661.A changeling that changed.

I woke and felt restrained and I felt the surroundings of my body silk,

I started moving and ate my way out,

I then saw others similar to my situation,

and then noted I am a larval form of the changeling,s ,

I saw the others they were not yet aware they mostly were green-eyed while I saw one with purple and some others with light blue thorax and his brother,

I crawled out and found some shallow water,

Seeing my reflection in this dreary cave I saw blood red and purple in my eyes different and the energy present in my body I will it in my body to move feeling the two energy,s and finally I felt full,

not love but something that will make me more compassionate,

but that is ok with me I don't kill if I can but the light resonated with this world and its warmth,

it can be used as food I feel the change and started my way to the others they were resting and I saw adults come they noted my and the other two color dimorphism I set myself to rest,

and they took us to another room where we were introduced to the queen,

she was happy that we all hatched properly and left after checking the different specimens from the base,

I feel the hive will but,

I am not bound to it like the other two the blue one was taken since she seemed to know of its meaning,

I on the other hand was kept a eye on due to other reasons,

I was returned to the "Common Room" with the rest of the larvae were after some time given food after some time my accumulation of the energy called Love that was used to feed us we were randomly set into a desire to get in cocoons I did before but the thing was blood red as well and the change took longer then expected as when I left it I was no longer in the cave but with the queen alone in a cave,

i was hole the light filled the missing parts i and changed this body to my preference wat emerged was no common changeling but a bipedal insectoid creature like Beru from solo leveling but more friendly if that was possible,

I searched my head and noted the queen her hold on my mind just a thought to show respect i got to my feet stumbled a bit then i formed some bone-tendril-exoskeletal limbs and they immediately moved to support me i then sat on my ass and looked at the queen and ....is she supposed to reach my facewhen Ii am seating?

Isn't she supposed to be taller?

She was focusing and her magic building up as it seemed I don't understand her then after she used the magic I understand her and she was worried, angry, and sad quite a mix bag she talked of the failed attacks and then the moment thorax took over I scratched my head and asked:

That whiny little bich overthrow you with shearing love.....

She was surprised at my language and then at my matter-of-fact speech then she asked me how the hell I did not starve in the egg for all this time.

I smiled or the equivalent of it then between my chitenus,s shells solace to allow me to move was present a very bright light that made her narrow her eyes and then swear as she believed,

i wood change but after she got used to the light and she felt the southing of her hunger and her energy slowly being restored she saw a very strange sight as the dark and dangerous looking creature now was vibrant and very intimidating while still handsome if i may so myself , she noted the affection and ties i have to more then her she gave up i then started playing around with my shape shifting from changeing my hand to other body parts and after she described the hippy i remember a version of her in that state and then i changed to her if she was she made a dubble take and got dumbfounded then i changed once more this time i made her human form then change after change made her closer and closer to her original form then the form i believed wood fig her best the same color palette slightly shorter and well hole not skinny not so filled with holes but wearing clothes representing her former broken state but instead of making her look like she was incomplete they are complimenting her new self and with a smile or a starn look she was blushing at this sight and then she started thinking my change back surprised her as the aura changed from her my version of her to my original then i shifted to that of a base line changeling bothersome horse feet then i returned to my light form witch made me look like a mutated firefly the chyten tendrils having at the end of them the brightest lights i don't have the large rear end like other insects of the firefly variety

Anyway, she noted that I was waiting for something she then asked me why haven't left yet I placed a hand to my chin as I spoke :

It seems you misunderstand me queen I don't have any desire to let you get captured or get used by the Discordant fool

Since i was born from that egg i was connected to the hive in such a manner that o saw and felt all the others the excess feeding then the immediate starvation of our people had quite the unforeseen change as they were wiped clean of they're traumatic past and left as husks now we wait for the next generation witch will be born in a stable home as such stable and not like us to be honest you were a fool to leave without sending a lot of strong message to shock them back to their senses i am also numbing your hunger and pain as the forms i showed you represent the ultimate accumulation of your being and your future plan will just get you sealed the others cant be trusted only family can the light will heal your scars and make you hole in the proper manner not the elevation of the species like the others did ..i need a name .....no i am not letting you give me one ....there once was an insectoid being of great mind and power but he could not be sapient if he was bot under somebody to guide him he was a great flesh weaver .....his name was Abathur and then there was a being from above that fell and became a grand threat named Abaddon,

So my queen you may call me Abathur Abaddon, analysis complete Hive queen template incomplete,

My queen its time for a makeover my queen,

Examination genetic strands

Aimcent equine qualities

Minor magical influence

Infected with Sin matter

Marshmellow limbs are poorly designed

Can improve

Will give it back better

Preparing the chance chamber new essence needed to be acquired.

