I arrived and started looking around as then I felt a power pool at my essence as such with the other inhabitants inside me stored in my box as reinforced the spot then I have opened the way to the creature he looked odd and the void print screamed me I went to it and with a swift motion, I tried to rip its soul to complete my own to be denied by a knight holding a shield it crumpled to dust but I had to grab it to eat it I was then hit by a tank falling on my head it went boom with a swift ki attack next was an onsoloth of human weaponry and soldiers fr oil m tribal to modern only buying time for his death, after about a few hours of playing dodge the random weapons and stay away from the devourer I grabbed the old creature as I stuffed my hand down his mouth reaching and ripping out his soul I then bit into it as my strength grew rapidly reaching a power high then feeling my own eyes robotic and serious looking apon my form he did not recognize me he did not feel the same as I did the programs making interference and i saw it a glich like material underlining my main body filling the cracks of my souls spot i spoke but juberih was all that i heard i hare it i despise the program i opend my void gate and left my body in shock tring to get me tring to take me and store in a place ti be forever forgoten i felt it my body,s adaptation its changeing into somthing unrecogniseble i need more power to asimilate and purge the program but now time to go after other fragments since i reached the waters were my roots grew from i will dig dipper an deeper caching other avatars of my main body more soul fragments i get more power along with my body will weken but not bodely but spiritulay and will cut into the programing like i cut into my own before fusing the soul shield the war begun.
I returned to the dragon ball world I need some other things, I had got to my feet I saw I landed on a large boat party I am on the roof of it I sat on my ass and saw the z fighters look at me Goku waved and Vegeta scoffed just like always I felt Frezas resurrection and the approaching essence of the god of destruction I got some pudding taking the spot of boo but before that congratulated Bulma and secured the dragon balls I need to collect more ki,s to grow my Snow next to me clings to my side enjoying the heat since she left the box the box empty from some time they research and did other things I saw the more wery z fighter keep an eye on me, then my and Snow,s gifts do make Bluma happy after some time I felt it land after which he noticed the power I touched the bout and the angel noted it became reinforced and Snow is keeping Bulma company she also warned her that the cat humanoid is not to be angerd since he is a god a very powerfull and can destroy the world wile I saw him look at bowth of us he did go and ask way a frost demon lives on such a pathethick planet she smiked and pointed at me witch i look like a more mature form of boo but purope with purple inner eye and black sclera i look at Berus he noted i feel like the original but i have something more i shift and reform becoming bulkier and very familier to him Fatherly so i smiled and walked to him i chukled and spoke just like his father wood as i spoke i am prowd of you son his face went thrue difrent emotions ending with anger and as he tried to destroy me Whis stoped him as my form changed ince more shortening and flowting i smile as Zeno apered in front of them i waved a perfect copy of the king of Evrithing i moved my hands to my mouth and chukled as with a backflip i returned to my confortable form he was left confused i bowed and introduced myself: Greating Destroyer god Berus , And Angel Whis, i am happy to first meet you and you must taist these food it makes this planet worth keeping since its very varied and tasty dont blame the food if you dont listen to the wornings ok and here it comes the puding do you want some it has the same consistency as me none of the taste thou witch is good thing i dont belive you wood like it unlike Snow, and she is not a Frost demon she is a Chimera and quite cute too do have fun and if you want to know something dont worry ask away.
Berus: Actually we came here to search for the Supersayan god since I had a premonition of him do you know anything of him?
Me:There is no super Sayan god, but there is a transformation named as such it is a ritual, I call it the ritual of war, and its made by having six supersayans in a formation to pour their power into one of the six they must be of pure hart well at least a sufficient amount of good Karma if not a Demon Ape will be born and that is not a good thing for any universe but you're lucky I feel six of em here let's ask the Z fighters they should be up for it.
Then after a few minutes, they appeared all six Sayans then I instructed the wife of Gohan since she has a Sayan half-child and with my indications, they made Goku a super Saiyan God I siphoned and alimented him with some of my Aura I got a Ki spark and he started absorbing his God nature a bit faster and more controlled I told berus a minute to be enough for Goku to have internalized the energy when I was done with making a god spark for both of us I gave him the go and with a snap an old enemy of theirs appeared with a power level scanner adapted for higher levels and its Raditz he looked confused but felt his stay is temporary he bowed to me and I spoke: Become a Voiding in my service or return to hell. He was surprised and after a bit of debated questions and benefits he agreed, his clothes changed his form became concrete, and finally, his body grew fur like a super Sayan four form but as a base form as now he can use Ozaru form in his base and it's even comfortable he bowed and then he gave me the scouter which I changed to English and saw the battle then Berus asked me for a spar at which he was happy to hear a yes after which I topped the ship as he saw me disperse and appearing in the atmosphere he appeared as well then he gave me the go-ahead he saw my form grow and grow to reach the planet size and compression laughter I became half the size then once more and more until I am about twice his size than a battle of might accrued were no energy waves were emitted I absorbed a large amount of destruction energy and started forming a destruction core usefull for the future he was satisfied with the battle and i retired to my nornal form as Snow held to the box during the small spar and now i took the box once more as the resident are safe i then took my seat the z fighters were suprised since my transformation took them well by suprise we then enjoyed ourselfs, Berus and Whis are still wery they left after a full belly and finay i went to sleep.