I woke to Animaeye's slight movement I saw him accompanied by my Anima half-dragon elf and a new girl she was fully around in the Harbinger Armour I smiled and noted she bearly is moving her limbs I touched her helmet and found her mental limbs to then reconstruct first her legs and finally her hands it took more time then before the amount of training and such that she did with those each ar almost equally to her mind did note the small core resting within her stomach as it extended Anima threads to keep safe the already build parts I checked her memory's for any residual pins and then I finished a bit of time passed she was resting on my lap she was resting due to the lost the ability of sleep I managed her stress and only used the name of Harbinger she was annoyed but she felt pleasure when I spoke that words due to the Anima core she was connected to the fountain of power she recharged and slightly increased her reserves then she returned to her queen's side to guard she tested many magic's of her and noticed she was a jugernout to she was very strong and loya she understood the visits were not for the reconstruction of her soul or reinforsing the seal thst thing will slowly open up very slowly ao she can in the course of hudreds of years asimilate with it she was at my home to destress and rest her mind having a calming chat ,this went on untill one day she spke to me about the queens follishness in trusting some interplanore creature i told her if the queen wood try to open a portal and then demons wood come out of it to just throw the seed inside the well it will close bowth the well and the portal only iff the demons enter this reality you know wath to do my Harbinger she did fell calm she even nodded at my care then few months laighfer i felt few tares in space open and then i flew to the place i saw the harbinger swich from weppon to wepon slothering demons wile the queen was incapacitated , i saw her reach te portal then she theue the seed in it it then sifoned energy and shut close the portal to then foll in the well of eternity it glowed purple as then a giant tree grew and grew the pesent demons were supised and intangeld in the roots as they got drained and then changes started acuring from theyr brutish loks theyr bodys thined down and compcted a one to three ratio became femeales wile the rest males as theyr wings and extremetis became anima the rest of the body got coverd by anima fabric with a drepunguilar faxric coverin theyr croch they chest area was coverd by a horizontal cloth for the femeales and for males nothing and soo the new Anima guards were redy i had small changes making them more dragon like some dragos rotectors of the time line came i got a bonus flying units the strenght the tree gained is rather usefull my Pudge made his way to the larger tree it acted as a prfect antena tk send excess energy i then started formjng some other Anima structures to sifon off excess energy so it may stay stable i made a cuple spcialized automatons the elves were kept safe and the well was off limits metalic grass and olants started rofileraiting its will was strong but fragice at the same time Pudge was enoght to absorb it and then place it under submision under my will i then gave it a comolexe desine with a tower like stucture it was formed as my dungeon i started with the first second and third foreeach narower to the other to get acess to the well of eternity they wood need to got to the top then go down the slide to the pool i checked the blueprint and i relly liked it next was the town made out of metal and Anima i told moust of the elves this teritory is myne and the new dungeon above the well is myne and i rote al the rules i have made Anima monster with metal and other things then threr were the screan's that were used with the data servers i have due to the trees pocesing power i thoght it many things prime did give me the equivalent of the full human internet but more based on this world's lore and that ov ben tenison then i did worck hard to make the virtual headsets with the concetion to the monstersbin the dungeons to battle the invaders wenever they are offline they sleep in the walls and the outomatic defences are out magic worcks on the mecsnicle monsters and the Anima components i did proare the defences and my core being in the well they may never find it after some time and useless agresions the dragon flights gave upthe timeline is ireversably fucked up no malestrone can ever vorm since i did make auxiliarg cores to keep it stable as wen one is beind destroyed the others will repre it or replace it the guardians can make more of themselfs and they scale up with the power they gane as now they are residents i had my fun and managed the place untill the Ai completed its update to now The harbinger is the guardian of the elves keping safe and close to the Tree of Eternety as they named my Grand Anima tree illidon is very persistent to get the water from the well and so he got closer and closer geting more Anima tools and arour parts the thing is he never wore the chest plate or sleaves only gountlets pants and sandals all equipement of strong Anima threds and metalic materials hos blades were incrusted with anima i saw him with a group climing up i liked the progress he had i alsaw made a adventurers Builings and the easy way of making curency and buing items to sell them laighter after uantifing theyr prise Animaeye was the master of this guild i kept at making more rooms the imortal's came as well i felt the dragon flights leaders they inspected and learned fromt the populus about the things that acured here i started the simple plan named devower the old gods before they make a void titan so i taksed adveturers with sepcials tools to find them then inpale the tool within those old gods after wich i can conect to them mentali to devower them the first was the hardest i felt theyr minds they tried to infect my own but my rather unique maind and with the help of the monalithic tree i devowerd theyr wil growing my own it ended in a few days the adventurers managed it as they were the best i made sure of that the toos were made to absorb the strange body mass of the old gods they were contained in generaly five fragments they broght the tools to me and i had my diner even if it tried to bite back few times my form became more monstruous but shifted back to my favorite form the hunger i felt was unberabe but the tree with limitless power was