551.Leaving the sean.

After I formed my body I walked a bit finding myself surrounded by some people then I tapped my foot twice and I deciphered and arriving at a building nearby I felt emotions not my own I expelled them and made another step another spot then another and another until I diapered from the premise I have gotten my claws on few bad feeling I had to stop them so I did I appeared in a house an adult was not so nice with his kids he learned the lesson he dealt to them then another one for the measure than another spot and another I reaped many bad people and when I felt a large amount of fear and tension I stepped behind a purple suited guy I have had the feer turn to terror the to hope as I grabbed and covered the Joker I saw his panic he tried to use his tools but nothing I have eaten out his insides and soul learning and went to find his other dubblegangers I finished my dinner as I got a few early,s and had my time to make them truly my own well I stept stoped crime tride to make the full town bad feeling levels got well down and happy feelings to rise this took me few months but there is never enoght i had to stop my doing wen this started spiriling down i just went in a forest and made my resting spot.