We had our dolls in the garage concealed as bags than with Dolly a yaki she is something name ghoul a human flesh eater she has a special thing on her back which I can activate for the cost of hunger and amount her mind she is well absent the body is alive but nobody at the driving seat she dose move as I desire as I work as instincts to her I need to deepen my connection and she will have a copy of my mind was her original one would be the change happened overnight my resistance to hunger was shard and my doppelganger started acting like her memory,s dictated I have learned from her past and got myself more familiar with her natural weapon and this world is a mash-up of other words she is a princess and her strength is reflecting as such she is very observant as her husband talked with my Dolly I spoke with her I told her of my spectral capability,s my immunity to sunlight and such she was intrigued as she is also a phantom type being she asked us if we want to join her family i desegreed wile my dolly nodded happely i after a small talck acepted she knew the walking Ghoul is alsaw me but j fell she is a difrent aspect of myself, like dumb inocence and ignorence wile i an still complete i hope so , as such days oassed by i was registred tk go to the school Erma goes too my femeale self is happy and enjoyed the trips learning and all wile i just slept learnd and prwcticed my magic and ability,s as i helped wen there were problems my Dolly,s hunger was managed by the times we were abducted by evill people since they were from grting us in the van to bribe us with candy and soo on , wen we were in the van there were five they were about to undress my Dolly i posesed the strongest of them and snaped a neck then wen they tried to restrain snaped another and wen they managed to do it i possesed the guy who holds his neck snaping it and so on untill the last one wich i use to drive the car to our ujual place in thé forest were i let Dolly have a nice feast her digestion is fast and unasuming as i clean any remenants i saw her grow her natural wepon it is soo cool and her mask finaly cane in a ony mask wile from her back two spine like blades came out six extra limbs wich she uses like a profesional buther and wen we were done feding we wood pacage the rest of the meet and bring it to the congelatore as i marked them as our food and that its poisonus for others the father understood i am not colling them by theyr names or as my parents but there was the day wen i saw Willliam takeing a look at the meat i have just broght in he asked me wath meet is it i chukled and said a close relative to monky,s i forgot its name but it started with Homo-something something dont worry it is naturaly produced and harvested with care the stinck of sin is quite strong in this bach, he then asked me you can smell sin?, and i replied, not quite but i can tell by theyr body posture and look in theyr eyes wen they thinck they are the predatore insted they end up as food a very ironic since those monky,s may have had other plans not only to make a meal out of me but well , monster taste best wen cot in theyr act,anyway we returned to the couch were we looked at the tv , then after a cupple months i decided to keave as i know wath i need to do but i was to late as two FBY agents came and questiond if they know of the dicepearing people around this town we were a bit nervous but i saw Dolly lift her left hand like wanting to speack in class, the FBY agents pointed at me and asked if i have knolege of the things i smiled and took complete controll of Dolly i came close and told him right in theyr ears that i will tell them if we can go to a secluded area , they became serious and we left i waved goodbye and told them to not worry then , as we went tonthe forest i checked for any other beings only Ermas mother is present and in hiding i turned and then they saw our eyes turn black and Red and Purple one eye each the pupile were dragon like i then grew my natural wepon as a ribbcage formed around my chest and nine spine segmented tales with blades on them were moving behind us i made a bow and said:
Ow, my good Hunters of Winchester, you're Outmached, Overpowered, and Outwitted but I don't hunt Saint and Satan candidates so please leave all the hunts taken care only of Sinners so do know that Sam, Dean, You better prepare as the world is going to change and the supernatural will be more visible as I well more like we have gatherd enoght to start the first tale ranck, don't blink, As I said the last word my spectral form became visible a hallow human with my mask and black clothes skin tight on my waist wrists and ankles as everything else is baggy the string,s coming from my back connecting me with Dolly as Mister was written on the side pocket on my chest while this happened the female body grew to a tern,s size while a bone mask mimicking my own covered her face while the mouth part is now double mawed she had the tales becoming thicker bulkier and more jagged like a large chain it hit the ground and then they turned around and ran as wen the change will be complete they will be scrued, we finalised the change as a structure resembeling the wordons soul holder was present were my hallow hole was i chukled and am happy wile Dolly resembled a very edge skeletal monster wich was holding inside a cute girl with a Goat,s skull she apered in front of the Hunters her brest held by the ribbs of the arour as the clothes before are shredded i apered were she apered her clothes gone in a bone skimpy outfit and clawed hands we grabbed them and then ran carefully to not kil them wraped in our tsles we clined a small mounten and left them there to try and come back after wich we returned to get my other dolls and said our goodbyes.