I woke I figured I was a permanent Avatar since well Prime didn't send the signal to fuse I feel his mind and he does give me missions well let's make a demon and let's send it to a random world.
Ok, ao anima concentrate that has been made permanent liquid no mather the concentration ok next I found the best ink in this world and figured it was out of a Kraken the thing was poisonous too so good enough I started splicing the two together and got a blob of ink it was mindless I took a fragment of my soul equal to what I started with then I infused memory's and personality the bast as I started with the Anima liquid will be producible by this creature I incorporated knowledge about books and after a request from prime we decided to give him a Scribblenauts-like system I then fused the psychic being in the ink the blob spun and reshaped itself in many forms finally stabilizing in a cat-like form with a devil tale ears like horns and too big wight eyes with purple around them, then now let's send it.
I woke in a cave .... a cave, I got up I was a puddle I lolled around as I guess I am a liquid-like symbiote but poisonous I can feel it too my dampness levels are very slowly falling, I looked and found muddy water I touched it with one of my sudopads and tried to drain the moisture it took a while as I needed to separate the impurities it took a bit until I felt my body became too heavy to manipulate I then tried my best to spew out the excess water it was pure it seams I can discharge pure water as any poisonous and viruses and bacteria are being consumed by my ink to reinforce it I am not willing to lose a useful resource and I think I found some metal traces in the mud I gathered the minerals in the middle of my body the metals were not oxidizing but I can feel I can use my ink as glue to peace the materials together or should I go with the pressure treatment it would take time but it would hold better soni started serching for more metals fragments and minerals I peaces them together and used my psihick powers to pesure the material into fusing into a larger peace then i kept st it for a few days i fell i dont need food ,sleep or rest i doo need water for my ink to not dri upand become powder but i thinck i can survive even that i finished gatering enoght metal to make a pointed triangle with a small chanale going to a point i filled it with some of my ink fhere are no living creatures in this cave the small Anima prticles that make my Ink act like sand in a water jet i pacticed and cut some granit stars small enoght to theow or spin they will end up in my body to then use as a chainsaw presure water jet that acts like a chainsaw i finished my preparations and now i am some kimd of threght i need to make paper or find some books to activate my secundary power i left the cave i saw sand a lt of it and the sun beating the dunes i thinked and i dont want to evaorate i started thinking and loked in the cave it had more tunels but i didnt thinck i can survive down there i ketworking on my skills inpoving my poficiency with my ink saw telekinesis and teleapthy i made some sonars and felt soem small crestures a bit deeper in the cave they were animals i got closer and snikely apoched one it was a worm like thing digging theue the walls eating metals i cot closer to it and jumped on it after wich i started forfully entering theue its pores seaping within its body it thrashed thrue the process it died due to internal organ bursting as i didnt let it secrete me out i killed it and got some more water pisone and some slime within my compait body i found the ink and slime mix was a good glue the teath of this thing were very steong so i comendiered some to act as rogectiles they are now coted in a small lear of poisone wich i can use to shoot the bulets teath i cheked the outer shell of the insect and the i rernals it was grusome but usefull to know and i figured they had metal within them but the metal was concentrated in the teath i shood have expored first well at least i have a device wich i can write with i left the deep of the cave and came to the surfece as it was night i kept fling and fling in one direction and wen the sun was close to rise i took the pelt surounded myself and dug deep in the sand were i found sbit of moisture wen night came i then continued my jurny after a few days i flet soemthing with its eyes on me i kept fling but some kind of gass surounded me i came in contact with it and absorbed some of it in my body the materials was intresti g and i kep gathering more i fell like i can make pople sleep wile i ravage theyr internal organs with my Ink saw hehe i got slightly dizzy but i kept fling untill i felt the sun was to come upp i wraped myself and entered the sand i felt something grabing my cocoon and the it flew with me off i cood not leave my cocoon as the creatres claws were grabing me rather thight i did try my chainsaw mode enven the acurate biblical angel saw blade no luck i did get a small cut after few minutes of constant spinning the creature droped a single drop of blood it was red and i absorbedb it and with it i got knolege the creature that was cariing me was a Brass dragon i felt its power and i disliked it i started spewing his blood out retaining only the knolege and my Anima absorbed its energy adding to me making me grow a bit the genes were discarded the knolege and energy kept the dragon felt the changes and closed its claws a bit thighter as it felt more rezistence like there was now more mass to the creature it capured i figured something out this Brass dragon was spaking draconic i pesume then i understood its speach as such i was bombarded by mindlss endless chater that was understandeble for about a hour then it ended to