enoght to keep me from starving not satietated but alive the next one was a lot easier and soo went untill the fifth the faceles ones were disosed of and the nerubions were now freands of my they were alowed to live as allais of the Tree of Eternity as such freandly to my allais then i felt the Orc's coming i imedietly tasked my favorite Adventurers to go on a capturing Quest i got a safe pace for them to be relocated then i got the bonus quests , hunting all fell users for my with the special gountlets and shakels the humans were werry but i managed to be allaies with them too the orc's were now gatherd up i serched for the leaders by possesing their minds one by one leaving the coman lnguege and the knolege of who is keping a eue on them this hapend each night hundreds at a time they all in a few weeks became knolegeble of the grate Ecto Lord Grimm Axe my visege was elven or orcish or human or demonic or any they thinked of it the thing in all vijons were a lower jaw made of Anima one ee with a skull within it claws like neals always in a cloke with a hood prezent olways smilelng the pature untotisably meanasingly standing in a supsed to be lejurly pature with a grate presure being felt on theyr minds wen they loked around a shadow with million eyes and mouths closed yet smileling waitig just to take a nibble feom theyr beings the fell worlocks were found and separated fromt the blded orc's i manged and got a purifier for the demon blood returning them to normal no blood lust the ones with Mage afinity had changes like theyr tusk's geting Anima marks over them in the sitle of theyr afinity i got nice abounts of demonic energy and blood taint they were allowed to make homes and then instructed to then with adventurers go hunting for more of theyr wild kind as they thoght they newly purified bretherins the coman languege and to pay respcts to the Ecto Lord Girmm Axe , the popultion of coruted orc's grew less and less with each day the humans asiated as well the elves were not that welcoming at the start but theyr strenghts and some wierd humans and elves laighter i saw half orc's entering guilds and geting jobs the new comunity was living along with the old the rare Anima infused elves with slight anima infusions as long toem usage of Anima tools or wepons or absorbing the Anima energy indirect or directly it ujualy followed the lines that Arcane energy pssed thrue forming shapes as theyr afinity's prcentage aline i was in the are around the grate tree Pudge was folowing a new group of strong adventurers to the third found old one i got my new chew toy and ate well i finished it in a few hours this time memory's and knolege were harvested the wond were they were was pached by Anima keping it safe the vain of anima made the sed's slowly grow and asiat the planet recover as it stemped the bleading wile sealing the wond after each old god i give asorsth a cuple years to restabilize compleatly and then send the next wave to purify the next i opend my world eye the undead are starting and the helm of domination just loks so tasty better grab it wen its less rotected by the burning legion wich eschapd a few dred lords eschapd more exacly i have curently too femeale dread ords tied in my interogation room inalwredy learned eveithing and i am working on taking them for myself by bodely means they are still rezisting for the few daysbof constant plejure confort and comanionship i pose a few male dredlords were keping a wach over my dungeon they were always hearing my toys mouns screams and much more it was made to fuck with theyr midns to be easyer to identify them i sometimes get one or too a month i finished the last of the old ones with the emergence of the undead pelgue wich went quite wrong as we have a nice and large comunity all around my tree of al races so i can use for repopultion wile Pudge was the terror of all Undead e esely went and wrecked the Cultists wile detoxifin the villigers the surpise was wen vilifers that were ifected just ran to him by try own volition no large army was capble to form as any sprits got purified any undead or abomination ground to fertilizer humans gently left behind the light within mysel was glowing just abit beighter as i found the thing i hold as a simbol as a beloved holy object and with each day i grew to understand and slowly i formed a balance between my void and my light this broght hope to the humans and some other races as paldins started showing up and wen i got the notice about the King geting killed by the prince well i knew it started we sent Adventurers to get me my new helmeth the dread lords were Paneking since they know wath will happn if i get my clawed hand on it and so i did wile my Adventurers were distracting them i juat flew at the pik of the mounten to then just faze the helmeth out Nerzull was surised and tried to take me over he loked in the void and in return the void loked back then ate him i loked at the helmeth then i stored it in my polet of holding yea i can power Arcane contrapcions with anima it is around few houses wide too very usefull i then sent Pudge to asist the Adventurers wich were curing a sloth theue the undead , Arthus was lft powerless and i found him fainted he was holding a urne with Kethuzards ashes i enterd Arthus's mind found his light dirtied by the dark influence but still there i made my light to sink and boost his around him purle markings started shapng his mind was mending i saw his dark side being asimilated in the light wich glowed a deep purple just like my own he roze to his feet and then a wave of power was sent al hos undead minions glowed they changed became null lifeforms the urn glowed too as a purle siluete formed it was of a lich then it cristalized into reality his Anima bones being alsaw coverd by metal and other metalic materials and then clothes forms he felt null he felt powe and he felt peace he bowed respctfully as the other undead changed as well lesser null life forms they made a caravan and marched to my tree were they arived at my throne room i sat on it as then i left Arthus's body to arive on my theine the hemeth of domination now just a decoration the gem nothing but a purple stone the conection to the outer dimension and the hemeth was null the Anima creatures now under its dominion nah just a colection peace for my throne at wich i sat and then sent Arthus to help in the Adventurers guild and i found myself in my bed with to large bed wormeres i did like resting.