I woke in a puddle I moved up and blinked.
I feel enough strength but for now, I reformed this puddle into a human shape I feel many things but for now, I made the best approximation of one a few minutes later I am ready I am an ink imp I feel it is a creation of my main body but my purpose I don't have one I am here to do as I please I changed my back and grew wings thin very thin and sharp edges as I added a tale with razor-sharp edges for fast killing and then went about to get out of here I walked and found many people all-powerful in Different ways they took a look and well acted from a couple of females jumping at me due to my cuteness to some guys pointing some kind of weapon at me I opened my maw as I looked up yea my chin is the upper lip while were it connects to my chest is the lower lip as they saw a bottomless hole filled with sharp teeth placed in circular patterns the girls took a few steps back then they noted my face it began feom my upper lip to form a clear reflective surfece on witch purple light forming my eyes and mouth being lights from the surfece the lights moved to make it so i can see lile normal wen i open my mouth and yes i have two mouth one that was described first and the second opening wen my face verticaly splits and conects to my lower maw i moved my hand to my hole opend mouth and pooled from it ink a fuckton of it the humans backed off and they saw me grow untill i reached a humams size made of cristaline ink i builded up with cristaline form untill i am on my legs sharp angels and claws i look lile a humanoid Ghargoil with a razer sharp maw and long tale i stoped spewing my ink and fell well i walled and tested my flexibility and finaly my face plate opend two lights like eyes i watched about untill i saw two male humans and two femeale humans i checked around and nothing special i extended my wings and planted them in the ground absorbin the rest of the ink and then retracting moving them around me to look like a hooded figure my light eyes being visible i then turned and left they were honestly dumbfounded i got to my wandering scaering some humanoids and such after a few minutes they called some kind of forces but they were polite since the felt it my body is strange the hardend ink hide like but strong waited and answered his questions then i kept walking and finaly i arrived at a nice empty street i saw some criminals they ran wen they saw my hand poking from the cloke i poked a wall and started marking it in the shape of a door as i finished the door knob i pulled at it and it opend in a inky expance i then felt the exit aproching and .
Pov: Usj simulation joint.
As the heroes to saw the apearing of the villains and then the door formed from a shadow in theyr ranks they all looked at it as wen it opened a giant cloked shadow appeared with its red eye looking at the main villain as on the other side of the door a similar creature made of white ink it as well was coverd by a cloke and then the door closed as the figures opened a wing each grabbed each other by a hand and then they all were cut to minced meat all villains now a spreading puddle of red ink I fused my two sides and started absorbing the ink getting the powers they once had only three villains remained one survived the mincemeat and two teleported out I I finished gathering the ink and new tricks as my pallet has the colores I made a black bracelet and they saw me reappear in front of Deku then he felt a tatoo imprint on his hand and skin I touched the ground next as I made a kneeling position he was surprised the teacher tried to capture me but they got only painted over by the tree colores i aquired i folowed him around evriwere except bath and bed as i went under it wen he slept he felt changes to his body as the band grew he tested and found i follow orders from simple to complex he found that i can shapeshift wen he asked if i can be less scary or creapy i took his mothers shape with akin thight clothes he was suprised and i swiched to a nother peraon untill i hit the form of All mights ilwgitamal doughter loking skeletal lile then as i blowed in my finger i became a large buff amazon very funny for me at least he blushed it was funny untill he told me to stop i fastly change fnand took her look the look of the bully i liked Nagatoro an now i am in her demon form then with a turn i am loking like the school version of her i then found a spot and sat waiting for questions witch were asked rather fast and precicely i opend my chest clothes as he was anticipating tit inkflesh insted a maw opend as with the clothes i rummaged thrue the maw and pooled a few orbs of power witch inhad to chanale a large amount of my ink i am preaty much a wishing well with the ink that writh it becoms true and the powerball i made and then fused to Deku he felt it the change and new systematic way it build up his all for one now with restraints and limiters and mouat important the users as i got qcess to theyr colores changeing myself even further i was happy and opend the door to his new system taking a nice room for rest he tested the bare bones system and the heroes saw me talked and discused wat i did the system is a boosted versions of his original quirck conection i them asked him to grow my client list as a main quest i started a system takeover and management they understood i am moving controll over the many out of controll people so many colores so much power and i am investing it in the system shell the many souls it acumulated started to deccay and cover my soul growing it with memory,s and esence to the point i got powerfull enoght to worck the system with my subconscious and finaly i ditached the system from me with the control and restraint ability,s along with any new quircks it gets it will worck i left to make its own core as i left enoght knolege to run it i got enoght nurishment and i tore the spacetime and left this world as a inky demon i arived at a difrent place at a difrent time i opend my eyes all seven of them and i was loking at a statue of a triangle i moved to it and seaped thrue its cracks taking it over it turned ink black as the triangle morphed in a humanoid form the power it held was amaizing i finished reshaping it and i loled like a ink imp with the marking of the body all over in yellow red black wight purple and blue this are the moust predominant colores i own i moved geting used to this forth dimensional form i grew to a humans shape and form then i walked about seeing humans odd creatures and finaly a large shack i nocked at the door and i met with a large old man he had a neutral look untill he opend his eyes wide i had a cane !nd the tophat with yellow suit with bills piramidle patern on its sleavs and torso i bowed and with a smile i asked were am i and wat is this marvelous place he restrained his scream and then closed the door then he screamed or his brother and two of his nephews i then saw them open the door i saw a girl with a shoting star and a boy with a pine tree on his hat i smiled and said.
Shooting star, Pinetree long time no see as they saw my clothes turn red I grabbed them with my second set of ink hands they were scared shocked surprised even and the twin brothers were panicking I opened my other five eyes as they felt a third pair of hands grab the old man and then entered through the protected house I already prepared four powers for the kids and uncles after which I smiled and moved the energy balls inside them by mouth they resisted at first then I gave them the idea that there is another hole and it will be more painful and disgusting since I will double the size of the ball they will get they covered their asses and opened their mouths they changed slightly and after that returned to normal i smiled and huged them all as i said:
Ow i am so happy that now youre my new family well I can't leave this bubble and nighter you now unless you relinquish your power meaning death since its part of your soul and body congratulations now your age wise immortal and for now i will take a room and sleep bye i arived at the boiler room were I started writhing expansion charm and stabilization one I ended with a room equal to five mystery shack and all is continuous with a few snaps of my fingers the room was well furnished and i took one of my beds and went to sleep with the best of bedings.