483. takeover.

I woke and felt the sight was ready to blow but the device was jammed due to my Hony I walked a bit as scientists panicked at my multiple avatars which captured them all I was out bright was saved a few hours back I infiltrated a reptiles acid pit it was quite surprising as I covered it and crystallized it so it became immobile than I slowly crushed it to a different form slowly it adapted and properly shaped itself it was angry then it got clothed and from her neck my leviathan was angry but she felt it if I devoured her she will end as I am Endsday she followed obediently I gave her pets and hony she liked the sweet substance and she did get smoother and more complete skin fur turning golden and pure wight skin, we walked passed by a mask a shi guy wich we didn't see I made sure of that as he has a black dome on its head now permanently he was given a comfortable dome seat and he sleeps, we kept walking and found scp 999 the alime blob was happy to meat bowth me and his siter i changed the orange blob well in shape not in composition he became a small cute boy as he can manipulate his body without problems i even saw him use his new capabilities i gave him some sweeets and decidedto follow us we passed by sientists wich were sweting wen miss leviathan passed them she did ask me if she can eat them i responded only sexualy if not no , she did blush and get annoyed we passed some other scp's and got myself some other intresting materials wich i proceaded to eat them upp giving me other new things i chukled and we left the scp scientists and rest of the guards wich got quite played with by my dublegangers i had them disolve as then with miss leviathan dicepered we found owerselfs in a house were i frlt s dimenciknall riple i traced it and we once more worped out of this dimension and we apered in a large librery she noted the books and went to grab one to then reed them slowly i found a group of femeales identical well olmoust as i grabed on as the rest paniked i started well eating her her flavore was remenising of a leviathan i know i finished her and then with miss Levi for now one we dicepered and found owerselfs to another humanoid that now is my snack we did soo untill we reached the orange blob wich then i took a peace off and ate the only one remeeaning is miss Levi wich too a had off herself and gave it to me so she may now get damaged this dining exporience was ended with a large red crab and then going to a deer with alchemicle powers it taisted rather good miss levi liked the carnage of my meals and the methodicle way i eat strand by stand of flesh organ by organ and bone by bone i filled myself upp wen i felt i was at my saturation point i grabed my Levi body pillow and slept.