Rest you will need it, queen.

Then I shall leave for a short while will you follow?

She scoffed and went back to rest i shrugged and opened my wings as i flew out i saw many essences and i went hunting each essence stored in my body slightly changing myself but mostly in the same way as myself i had gotten some magic beasts pony,s and other i habitants all drained of power leaving them tired and drained not dead i had gotten to his statue and passed by after few hours i was spotted by the six as my form shifted grew and harvested uninterrupted well untill i was impacted by a rainbow and i was pushed back only to see me change becoming less vulnerable no essence consumed my light infusing the fallen creatures slowly restoring from my havoc then the others used their powers knowledge and talents to drive me off well i made sure it looked that way a sufficient amount of essence was gathered i grabbed some large bear like creatures for bio mass and after some more time i returned to the large cave were and had a ball of something the queen was curious about i had enchanted the flesh and found myself making a pool filling it with water blood and the meat ball then with a ritual and large application of the light the flesh molded into a marble pool with a crimson blood and essence mass i had then returned to sleep next to the queen as i told her she needs to be in tip top state for the change to have negligible risks on her life she was thinking planing and then the rest took her to slumber about a month,s worth of slumber during that i used some essence to make some new changelings they were bipedal with the anthropomorphic form of their base form but with hands and dragon like feet very dangerous but very loyal but most of all loyal they went and expanded the cave spending a luminescent creep infused with the light and its fluffy when she woke she was surprised that the place changed and new hive links were felt the changelings looking hole she reserved her voice as we went to the pool were the essences formed a egg like shape she was hesitant but the many magic circles filled with runes light and dark of equal hold over this spell and the rest under my controll ,i saw the egg fill with the essence and slowly infuse her filling her missing bits and marking the light in her soul a painful endeavor , and finally after a month or two her form was finally changed she rested as the magic signature was felt over the hole world the tree trembled the six fear and the queen shivering as the queen restrained her new might and calmed the light covering her dark and slowly gaining its power and none of ots consuming power only to follow me to her room were she laid her head on the pillow to rest the new form by peddle and with nice curves the new clothes fitting like a second skin i had my reservation but the knowledge of both Abathur and Abaddon is enjoying the new holy host,s they are like a miner second personality,s and i just took my place next to the queen,s chamber as my tendrills kept working as they should the larvas around me absorbing the energy and the hive grew underground any fantastic beasts consumed for mass and new energy the pony kind was alerted along with the others the land changing the tree woke the only sibling it had as he was calmed and powerfully he followed the new and different thing as he felt the pulse of magic he tried teleporting over no luck at the edge of the creep he formed and did not move forward as he met me he was chaotic and his personality followed i used the magic present in the creep and formed a seal then as he tried to leave he was captured and contained his pure chaos essence now in a egg to hatch in a hive member Queen of the swarm felt it and i kept this spirit of chaos as i started unraveling him strand by strand and bringing uniformity to his new body witch was mutating a quite stubborn essence it tried its hardest to brake the mold i think Discord is having a bit to much fun so i introduced nonsensical rules to be broken and to result in wat i wanted the mental effort took for this endeavor made me use the hive link as the drones and all the little ones worked together to assist me with more mental power and capacity for a few moments the hive was one and queen understood it and she was one with it memory,s feeling and much more was the chaotic milestone of this hive of locusts waiting the little push to find fertile lands and to consume it to bring the end of this version of the world when I was finished the egg glowed and then hatched a larva of all the colors a new hive-link established and stabilized as the color crossed it and affected drones and other larva granting them the power if not just the begining of chaos magic a useful tool for us in the future the one grub that was obtained was sent to queen to nurture and teach as Discord,s mind was sealed and the new child has nothing but his power redy to learn his new purpose at least he can see thru the hives eyes and supervise them if not give ideas to not do , i watched and after some time the war declaration to the other changeling group we had meet when we decided to explore the first interactions went well but when Thorax tried to add them to the hive mind thing went haywire as one of our drones is equal to the former Queen before the change and its influence had a great effect on the peaceful ones Thoracks was driven mad and they went first at us since well he saw my plan with all the changelings and he sent a drone to send a message but it was to late for them and the new larva we got was added to the link and then with the creep changed to our own and then the takeover of the lands followed by the mobilization for war i had my hand at the new species of changelings all holding the same unique power to transform but they're base forms now having different insectoid design and boosts from brittle to firefly we have the base form and the transformation we keep on for uniformity of the hive and we can go from byped to quadruped stances with ease and versatility we started developing magic and technology days after the end of the former changelings the new Shifter colony had started spreading our tendrills thru the pony dragon and other society the i tegration of baseform that resembled those species was easier and the ones wit h desired such things in our hived were plenty we are a hive but we all are individuals with our goals and desires and we get wat we desired i got my test subjects requesting many many different things in line with my research and those who wanted other things i had my subordinates deal with them as the rest of the drones and warrior casts had already been satisfied with their places the others witch are dividends and the half shifters rapidly connected to the hive by they're parents and immediately changed to not be noticed as us then over time they're true forms followed and became indistinguishable from the rest and even when discovered most were accepted while the ones that did not returned to the main hive home this went for a very long time untill even the queen found herself falling for a shifter a kind male one that was the son of a fourth generation shifter none lost the changeling power and she had a son with him since he did show her he was a shifter at the second meeting quite gullible and she lived and noticed the husband she married didn't age she asked him why and he told her he focused his hole power to live as long as possible even if he forsaken his strength she was very moved and when the new queen was installed ...Starlight sparkle and she retired along with her sister witch after some time followed her , days turned to months , months turned to years , and years started piling up the tree changed the whole world was now under the influence of the hive the queen rejoiced and the tree met me i had cut it out as both chaos and order and now under hives controll and it was used not left to rot and fester like before the change was to words balance as the queen understood the way this world shows its desire for growth during all this i had been helped and developed a way to leave here as with great power struggle and hidden intent i managed to make a one used portal out of this reality i had to discard my body behind without any of my essence and knowledge as i took the memory,s of my helpers and i staled a great fear to the device so is left to degrade, while i was fully sent and was planted in the nearest body to be changed to host me,

