I woke as I heard Jasper wandering the town he noticed the humans were a bit too calm she came close to my house as she bearly escaped the Cristal gems I got up she noticed that my host is half green and half purple and black half golden half purple hear one eye normal and the other not I smiled and walked closer to her she asked me who am I way am I like I am and where is the ship I chuckled and she saw Peridot return to normal while my gem floated in front of her to then my body became once more corporal I was around her already she tried to struggle but no luck she then noticed I came closer to her gem and slowly entered it she struggled but she notices from her feet till her gem it turned purple and black ending with her stone she was tied down by my tendril she felt my will all around her as I opened a window I the started a movie while I grabbed peridot by her waist and returned to the bed since she was still sleepy I became the big spoon and closed jaspes eyes to focuse her inner eyes on the screen she saw Pink's life and strugled and strugled untill tears started foling untill she saw Stiven then his coruption and then evolution at my asiatence her mind was crumbaling i took the paced i demed usefull and reconstructed her mind keping her power a battle power purple spikes grew all over her body like arour then her hemeth gained a pre of horns and a mouth guard i had her become the prtner of Pridot then i left the bed so they may calm and adapt fo theyr new selfs i wandered the town making Guards and gathering coruped gems they started to contact the outside world and to start trande relations once more we alsaw had turists i alsaw saw Stiven he had horns and tusks but moustly loked human and the cristsl gems seamed more humanoid but still with slight coruption i loked wuite human except my Anima parts thei did notice i was quite difrent more human then my lanky freky form i was large yes but jolly i then felt a ship ariving i have no ideea way but it circled the olanet then pssed by this place out walked a large blue woman folowed by a single perl i shifted forms taking a more Pink shape but i was purple and black i was siting next to Stiven and Perl and such we were meet with the tall blue lady she became teary but didn't hug me or soo since she noticed my eye gem and asked me if i knew someone desr to her called pink i just chukled as she my form distorte and reshae itself around my gem like a eldrige creature with a lower Anima jaw and the skull eye i loked at her as then with swift movemets my form grew to her size reshaing myself in a close mach to her then she saw me smile then i laced Steven and Perl she noticed i acted quite familier with then then i poold u his shirt she noticed my movement and noticed the gem on stivens belly and it was Pink's i smiled and soke the voice was like a cocofony of the cluster : The son of the Pink diamand the first half organic diamand and named Steven he will stay on erth untill he is finished training i am the Ectonewright Lord GrimmAxe and curently united with the cluster fixing its fragments to theyr original state as they are still united soon the first Mozaek gem will be born, i chukled as such then i returned to my bundle of threds form then i reshapd myself once more i became quite difrent my body formed quite cajual too then a tshirt with geanes as the lower jaw peace was now tied by a sting and then my normal mouth visible on my forhead a eye opend it had my gem within it i loked avrege but i had hong curly hear reaching my posterior they saw within my black hear eyes hundreds just hiding in the darkness of it my kneals were pointed and made of Anima i had sandals on my feet to fre my fingers i bowed and so they saw me in my newest form my biology is now more of a opd ones with Ectonurights capacity the cell structure and my hunger were balanced with my light powers as one eye was radiant and the other so dark it consumed the light around me wile the rest of the eye is coted by Anima cristals infused with the respective energy i smiled showing sharp teath as we chated i noticed a angel aura quartz snoping around from the shipshe was thinwr then the ujual gems of her kind long hear and with the gem on her chin she was shi and hid we talked blue was hapy she huged stiven as i made it ovious pnk is dead and she did notice the coruption state stiven was in she sent message back and i saw a yellow ship arive it landed on the other side and walked in to see Stiven Blue and theyr Perls talking she rushed wen she saw Blue Hug once more Stiven i was around directing the Anima and cluster wich was slowly being sent out of the geound intact gem by intact gem some gems desired to be back theyr selfs so they did wile others wanted to stay united i made a new home for them with anima buildings they were thoght of human costumes and the recent history ending with my introduction and the posible events, we with the diamants took the leg ship along with the hand ship to arive on homeworld were i made my gem more visible as i coted it with Anima as to make it bigger we arived to a Party i had got Bismith and the lion the eye ship was finished before i arived i saw Wight diamand ahe was suprised arogant and well i thinked and enterd her gem the diamans were supised as the radiant wight became a deep purple and black with the diamand holding a Purple skull i sat down as the other too asked wath was happening i waves my hand as they saw a room were wight was being restrained rather lewdly soo the other diamands coverd theyr eyes as stiven was cover dy his perl they heard thightening sound and mouns i chukled and closed the window i told them she will finish her terapy in a few days as such they can go and bond for a wile i relaxed myself on a nice bed she strugled for a bit i explred her form as i was alone she felt each tuch i burst out lafing at her surised yelps and sometimes mones she exerienced many fealings and i managed to get her understand she was bot of folt wen the other diamnds didnt hach as i told her of the rule of the grate fore powers and after a long lecture she was pocesing and asked me politly to let her on her own i separated took a large form and gave her a confirting look she did blush and then i became intangible she cood not detect me so she took a seated paition and had a healthy crying sesion i was around hust in case she was to do anithing trublesome she finished with herself exosted and sleaping i took my leave and wandered Homeworld i found myself and the newcomers in a place taking and interacting i untangled my form becoming a blob of hear with the a simgle eye holding a skull wile my lower jaw was just there hanging i sat on the side steven found my form confortable and followed by the others they lined on my body they ended up asleap as soo did i..