610. I felt my soul and screamed.

I woke I am always here but I finally woke I feel it the other half is not with me dam half of my core self was thrown away from my hole I didn't get a body I am only a soul darn it I at least took some characteristics with me and an absorption skill I hate this but I look around me there are humans there are other things but they are hard to look at they are all over unnoticed I floated to the nearest human witch noticed them I moved to his cellphone and manipulated a bit with my technology Characteristic making an app for the cellphone to see me he opened the cellphone and wired the message: Use your video camera we need to talk your death comes soon I will try my best to keep you alive it will happen when you black out so go run and don't look back, I am by your side don't scream if I look horrible I still need to shape myself in a more humanoid form you may call me Eldredge or jus Red your choice.

After a few minutes of wandering, they took their phone and filmed their side and a humanoid skeletal creature waved at him as I spoke he then noticed the video ended then restarted: Prepare we have much to do but first there are some people to be dealt with there is a music box it has three gems get it for me in exchange I will grant you a minor wish and go hurry before someone buys it before you. the words were dark but the way I spoke them made him believe there is much to gain he left his post at some sort of museum with witches and such I came with him until he found it I got my claws on it then I marked it with two spells one for locating it the second to send myself to it bo mater were it is, Characteristic Omnipresent well around my marks at least I marked the cellphone he checked it and asked about it then at my urges as I marked and told him that was the box but it has no power I will get it when it is fully strong but for that, I need it to go through the motions of fate absorbing its power and when it will be ready it will be mine.

We returned to his workplace I felt a few gates open and close I told him and he asked me to grant him the power to reveal the true form of anybody he desires I told him he now can see the true forms of everybody even himself he loved at me he saw a goat-lion-human hybrid resting with a half soul showing sleeping he was surprised since the monster like forme he saw first slowly started to make sense as I slowly was changing myself to resemble that form he was happy to see humans all with they sins and live morphing them into monsters and when he looked at himself he didn't see a hero but a sad excuse of a creature he asked me way, way did I select him of all people I smiled and answered: its simple to prevent a monster from forming when he didn't do any harm unlike your idol witch killed his brother witch was in love with a witch a kind one she was her descendent is now running geting magical stuff around here then seling human stuff to local demons nice fouke i saw them wen they were free but your here in his madness to kill all witches made them corupt restrained and very narrow minded i want her door more like i want to mark it lets go into the town i will recognise her then we can ....leave back to our buisnes i will grant you a second minor wish if you agree , he did agree and i folowed the scent of magic emanating from her i went and encounterd her i made him talck with her as i marked the brifcase with the owl mark i then made him leave he was suprised as he met a witch and he knows how she looks like i told him she has sharp ears and few curses on her i alsaw saw her owl companion he saw a large owl form i told him that he saw wat hapens wen two souls overlap he asked me wat dose he meen i showed him and he understood he got worried i told him to start reserching old history of this town he agreed and i had went to a cimitire were i located the titan blood he asked me for wat i need it i smiled and dranck it he was suprised as my soul condecetated a blu shadow i gormed a skeletal form then mucle then skin then fur and finaly blue bone horns and maw filled with teeth sharp maw the titan blood good enoght for my reconstitution the problem is my bone mask it resembles the one of a goat-lion itriguing evolution i opend my eyes as i spoke he understood i now i have a body i came to him opend my maw and bit his neck he flimched then i got some of his blood as i liked the puntured spot it heald rapidly , Caracteristic Zerg , caracteristic Rebith by blood , i analised the human genome and changed it i then shifted hy head became human like and folowed untill it reached by waist witch remaimed coverd by fluf and my mask was kept i had sharp neals my naked torso is just thst naked i fell stable enoght then we talked he gave me a shirt and we left to his home i used the tecknick thst i i scribed in my soul the Herculien tecknick taking control of my soul mimd and body they wwre wived together making them thighter and stronger over and over i fell it start its effects i removed the mask and tied to the back of my head by my long hear witch wived into two tales the guy was suprised and people mistook my lower half as a pate of fluffy pants and special shues he asked this time for a method to grow stronger i thinked andgave him the basics of the Herecles method a lower level of the original i smiled and streched he stsrted practesing this method prolomgs life and if folowed for the hole life time he has the chance to get everlasting youth and superstrenght along with a very good regeneration factor i showed him the best poses and training method being slightly difrent he noted i told him i made it compatible with his body as such he nodded i kept livi g with him as we kept reserching untill i felt it the music box opend i told him i will be gone for a while he nodded and kept doing this wile i reapered to a spot i got the box and serched for the red mesage the old man was suprised and i sat i returned to my form of being more titan like i waved and left i apered in the palace were i sae her and the king he was suprised and wide eyed i walked to him and gave him the leter as i told him invisible ink infrared shood do the trick read it then i will see if i will give you the box , after few minutes he started sobing and return to his more stable form i asked him to show me his boss he nodded and showed me the way i pated the calamity box as the nine eyes opend and finaly i absorbed them compleatly then the crown with caracteristic hypbosis and caracteristic mutal agreed asimilation i keot the shape wile geting more eyes and knolege i used his fathers voice to tell him :Youre a good king take care of our home the box is useless and a calamity take care make freands grow this civilizations dont discriminate and make your people prowd son.

Then i walked with him to the throne room as I told him what will happen along with the girl who started this adventure and I just took a seat and watched.