537. finalization and leaving.

I spent here a few years and now that the change is fully done I gathered my full forces on my golden planet then I descended to then enter it after which I sent my demons and others to my pocket which is now larger I then opened a rift and left the Warhammer universe takin all zerg and corruption traces like a horrid dream that came to an end all four chaos gods were surprised as I left.

I open my eyes and then my wings I flew off the ground and saw the world a tiede of creatures move to a place which seems to be civilized I then felt a hive mind a week one but still a hive mind I flew about until I found it her him? it's confusing well I got to the hive queen she saw me and instinctively sent a mental connection I have allowed it and I now have a connection to the hive mind I felt ich then her hive overmind was subjugated then I liberated the network with the knowledge and none of him he widened his eyes as he assimilated all the knowledge I smiled and bowed as he noticed we are similar yet different I talked with him and we discussed our capabilities he asked how can I fly and such I smiled and made my mental power more concentrated as such a few dozen tangible tendrils are visible and when I fly four fuses to a helicopter blade that then spin and I take off then I glide and when I want more altitude I move my wings to get propulsion and such technical with a brute mental force I have shown her the mental energy control and such then there ware the humans I looked rather pequlier as I am humam but with chaiten growth as armor and my wings ferry like yes I do have wings but they are to bost my speed on the ground and not in flying i landed and with a spin like a serthen green mask with a mental tornado i changed to a compleatly human look except my golden eyes witch glow i bowen and said greating i am the golden zerg coruption you can call me GoZeCo for short anywaythere are ather three like you well mentaly and not hively like bowth of us well i will flynoff and eath the fools they seeam tasty unlike you i alwredy got the gene core but they they are gene bufee have your fun life dont be naive got it bye, as i finished my bye i pushed myself off and shot like a roket i made wings for slow fall and landed inpailing the leader of the ork,s then i absorbed him and corupted the ork,s sending them in my poket relm i jumped to the next and next and next after wich i flew off planet reaching a nearby planet made it golden and rested.