After dais of work and training my fellow friends, I had felt them come as such I saw on our ship them come I had prepared tasty food and worked for each different food so he would be worn and could do nothing I had opened a rift as Berus saw Berus and other saw their gender-bent other selves I chuckled as the Majin in my place was quite odd he smiled and I did the same naturally I grew multiple forms as he changed to a relative form and so Berus was dumbfounded they saw some food that differs from each other they started bargaining and ended with exchanging food I scanned the most interesting of things and my counterpart did as such I had enough time as the tear stitched back together as we both infused energy in the tear both Gods of Destructions noticed but ignored as they had already changed food I felt my energy pull and we were summoned my origin point needs us as such we returned to restore myself i had rejoined the soul well as i ripped any bothersome remanents as we fully restored ourself a bit more untill we wake once more in the need to gather power and finaly i will once more bring change brake the .....the...? Wat was i doing i need to ... Fuse and purify.