then understand her once more yea she is a femeale brass dragon i lisended to her for about thre hours i figured i can intercep sound with my body and interpret is the sell made it rather esely to understand my face had only my horns and eyes wen we arived she olaced me on a seat polimorphed and talked and talked i dont know how to stop her i lolked and curiously i pobed her head she felt it and after a few moments she used some kind of spell to talck back she was a chater box i cood not stop her i laced my hands on my hip and i mentaly tood her, I have no mouth and i want to Scream in maddness from your contineus chater , she stoped for a moment and i juat fell into a puddle of ink she noticed the metalic teath i had within the pool wen she tried to tuch it they pointed up and spun very fast enoght to make her not tuch my progectiles she did kee talking as i loled around i got bored her chater became a constant back noise i got up and asked her for any paper so i can at least kee my hads busy as i lisend to her anoing yet charming voice she got eager and gave me a empty small note pad i then took my iron tip and placed it over my tales tip i paced my tale on the aper and wrote:-SELF-BODY-SUSTANANCE-RING-BRASS-ITEM-CONSEALMENT-COONDITION-EQUIPED-
After I wrote the instructions down i and the dragon felt the residual energy in the are got attracted to the glowing ball that I threw in a metal ring it got condensed and it became brass I checked it and inserted it into my tale to then see it become unnoticeable I felt it on but it didn't stay in my mind while my body didn't need water anymore but my hight increase got negated I became once more my previous size I grumbled and while she kept observing questioning and talking I wrote the next equipment:-BODY-PASSIVE-ABSORB-LOCAL-NATURAL-ENERGY-REPLICATE-SELF-
And this time I ate the light blob as she noted my body shrank rapidly until I was just half my size then I started slowly growing but the more I grow the thicker I became it took more and more to grow and this power was gentle natural and the Brass dragon noticed she asked me if I can be for her a glowing orb I nodded and started writing after I finished growing a bit larger around twice my original size I finished and started weithing:-SELF-VITALITY-GROWTH-BREATH-SCALE-REINFORCEMENT-
As I finished writing I pointed toward a rather shiny scale she went and bring it and after I check it out I threw it in the power orb the orb fused with it and I pointed it at her neckless she got the idea and broth a special holder and set the Schale in it then she wore it then her surprise was funny I did become smaller around a third my original size I then thought and rested sleeping for a bit due to mental exposition she noted my puddle like form and she broth a fool gold boul she nudged me into it then she broth me close to her bed where she sat as well she broth the paper and the teeth and my quill as the ring was stuck to my mass that's how she even moved me without leaving traces I formed a very strange formation in the boul I spent a night like this even when she was resting she softly spoke like a lullaby he noticed as the ink moved with different tone shifts she also noticed my ink held some rare purple gems forming then disolving she noted it to ask me laighter i was ptient and i did fell asleap.
I was awoken by a dragon that cane in the cave of the female that kidnaped me the other dragon was curious but didn't try to harm me the Bronz girl did note that she feels younger and had a lot more bodily strength I loled at him and then noted they look rather similar in their dragon forms wile in human for when they came to look at me they noticed Purple ink started forming around my body like tattoos I can manipulate it as I desired but they just formed a ribcage around me with a spine ending at the base of my neck and went the whole way to my teal's end and the metal tip shined with a very thin lear of Obsidion Black anima I loled at the metallic dragon and well he tried to talk to me I understood nothing they spoke with each other and she used a spell on me I felt it assist my soul to talk I answered some questions and didn't others I took a page and started writhing, and know I was around the size of a ten yer old worth of mass I had a bit more acentuated festures no mouth tho i was did have four fingers pr hand and feet the in the front and one on the back with pads ike cats on my feet my finger tip were narrow to a sharp point i am still made of ink and with the anima dust i have i used it like a pesure cutter as i carved in the stone wall with ease the dragons were suprised and then i started writhing with each word i lost a spke on my back as i decided to not become smaller any time soon : -WORLD-TRANSPORT-SAFETY-CHARGE-PASSIVE-PROTECT-SELF-TRANSPORT-RING-
After I finished writing I pooled an InkAnima ring then I fused it with the Power orb to see it complete I then took the ring and felt it had ten charges per Twenty-four hours I moved the Purple ink to my mouth and the too dragons saw me smile as I slide the ring down my tale with a wet sound of sliding it stood in the middle of the tale I looked at my form I was slender my chest too was skeletal yet sculped they noted I took a bit toller size than a ten-year-old I stretched they noticed I was still just ink I looked at them they felt I was strange I had no demonic essence but I look like one they do feel traces of dragon aura from when I consumed and expelled the dragon blood meh I felt the energy getting uncomfortable I waved goodbye as I took the notebook with me the dragons noticed a circle form under me then they saw my face purple tattoos were the most would be open in a Grimm smile of jagged Ink crystals.
