469.Humans and mocks.

I woke as I was on a hill filled with grass and a nice place I was in my Nymph form and yes it was a male next to me a cube around five times my size I got up as some humans noticed me they didn't think I was anything but a rich human while they were blabbering I got up stretched my body and patted my mechanical half as it transformed to a boll and it started moving alongside me rolling the body is very resilient I kept enchanting my partner's body each little bits I had been looked at and noted as I was scribing and then these scribes disappearing as the metallic piece turned ink black was met with some civilians and asked with and I doing and what is the bundle of tendrils I smiled and reconfigured the doll into a humanoid shape then I nocked on it twice as it burst in ink and formed very durable armor their eyes were wide open as the doll knelt to me I saw the chest plate open wide to show a resting place took my seat and the plate closed theneyes of the meck glowed and we started walking off i saw some meck police they tried to stop me i just bypased them as my mecks strenght wa sunproportianal its flexibility its speed and endurence unbelivable i juat snaked my way theue them and kept at walking they did chaise for nothing i changed modes and we flew off world i felt the warp travle vains and followed them i even saw a few ships cruse by as they saw me i arived at a more advanced teck oligicle planet i landed like a meteror and then juat swimmed down the lakes bottom i saw humans waching the crash site and wen they sent swimmers i got myself some snacks well not the humans but the mecks they sent alsaw the drines and missiles wen they noted nothing but the humans eschaped i finished gathering metalls around a day off and i decidei waited enoght to not see any other mecks or drones i saw then dropp some metal scraps i went and asimilated the material almoust at critical mass and i started refining the metals and alloy's i open my mouth and started purifing the waters from any metalic fragmenta that were not supose to be here as i walked to the shore behind me a ink stain followed it is biodegradable and i curently resembeled a cracken on four limbs all made of metal under a humanoid torso i streched and then deconstructed myself as few dosen mecks were visible then we changed to a difrent more compact configuration they saw the monalithic craken become a humnoid of just a bit shorter then a medium meck the prings were rather ovius the ink was atracted to me and building armour on my skeletal warframe i was loking in fromt of me at a legion of mecks they were pointing at me i smiled as my form had my nymph face a charming smile and my lean body coverd by arour they noted my many metalic mecatendrite i bowed and they saw me fly and then dicepeare then they noticed i dicepeared i opend a gate and arived at a new world a garden world i then went to rest in the deep underground .