I woke up in a pile of corpses that started getting up I noticed the body,s gift was a viral mass that reanimated it and now started assimilating my essence and such I was now that viral lifeform that made it change as my magic grew to then be assimilated as well the shifter essence I refined and worked hard to improve took a very snug fit in this body I got up from the pile as my body was covered in an around shell with dreadlocks and tendrils with my insectoid wings and my jagged maw formed like a crack on my face I looked around and found no uninfected beings I started to assimilate more of this infectious matter useful essence useful adaptations were collected from the more mutated individuals and my light once more manifested giving me control over small numbers of this week infected I had started changing them and used them to gather biomass for me as I connected to the back of the head with my longer tendrils and guided them directly any that died were assimilated and replaced with other,s this went on until i was disturbed by a hunter that happily joined my grub pile the battle was bothersome to much movement i had then encountered more of the fellas i even took one alive and used it as a mount i had to modify it to me more comfortable to ride their essence was useful to strengthen this husk i inhabit and then i used some essences to improve this ones body from armour to better muscles and more things but unimportant for battle as i found mostly the female genome in this particular specimen a useful future hive queen if she takes to the changes i am implementing her knowledge already immediately useful for my first goal i went to close hive cluster were we farmed a large number of base hunters untill we met a alpha the creature was big but not big enough as my mount was one and a half bigger then it and i started to to tear it to peace,s she started gaining a rudimentary intelligence and we sheared its knowledge to grow our datta base of it a change to her body as the mother was felt and she felt us and sent a few hydras we ran and used long range means to deal with it then after it fell and died i had my mount consume its essence and directly absorbing it in my tendrils making them even more dangerous along side my partner witch muscle elasticity skyrocketed more flexible and durable muscles meaning more agility and endurance i had to manualy help her change to nkt have any unwanted suprises bowth in bed and in battle i had enchanted her bone plates armour and managed to get enoght shifter esence and together with the natural camufage power of the evolved i had bowth of us capable to asume human forms i had sent her the needed datta and her body turned short petit and cute while i followed to a form of a teen male a head toller then her we found the edge of the red zone and enters the yellow then the green zone with care we had no identification but we managed to infiltrate with ample hunter interference to the baricade we had made our way thrue the city i had alsaw colected mony and usefull stuff the forms we have are of two identity,s we found in a house the corpses went out due to starvation poor kids well the boy was a bit of a degenerate but well they were usefull enoght for our infiltration to werever we are my name on the id is Gerry Coalson while my partners is Paula Dumitriscu ...well as things went we were luky we both a hotel room and i ordered food she folowed my instructions and the hand holding that people belive being due to some kind of afecfion is used to guid her and dampen her volitile instinct to hunt and gather esence she is tame wenever not in presence of other living creatures the food helped and after we went to sleep she went out like a log folling our waight,s are rather small when we want them to be and rather hevy when we are in battle i had to install common sense in her during our rest time.

