I woke and felt Tuesday on my side with the undead missy I chuckled and she winced as when I chuckle she gets punished or time off she does not know which is worse than we left, Tuesday and I passed by the kid's rooms and saw Brute watching the Tv all channels on boxing taiquando and the technique of pushing kicking and using all his body as a weapon his mind was dull when it came to decisions yet sharp wen was about combat training and maintenance of his body with good persistence he kept training I chuckled and we left the house I stored the house as Tuesday and I managed to find ourself's in an orc village quite familiar and wen the Chief showed himself we meet with an old friend he noticed and recognized me while he was surprised at my wife as he colled her I did tell her that she was goblin born and understood the implications I did was asked for a spar to see how strong he got we enjoyed the battle no claws this time we met with his wife's yea multiple he did note wen i beight the kids out hae was suprised as they were similar to theyr mother i chukled and finaly they lined up Thursday Friday and the girl Sunday each having nice easy to move armour lether like but very hay in carbon nanotubes intereived with spider thred dier spider thread that are in the special room and the material can be sold off we enjoyed a few days here then we left the kids as i coll them were about the size of theyr mother they participated in a Adult ritual here as few orc woman liked how they loked and Sunday prefered to donit first with me for some reson moustly she can not hold back during the mating wile the orc woman can man handle the males i had seen her inpale me with her claws during her Woman ritual the hands were the moust daingerous things she was quite handsy but ting her hands did make it safer and then noticed she used her clawed feet moustly holding me tight slightly thight fit but she was exosted at the end of the ritual i was not even winded it was funny all the expresions she had then Tuseday wanted her turn so she got it and then i sat with bowth cudeling me this time i managed to make genetic material similar to ,Dubblegangers as the ink gene as i call it will waken at theyr teenage creating a ink alined being similar to the orc woman wich may bare the kids i chukeld and understood wen the rituals were done even Brute was requested he was populare and wen he was finished we returned to the house were i beight out some gifts and then we lwft after cheking if the orc femeales were pregnant or not suprise they bowth were as we talked and he dicided to permit them to stay with us untill they got stronger and the kids were a bit bigger so they can decide stay with momy or papa the girls were active even during pregnency as they were at first restless they understood and calmed down over a few days the food helped the spirit servants didnt help that much but they were usefull we prepared soft clothes and gave them the general knolege pakege languege lessons and ways of making daily life more confortable from mind bogeling lessons they got used to it and after they finaly gave birth the battle Training started they were suprised since the easy going life was quite plesent as the to goblinoids were with them they did give birth faster then the orc's we kept traveling and we enjoyed new places and funny day's the orc femeales named the kids they did note the kids had grey markings on they'r body's i had fun they grew smater wiser and understanding to the fools they talked and decided to remain with us for a wile i did note the kids they grew fast alog with the ne goblin kids we now were 11 residents and the house grew to be confortable with us after some ink baths the femeale orc's started having ink marks forming over theyr body's as they grew the ink dried off and grey smuth skin was visible from the vibrant green i dis note they were suprised of the tuffness and strenght of grew wile they became thineer they apetite didnt change but somewath intensified they kneals became extedeble and rather sharp wile theyr long or short hear became like tendrils or tught spikes as tfy desired i saw them start growin theyr hear i can do all but the ink kin can only do one or too tricks and as they grow they can do more unlokin powers as it went i prepared and wen time came the kids were teens we visited the orc tribe once more the orc chiff was now old and his strongest son was being traned to be the next chif we got for kids ink orc's and ink'hibgoblins to males and too femeales one of each tipe we spent some time had fun the kids were not yet redi for theyr rituals i saw the chif's son and a ink orc femeale were making eyes to each other the femeale orc's the and the dother desired to stay as they wanted to better theyr kin with knolege and tecnology i smiled as the orc mal kid remained wils the too inkhobgoblin waves goodbye we talked around had a feast and left now we were 