I finished the ship and it looked like a police box a deep grey with a door that opens inwards I walked in to see it bigger on the inside a lot bigger since the minimized form leaves an abyss where I looked from as water fell from the above attempting to stop my next move as I broke a chunk of the core of the world and threw it in the ship after which I teleported it out of this world and continuity while the timeline snapped back into place removing traces of me and moving over the new abyss a tectonic plate so it may once more be hidden.
I arrived and then felt a few impacts I knocked on the door and got a response curious thing this is I opened the door to see a Chimpanzee dressed in high boots blue clothes and a large domed hat he was curious I did not understand a thing I looked around and noticed English righting on his stuff I went in and created a notebook where I took a plant instrument of writing and left the police box I Wrote on the notebook a simple sentence:
Hello, I am Osiris and where exactly am I finding myself on this fine day?
At which, he scratched his domed head then waved follow me motion he went to a device and scanned the writing then inserted it in a computer and after a few processes he made a hologram keyboard and he made another in front of him he proceeded to say the word he was pressing I figured it out then did as he desired after the process was done he gave me a headpiece I wore it and then he started to talk.
Mojo: Hellow, I am Fine, and you are inside my home, above a volcano .... A active volcano so please take your police box and leave I have my free good day today and I don't want to waste more of it on a stranger which I helped so further the line I don't need to bother to understanding your speech so good day to you Sir.
I waved goodbye and scrunched the police box to a metal pendant and walked off the long stairway to the base of the mountain quite a nice floor and stairs.
I found myself at a large park I felt eyes on me I was quite different wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt that matches contrasting with my white fur and skull for a face I look quite menacing I taped my skull and everybody saw it melt turning to a tattoo over my human-looking face I tensed my clawed hands to make them more human with long neals as sharp as my claws and I kept my feet empty as I like the clawed cool I just fused the towers joints partially to make them like around boots when I step no imprint was left as people watched me some were worried some friendly and some not so much but they just kept distance until I passed through a dark ally and a guy with a gun requested quite barbarically so to hand him all my money I politely told him I have none he didn't buy the story and shot the bullet hit my clothes revealing my magic shield that absorbed the impact and sent a spell equal to that energy value to the guy equally all over hia complete body a presure forned for a split second then he fainted bleading from all his body , poor fellaw i grabed him and found a police car coming i threw the nocked out croock and his gun together i smiled and waved goodbye the masked guy was aprihanded and i kept walking now with his walet in my hands i threw out his documents keping only the credit card and cash as he wrot on a paper his code i went to a bancomat and emptied his chash as i then went to buy a jacket and long pants to worck with my black cloths as i left the shop i saw a giant nonster start tonterrorrize the City i shruged my shoulders and walked towords the creature my clothes geting ingulfed in my purple mass i grew to become a giant of purple mud like mass that then wraped itself around the giant creature and started seamingly compresing the creatures with a shrinking spell conducted by tuch untill the mass of purple mud shrunck to a size of a human witch then held a small version of the giant with a purple steel coller coverd by runes keeping the enchantment and adding a satiaty rune to keep it fead i comunicaged with it as the king of all demons, brother ganting me controll over creatures clasified as demons and more towords the mindless kind this pup indeed is one of those kimds i showed it my maw and went to the shore a small walck i then removed the coller and yeeted it back in the sea to return to its parents unharmed iexcept for the mark on its chest witch is an roone of my makimg as then i sae the powerpuff girls who watched my yeeting of the monster pup they were suprised and shoked but then they saw the pup grow to a large size then larger and they understood thst was the creature witch was damagic the town i saw them aprouch to ask me who am i and haw did i get the monster to shrink and then just thee it of at witch i answerd.
Osiris: Well look what the Mayer brought forwards three creatures of immense destructive potential I hope you don't mind me I am searching for a fragment I lost a bit of time back before the town was built yet more exactly nice people were back then, well but now all with their eyes in their cellphones or devises these days primitive fools and I did find a nice short green skinned furred individual polite of him to get me a translator for my ease of communication in this day and age, any way you three smell very familiar can you tell me how did you obtain your superpowers.
Bubbles: in an excited manner blurted out element Xin her explanation.
At witched I said:Black goo-like and can give superhuman capability,s?
, Blossom:she nodded then asked how I knew how to describe it.
Well what I lost does produce the main base from which many things can be developed but for the most part, if it mixes with contaminated matter it will become created and endowed with powers I call it the Aku mass if its not refined it gived a more destructive autlook on life while if refined the Aku mass becomes zen mass witch is female alined and wen bowth are equal they are equinox mass the strongest and it seams all three of you are on your way to have that but lets talk another time i need to rest for a bit as such i snaped my finget and my police box appeared then it openedIi entered and close the door falling on the bed .