The due morning we woke she now looked around with a different light in her eye,s she smiled and held my hand as she said Gery in quite a cute voice I smiled and then once more ordered some food we paid and then left we went on a walk and I both a newspaper to see Alex mercer as the monster he is and the price of the new Zeus prototype I decided and with Dumi we went to sights were there is biomass and potential to infect people we cleaned the first burrow as we detected base zombi time infected and dug in to then release our true forms and butcher the inhabitants of the burrow then I took my shoes of the full biomass of the burrow and the rest to Dumi to keep up with me we left and meet with the dark light enhanced humans supersoldiers along with the support of the military our emergence was quite a show as we burst the concrete and we leaped away as the Zeus prototypes follow us we reached an open spot and we tore them to peace I took the essence and Dumi the biomass as the beings around took notice but we escaped the helicopter sent to find us failing to notice two underaged children taking a walck the same same time we left and found a nice place to buy some stuff as we had looted some more cash then we folowed clues scatered around and found a church were we found a preast he was kind and he allowed us to stay with him we even told him we are like his common frieand new holder of the prototype virus he was surprised he asked for samples and i told him a fake but pleasurable story as i became a evolved with some luck with a simple ability to controll other infected and used that to build up my power and capture a hunter after a long struggle and consume it exponentially growing my power ending with me finally get one under my controll then it had mostly female genes and helping her grow and finally becoming my partner as i said as such she shifted to her larger form and yet still docile quite the kitten i said and he noted my form shift as tendrils move and find purchase on her body in spots that seamed to be defined for connecting i had then shifted back and so did Dumi i said to him now i am as a code name Abathur Abaddon while my partner will take the nickname of Solomon Grundy for it fits with me quite nicely Solomon Grundy,

Born on a Monday,

Christened on Tuesday,

Married on Wednesday,

Took ill on Thursday,

Grew worse on Friday,

Died on Saturday,

Buried on Sunday,

That was the end,

Of Solomon Grundy

I recited the rhyme the old man was surprised but agreed in the end Dumi liked the rhine and started repeating it slowly but at the end, she added And Rose from the grave on a Monday.

