I woke to see dolly on my Dust body then I saw Papy and Toriel doing things in the house, Brother it seems you're finally awake, Ow deary Dolly slept like a log with you, Dolly? Yea I got possessed then my bro is alive along with Toriel and, We are about to go let's do some checks and start you two can stay here you slow us down, We will be back, Dust...We are not the terminator but well Asta la vista baby while making finger guns to Toriel, We deciphered and found ourselves looking at Undying as she is preparing to through her speers, Boo!! , And then with a panicked yelp, she planted the speer next to our head, Cillcc down sexy Fish, as I spoke she was getting madder, Sans! Waths with you today! And were is Papyrus, as she finished the name of papy I snapped my fingers and papy teleported behind her then she felt danger as blue bones filed her body she stopped moving and I am very happy, Sorry miss Sexy fish but your body looks very appetizing even for me a Spectral creature, then I opened Dust mouth as I climbed out of it I got my hands n her face which is sweating and well very horrified I was in a gaseous form and went down her gills she squirmed and shivered until I found myself encountering barriers I corrupted barrier after barrier turning them red when I was done I am in complete control of her body I fell many improvements available but the first thing was chest size increase as poison sacs gree and expanded her chest slowly growing them unless she milks the venom off as she can use the venom on her hands by spitting while her chest milk. is the antidote I had the brothers release me as they looked at the chest plate which now has a boob indentation, I chuckled and with a smooth move our armor fell to the ground muscles sculpted like made from marble the blue skin replaced by a deep purple as her long pants and tank top her red hear now even longer she fells right but to fishy,Wath in the name of Asgore am I doing, Sexy stretches deer I need to get used to your new super-monster body, I did make it the best of them all, after all, Get Out Of My Body Now!, Not now dear, Then with a simple snap I had Sans bring me my new jacket and boots, then we left to the Laboratory, Were Are You Taking Me, To your lover, of course, We arrived at the first door and with a punch it fell I came to see the window where all the cameras are active I saw the kid is at the core close to MTT resort but not there yet, ALPHIS RUN I CANT CONTROL MY BODY, Alphis Did You Remember War A Tentacle Play Is, as I shouted I felt a power on the upper flore and we followed a sour hear forme dmultiole tentacles as i discarded our clothes as i coverd the sensitive parts i saw a bed and a shivering lump in it i coild our tendrills around Alphis and discarded the cover then made the cute stout lizerd woman take a x position tied to the corners of the bed with my tendrills she was blushing stutering and soon mouning as i let Undying get use to her instincts i was alwredy in Alohis,s body i corupted her body and made it very soecial as her scales gree thiker and stronger her maw becamed bigger and well armmed wile her limbs became thiker and sculpted at the same time as this happend her evey mucled gree and compresed reaching near Undyings strenght i then left her body as the two are lost to lust after wich i took my place in Dust wich was wavhing suprised the two fish and lizerd lovers then i bloked the doors with bones as we arived at a room were the kid met us i acted like the normal sans and we invitéd them for diner they accepted reluctantly , wen we arived at the table we talked then ,well well well wath we got here a player of all things and yes you can use your kibord to talck as we are in a battle of withs , you cant huh console player of all things well i am the coruption i have gote. almost all the characters now you just need to end the game any route and reset I will take my time and send monsters after you, Well kid be careful he is not playing fair, good luck bucko, And goodbye.