After I finished the teleportation I found myself in a field full of grass I touched it and sat on my back the grass was soft and nice I felt some new energy so I got up and started walking I believe I am in the feywild the sun does not move except when I passed a distance the sun was in a different position I got the interplanar teleportation in about 2.4 hours I saw ferry's and other creatures I was seen and some traps did nothing to me passed by a camp were few travelers were dancing to the rhythm of an instrument I felt compelled to dance but my Anima ring didn't let it hold onto my body I saw a tiefling woman and an orc the too were dancing they looked tiered and their eyes looked pleadingly to end them I grabbed the woman and walked outside the effect zone as she just fell unconscious I moved to the orc I tied his limbs and dragged him as well then the instruments fell in the fire pit I loled for stuff in the tents and got any useful trinket and gold I turned to the too noked out humanoids i then broth out my note pad and wrote:-RING-GREATER-RESTORATION-RECHARGE-PSSIVELY-CASTABLE-CHARGES-
I pooled a ring and made it fuse with the powers then I equipped it on my tale once more I feel it well-fitting I then pointed the spell at the tiefling and this ring holds four charges per twelve hours each charge recharges once per three hours useful enough I restored her and opened her mouth as I secreted pure water since my ring of self-sustenance repaces the lost water I filled her with enough water and then I did the same with the orc he, on the other hand, woke up immediately I then opened his mouth and poured water down his gullet I finished restoring my water and equipped the ring on him he then after a minute was satiated I did the same with the tiefling woman she filled up a bit surprisingly her diet was not adequate I took the ring after a few minutes as I understood she is a unique specimen I heard the orc talk but I understood nothing I scratched my head as he saw my purple move it became an x and few question marks to the side of my head I removed them as I recolored my Anima tatto mouth i came closer to him and tuched his head he had a tier body he cood not move i made a lap pillow for bowth of them as my toxisity was concentrated deeer within my ink the outside ink is now like gelatine he and the Tiefling rested and i kept a look out i chukled they hear it within theyr minds a soft genderless and nostalgic i sat there for a cuple fours they rested and i finished a new tool another ring with the descrition of -SOUL-SPEACH-UNDERSTANDING-RADIUS-COMPASION-TRUTH-PASSIVE-
And I finished it with a bone ring I found in the tents I chuckled and I was heard outside my mind I smiled and placed it on my tale once more I was happy the two Adventurers got up my charges fully restored along with my scales on my back and hands I fell I have fore rings and a skill now SUSTENANCE, GROWTH, TRANSPORT, RESTORATION, COMMUNICATION, this should be enough, for now, I saw the to get up from my lap they noted my flesh was in the constant wobble, I smiled and I told them that they are welcomed and if they have a way to get out of the feywild they looked at each other and said they stumbled in this place alone I placed my hand on my chin and told them there are occasional portals to the feywild and if they desire to return they can stick with me since after I get some stuff I will return to the main plane of existence I smiled and got up I saw the tiefling notice her body was more field up I smiled and told her I have a tool to help with sustinence and since I noticed she was rather starved from wathever she needs i left it on untill she stopd filling up the orc was suprised since they can understand each other i told them i have another tool that makes a field of comunication around me pasively they looked at my tale wich wa well decorated with five rings a metal tip and the desi e of a sine from the tip to the base of my neck she asked wath am i , at this i smiled and my body shutered as my mass shifted to look at the woman wich noticed stuff moving around as i swiched rirections without turning around: My dest tieafling i am a original Demon i have no aura of one since i am smart enoght to not feed on souls but to use my trinkets to keep me satieted and healthy that is way i dont have the stinck of the Abiss or any lear of it wile my Aura is pure i am rather rezistent to light or holy atributes not like my foolish cuzons wile they are evil i am neutral i saved you for my own curiosity and to get some trinkets in the tents and i didnt want you guys to get me down now get your exostion shood be manageble and since i am slow we can just walk .
The too humanoids discussed between each other about themselves they then asked me about myself I answered I woke in an ink bottle in a place reached in material and after a long time the too materials finally fused due to something happening I don't remember when I woke I felt I needed moisture so I went to get some I staid outside the desert outside the cave I was searching for a notebook I believed that it was necessary and you saw the effects as now you're not dead I then killed some strange creatures absorbed the toxins and moisture the lear of gell you sat on was clear of poison I got prepared and traveled during the night digging deep in the sand during the day and after few days I was taken by a Bronze dragon I didn't know it at the time but I tried to escape I did manage to get a drop of its blood and partook on its knowledge I realized it was not appropriate to have its genes so I discarded them while keeping some power and the knowledge cementing my knowledge I almoust went mad due to the dragons constant talking i did get mentaly exosted and slept i got the notebook and made a cuple rings and then i eschaped now i ambwalking with you too , i thinck i am about a moth old i relly thinck i will just kill the next fery i see anyway there is anfirest near i can smell the nice trees we can make a camp there and rest some more , after about half s hour we arived i made a pit and got some wood to make a fire i alsaw saw a bore with wings now just a corose i absorbed its blood draining it all the too saw the blood thing and asked i just told them the blood is filled with energy taisty energy and they can eat the meat for sustenece wilw i check any usefull parts of the Bore like its tusks and cristal hart they prepared and we rested more like they rested and i kept wach wile in a meditation posture to keep my mind clean i ended nodding off as i shuck the tiefking for the last too hour shift since she was rather relaieble.