I smiled and she slimed Then we talked with the old men until a guy came in the church smelling like us but different then Luis introduced us as new friends he told us of Mercer's plan and that he wants to make more evolved I was eager to go but I decided to stay with Luis to guard the old man then Heller left as we seemed to yang for such bullshit and during the mission we sent him a message as we encountered mercers dogs we two dispatched them with ease but more were sent then a big mother funker showed up he had a long arm and a blunt one we two grabbed the old man and booked out of there to a less populated area we sent couriers to Hellar for assistance he answered and said he was coming I had the old man in front of me as I fastened him in front of me so he would not get blown back and with cautious movements, we ran so he did not get whiplash I had been constantly throwing biomass in the form of knifes at the big creature cousin it to stumble and doing little damage but its adding up when Hellar found us we were half done killing it he dropped in and crushed the big creature and used a finisher then retracted his claws as we i opened my helmet and he calmed down fully he asked for the girl and he then heard her cute voice said hello with a very very deep voice following a note off i smiled and patted my partner Luis patted her back i went with her close to the body and they saw her take a bite out of the thing to then not let go and a slurping sound to follow as the hole giant body shrink faster and faster to then vanish as they noted thru my connection a red substance enters me while her body got bigger and then compacted to a smaller and yet even more dangerous size since she is a lot harder to damage with the durability her body gained from this little meal while I became more red as the vitality that was absorbed now is used to enhance my geneomancy essence from Abathur,s gift i had now even more precision and curacy in my work the following moments Luis hopped off as Dumi,s form was slowly change becoming less jagged and rough now being fine and even more equal on both sides like Maple,s atrocious form but with a very short tale and four limbs but not for long as i intend to implement the second set of arms on her along with a bladed retractable tale but that will come after i fix any kinks and her symptoms of chronic dumbness well we are making progress each day we left with the holy man and Hellar we were introduced with Alex,s sister we went theie some other missions s and finally went after him i had went and grabbed hellers daughter and brought her when he finished alex i still felt alex inside him i had Dumi protect the girl as i told him Alex is not finished and without hesitation run him thru with my tendrils and gathered the bits not hellar and when i was done i tore Alex out he struggled but he could not stop me he even cooled out to his sister Hellar knelt and phanted weekend but not like Alex his was more of a mental effort then of the flesh i had started the process of dismembering of the viral compound alex was eating each memory sorting then making them silent this took days and Heller kept a eye on me with Dumi a few infected and military tried to interrupt my change but it all ended when from the egg hundreds of tendrils left my body not hitting any ally,s as i gathered all the infected mass no matter were it was then i the size of the building the battle had happens a large roar as the rest of the infected that somehow managed to escape my pseudo limbs were compiled to come to me they did so and then i consumed them as well at critic mass i started burning lifeforce and mass to compress and finally return to my size as the mana amount reached enough to do a world teleportation i connected to Dumi and we waved goodbye as then we vanished as the gate closed after our departure hearing a swear word from Hellar his daughter safe and sound .

After a moment of weightless feeling, we landed, and in front of us was a man reaching for a blade encased in ice with a dwarf buddy I wiped one of my extra limbs and restrained them I then took the ice shard covering Frostmorn and the two they were struggling but no go the light only heals us and the now berserk dwarf was tied I with the two went down the path filled with corpses from this world and we assimilated them for both knowledge and essence and we both grew some fur covering our backs and joints we both had reached the portal and enter the human camp with the prince and the dwarf then we dropped them like sacks of potatoes and found our way to the undead camp as I liberated the magic ice adding it to be digested by my viral matter as the blade came in contact with my hand it tried to remove my soul to find none at least none compatible with it so it just accepted me as its master my magic filled it and a connection formed as I now control its many curses and gifts I made a holster and set it there then i started adding the genes of the wolves had given us access to this worlds natural magic then we entered the dead forces camp tearing thru them and assimilating acolyte,s new magic new power new target ,

