I woke and got a surprise as they appeared to bother us we saw the creatures I remember them Trolege,s we opened the door to the ower best tech and we started storing the aberrations we have new research subjects, after which, we kept at it they spanned many more s we kept dismantling and kept going after days we finished as the world ended well as it was produced it took time protecting the world saving some residents and finally we ate it traveling the multiverse finding stronger trolage,s and capturing them for test and reverse engineering, capture after capture we found the college,s enemy they were surprised and rather welcoming we communicated and kept harvesting any survivors of their battles kept helping as soo days, weeks, months passed ending with us on a planet dead planet using it as raw resources and we made a large techno planet, we started experiments, and after few months we made a serum, which we took and we evolved, faster and faster until we lost ower flesh, bones , and the rest until only light remained living light as then i reconstructed our body first a miss mash of old memory,s then we decided and made a coherent form and ending with primes body made of many difrent creatures we returned and we fused with him losing owerselfes in his memory,s only to awaken as his inner self happy we can manage any unconscious movements we started worck.
Ah the evolution is a success and my biology stopped suddenly changing now a slow constant and well-directed evolution is going i had gathered enough suporters and ally,s in the divaine world and with the trolge Devines friendly relations we are doing good yea bothersome divinity,s I will soon be capable to fuse em in a Monarch fragment this is cool and the way to make a Monarch soul is a great endeavor after which I will be on the same rank as the others but they're souls are hole my own is not well my core is but the middle and outer part is not giving me advantages and disadvantages which they would make them think they can deal with us easily too bad for them we are Prime and we keep refining we will overwhelm them, so for the next batch of Avatars , done and location located, sending them with the preloaded package.