I woke I was in a meteor and felt myself falling towards the planet I felt my form and understood it was one with polymorphic capabilities I felt I was currently bulky my muscles were interested in carbon nanotubes and many other materials my flesh like metallic fibers I was pumping through my vanes liquid metal my har an engine my body dangerous thing I landed and I started pushing outwards to escape my stone prison I kept punching the rock as my body got stronger with each blows infinitely cracked these the thick stone wall and I took within my lungs a breath of fresh strange oxygen I opened my eyes as I saw grass land I placed my hands on the side of the rock and left the embrace of the mother stone then I took my first step on this land I feel the power brute power I took a few steps and cracks were visible on the ground I took my next step less forceful and there was just a small crater I kept walking slowly restraining my strength after an hour or soo I was capable to walk without exaggerated footprints i was seen by a cuple animals they took a look and ran in terror i do see i an about ten feet tall and thin but very well sculpted my my eyes deep red and leaving treals behind myself wile my mouth had no lips just a fanged maw in the shape of a smile i then rested i was practicly motionless as then i felt a few birds land on my body i stured and moved wen i got to coverd by to many and i was not capable to absorb enoght sunlight the flew and i started moving once more i saw strange creatures some tried to how they said rob or kill me for something or another they tried to cut me but theyr fools shaterd cracked or juat snapped in too i ignored them and kept walking i feel a power sorse as such i kept walking some humanoids saw me and tried comunication but no luck i was not made to talk i kept onn untill i reached a town of thieves i kept waking untill i reached a tower coverd by a shied i passed right thrue it and reached the tower i then broke the door and walked upp the stairs to reach a corpse on a seat and underbit the power sorse i made way and i started absorbing its energy within myself with each moment i was growing bigger and then compresing wen i finished draining the shield i was satisfied with the grouth as now i can make my own shield i then recoverd the tower and went to rest as i became wuite exosted from the draining process.