Mal'Ganis was having a nice day until he was interrupted by the sound of battle outside his base he saw two creatures ripping his forces to shreds he coun,t have that he tried his best to stop the two monsters until he noted the frostmoarn and dumbly asked if the rider was Arthus I took exception to that and stabbed him thru his belly before removing the blade and impaling him thru with my tendril and proceeded to absorb his hole to get some useful essence some fel matter and new upgrades for my Dumi when I was done tearing this hole place apart I was met with an army of dwarfs, humans, and the foolish prince he saw me clear the last of the undead then I was seen leaving towards ice crown were I was followed on the way we assimilated seal people, trolls, spirits and tore down many undead settlements along with the wildlife I found the four obelisks and with my small army of infected cleared the place and opened the gate the undead were in shambles no plague was defective on by my monsters the ice cube were the armour of nerzull i was accosted by three more dread lords after i butchered the most arrogant of them they tried to escape only to be eaten by us separately i had taken a red guy while the other was taken by Dumi she was happy to hunt something for a while now she just toyed with the poor man ..i mean demon then the cube we broke it i took the helmet and he was happy untill he felt his being eaten as i assimilated the crown as on my armour a gem and new horns formed nothing else ...the eye hole shape thing did go thru as we but was coverd by the flames i naturally produce the gem now glowing deep red and orange i smiled as i felt time stop around me then nothing i turned as we both saw a he-elf he was not happy but he was angry i held both the sword and the helmet of domination meanwhile the throne was vacant he told me i have two ways to fix this one do wathever i wanted and change the world for the better or sit there to see the world burn i smiled and my body shifted and my arthus disguise was visible i took my seat on Dumi,s back and with a lough went to fuck up the Hords shit well the evil side of it at least i had the undead search for the death wing and the dragon soul was found in mater of days and with some draconic snacks now Dumincan fly and we had met with the red dragon queen and her inslaved brod in the hands of a orc clan they tried to stop us with the dragon soul now just a snack i absorbed half of its powers and the rest were implanted in the body of Dumi as the restrictions i magic off to stay in the disk the excess power from the disk now free as only sparks from them were kept except the one of death wing since i knew he was enemy the energy,s helped the others woke and find us two as the orc,s were burned by life flames of the red dragon mother she saw the levels of vitality we bowth have then the adherence of our flesh and kept a distance as she noted the different life essence was processed and made our own we two met with the aspects with the bronze one the red male was very angry but the thins is we two have the same gift signatures they have as both of us have energy colors equal to all of them and we ate still getting better they discussed and i told them the potential future they may have from this moment as i remembered the fall of some of them then they took us serious as i showed them the now empty black dragon soul they were surprised of the change and the effect as the energy that we have is not worth to them but it is about a tenth of a percent of their pure power uncommon but not unheard as some species can hold the amount but only from one not half of them meaning i got green blue and yellow while Dumi got black and red accents i used the soul to track the black aspect and with them agreed we went after him and found his daughter i had restrained her in her human form and brought her to see her fathers end a solitary end that was and his power was moved to the black dragon soul and then with his daughter the black dragon flight can be birth back and after a good enough, was made he wood be given his power and helped unlike the previous one they were more close nit community now we went with them to eradicate the fifth of the void gods and i alsaw been sent notice two more hive coty,s remained from the nerubians to be overrun as such with the guide of the dragon flight we met the nerubian,s and i absorbed a few corpses got the languege and understanding and finally found myself with the dragon in front of the UnderKing he saw my form felt the astonishing vitality making a Aura of pressure on them all as i recounted as i stoped the wave of death once i got control over it and desire for them to join me willingly for the duration of my stay on these lands as they can make connection to the other species and lands to have for the future that never should have stood i had worked with them to reconstruct and then to extend their reach out to help the other i felt a important event happening and with a portal i formed behind a man redy to behead a girl i grabbed the sword on the way and he was surprised a demonic monster halted him from his holy mission to bad he was unable to say anything else except You dear... Splat and then absorption I turned to the girl and patted her head we left to the roof any human that tried and stopping us was disabled not killed nocked out I looked down and saw her brother Thrall I grabbed her and jumped down we fell with no much then a soft landing my wings buzzing with no problem I smiled and spoke common:

Future Doom Hammer I greet you as a friend but I can't allow her to follow you she,s just not equipped with the body to live with you so with my power I shall take care of her as I will teach her of magic the arcane and beyond and you will meet her at the lands beyond the void and the reach of the undead good luck grand Shaman and Overlord of the Hoard so toodles son of change.

Then i returned with the maid girl and the nerubians were surprised they asked me why I brought a dependent of the old giants i told them of her importance and that i plan to teach some students they agreed to send some magic users to teach from there i had thought then basic magics of the dragons then kept ramping up the difficulty to about a tenth of my magic finally after a long time and when i left Dumi finaly had her mind reach about abase human girls intellect and human size in her human form while her true form she has a human shape but very large fully plated and two sets of hands the legs that can be used even in a quadrupled stance with chest visible but still fully encoumpased her tale with a blunt end for crushing and bashing and whenever we relax in our tru forms we van store the armour inside us revealing demonic but still soft body,s riddled with buff mucles and features with the fur making for bowth of us seem to have long hear i to had added a second set of hands and my tendrills at all times covered by the armour i am to much a paranoid so she understood and the utility marvelous well we did all we could and when time came and the forces of the void and the tittan forged came tring to brake the icecrwon and get the worlds energy no luck for them with the forces we made with the tree safe and the twisted nether free of the hoved ones we are redy and the war ended no more then a year and a very large number of people survived including illidon and the rest with the old ones delt the facility,s activated and gathering enough to usefully genes and powers with Dumi we left leaving the controll modual to the icecrown with a trusted being and to the next adventure.

