was gone the changes fixed the humans safe and soo on i loked at the universal walcker he saw some similare creatures he was sweting i was juat smirking he got his book out and recited a rather rare languege aka repeting hia name multiple times in difrent intonationa and sometimes fragmenting it Ford understoood the principle of all speack its all in the eyes i did respond to his quiry i ashured him as i said Mewtate with difrent intonations and all i saw mable try to speack in all speack my her eyes were not focused enoght i chukled with few voices all notmal enoght we spent a bit of time here learning and enjoing a few days we did get soem small trubles that we eneded up fixing after we had ower fun i opend the next portal at were we arived in a town i floted and such we talked had fun and learned we got used to each other and then i teleported olivia and Krieg to the poket world were they can rest as tehy got tierd of my anticks as such i with Trans chan and Ram cun and soo i cheked this workd i found no familiar markers i belive we got in a anomaly or a uncharted universe dam it i lked for the linch pin and saw well a male leed with to girls by his side i blinked and rememberd a version of this world i analsed his gifts and understood this world is of a guy with void magic and such i floted and we walked araund some people were suprised but the people of the size of amazons and one a bit toller compered to ths normla humans were my my side we talked and enjoyed the fustoc and old age stile the magic and specialthings arkund did stoke theyr curiosity the large form is them relaking a bit theyr human forms showing metalic marks we went around had soeme atepmts to get me only for misterious blood splaters on the walls to get found with theyr body's being liquified and compresed to gelatine on walls we coincidentl met with the mc he was being acompanied by thre girls and funy enoght he was suprised as he heard my pokespeavh insted of the normal one others talked like i was curently talking with a shop owner he stoped asked one of his frends if they hear me repeating a name insted of speaking wile the shop owner talked normaly i did look at him and he did recognise some parts of me with the name he guessed i an a mutated alternate version of Mew and not a mewtow i chukled as he was suprised i talked understood his situation and told him to not worry since we are here only for a swift anount of time and will live in a few days as tthen we went hunting creatures in this world from bandits to beasts of grate power we saw from dragons to creatures that absorb the power that exists in the are wen it gets distiled in usefull abilitys by humans and other species i dod eat one to get a core like it but the moment it enterd me i felt some parts of me cristalise so i just sintesisezed its power to another gem of my own as now my Anima cristals can grow on theyr own i may just make a Anima cristal golem i wander wath it wood do hehe anyway we had ower fun to then i both a hotel room for the thre of us and we rested.