8 residents and we kept together we serched and both a nice place near elven city they did note us told us to not mess the forest and they left us to ower devicess instarted adding at the ooutside house making a nice porche and had rested on it there were elves ro preach about nature and to say they are better but close to the night they noted the house flew in a orbit and they noted the green around us was more vibrant then ujual i made a cave near my land and dugg deeper and depoer in the underground we arived at the roof of the underground frm there i laid metalick borders to the stairway downwords to keep from colpse i made a latter and as i reached the water i broth out a wooden platform to then start rowing towods the shore but the place was near a drow setalment more if a vilege my aperence was odd but not that of the kight elves i build at the watter raft as i felt s big creature underwater it was very rtunete but we ate quite the nice sushi and i understood i am no longer that week ulbut the knolege the keviathan held was usefull and its fertilised eggs did become usefull as pets and future frends the pool here is usefull so we build a nice underground home and traded with rhe Draw thsyr stuff selled well in the even market wile the elven market traided well in the drow setelment i asisted from time to time they grew use to us to the unujual elf ish nabers they did make relationships with the kids from young to youn that is time passed i sold efull tools and the elfes and humans did try to get my home as they thinked it was the sourse of my mastery in the inchsntments and they didnt think i was the one to make it the army's were funny as i added a single new inscription on it as they saw -TRANSFORMER- hehe they were shoked as the titan of wood ink and steel bucherd tore them apart and now i can have him with me he chose a Hermaphrodite body structure visibly femeale parts wile wering a black long dress as her skin was wooden she had talked with her inhabitans and broth out and in her and such she was still a house but she managed to be the life of it she joined Missy and i saw then have theyr own play daits as i thinked and she cane to me her avatar in th house was made of inkflesh and the rest i smiled and saw she kept her bysexual form she took the form of a Konosuba carscter wath was her neame ....Silvia at my mutter she smiled rather happely and got up wile she said she wood acept such a good name i smiled and nodded then i told her that she can keep a eye on all the residents and if they have problems i cant notice then she can tell me , i with the kids were invited to the Elven Palace with Tusedey and the rest of the residents we then did beink Brute with a full suit he was handsome but just a servent he had a stony face we were guided to the theine room i made a small bow wile my companions did a deeper ones they were well thoght and respectable wile they did the bow Brute did a even lower bow as he was just a servant we talked he desired to hier me as the elven gods had sent a decreed and we were to acept it , then the room turned peach black with a single light making behind me a shadow wich was not my own but that of my creatore and that of my prime each holding one another as prime was boling my creatore on his palm wile my creatore held me on his head bowth faces had a eye open and one closed each with difrent depictions in them prime had a cicle of evolution Grimm had a black hole with a star in its scenter and the king saw within my own a inky void with a Purple vortex holding the core of my eyes wich were writen words ,A Poet A Knite A King in a circle wile a secodn ring of words spelled
Bucher Atrocity Destroyer Guardian Universal Yelding the king understood and with a smile he used a spell to commune with his gods to be used as a voice of peace I met with an Avatar the gods were Arrogant and some were kind this one was underestimating me I wrote on the notepad -PRESENCE-VOID-EQUIPABLE-REFLECTION-SOUL-DAMAGE-SIGHT-REVELATION-ATROCITY-RING-
As the power ball left my notebook I used around a hand's worth of compressed mass then I brought a ring that changed when it came in contact with the power ball the god was watching and then he reared back like someone was loking st him from a hayer power while the damage he was noticeably doing to my kids was reflected on him he said he yielded and the holy unnecessary aura become useless as we were treated as the enemy he felt his power overwhelm him and now we discussed we came fo a consensis and I got an allay then few days after we meet a Drider which was looking for the Settlement she was named Hony and joined us on my raft she like biscuits and tee and amusingly honey we finished and then she confessed she was a favorite of the spire mother since the rest are so serious they cant entertain her so she was her comedy show she saw me and asked her to do with the king did we then returned to rest.