And what happens to Thrall's sister she became a high wizard and she helped unite the two factions with Prowdmore and Arthus after a proper reeducation as I had absorbed Kelthuzad as for his necromantic knowledge after I made him a grand undead myself.

We had landed in a forest of someplace and it seemed that there are pokemon so we are in that blasted world at least there is useful matter and essence we road our way about and met few feral pokemons and some trainers near they threw some kind of balls to us i grabbed them and sent them back getting head shots nocking em out as we reached near a city we went to our human forms the thing is we understand both the humans and pokemons clearly we went about checking things and once we were challenged to a pokemon battle me and Dumi played rock paper sizer and i lost so i sulked and transformed the trainer was surprised i looked like a demon with tendrils and my many limbs his pokedex gave him a error and announced i am about Mithickle levle he announced his first move being impact i didn't move a inch then Dumi called the same move i used a tentacle and slapped the pokemon unconscious and then i shifted back i had then stretched and kept some tendril just for the show i staid close to Dumi and repeated my name in parts as she heard the normal sounds Abather Abaddon in many variants occasionally shifting to full form or other partial forms i had even registered myself as a Pokemon one of a kind then at the next stop i will register Dumi, she was happy as i carried her on my shoulders running from place to place i had my fear shear of battles were we got cash and when we left i saw Demi change to her quadrupled running form untill we got at the next city i turned human and she kept her form and we made our way to a Pokemon center were i registered her Solomon Grundy and after a body check up we left and after a little bit met a other trainer witch challenged us to have his mime go unconscious we had few others fellas try to take my pokemon by mony or attempted kidnaping all failing and even those witch were close only had me change as well then whipping the floor with them and had some snacks we left and searched for useful Pokemon to absorb and so days passed useful essences were collected and stored for use in the future when we ended our jurny we met with mew he was cute i had two eggs for it both downgraded versions of ourself,s but without the zerg black virus or magic only a very funking durable body and regeneration factor and the human shifting capability he was happy we requested a few drops of blood so we can see wat we can do in the next world he agreed since we are leaving i had goten the powerful essence and healed him after witch i opened a portal and left waving goodbye and reaching a new world we fell to a destroyed zone a wave of clones and a guy fling to another dude then a funking huge shadow monster flying to beat the hell out of somebody i with dumi made a jump and pounced on the One for All and as everybody saw Dumi ripped of his head and gulped it down i extracted all i could and we turned to then waves of clones all with essence we can use the hero,s and Shigaraki stoped seeing the carnage and then the oddest thing i had enough essence to replicate sad mans parade and i went hunting for the origin of to find the single one witch was sad i grabbed it and tied it down after witch i noted a kid going into flames became a ice cube as frostmoarn made a loud sound and the ice glowed a deep red and then he just fell on the flor alive but in sleep i then split using the essence and hand my body make few clones that then left running around taking care of the other clones with a clone of Twice i copied all his memory and extracted a blood sample i then proceaded to use the drop to infuse in a egg and the i hat hed that egg as a small child woke then grew to about a twelve year old to then infuse the memory,s of the guy this took about a few moments when i was done he walked to toga witch released his form as she couldn't bear it any longer hugging the young Twice i placed them to sleep then i saw Deku manage to pool shigaraki out of one for all i moved separate from Dumi and held him by the neck he tried to take my quirck only to get nothing then i smiled and he felt runes crawl over him sealing all his powers allowing only his true quirk surface only to note two missing smal fingers i smiled he saw a demon then a guy very big guy came from underground i let go og the kid and in two steps return to Dumi and once more we recommended she had her fun helping my dumbed down clones we took the ice cube the two love birds and left with one for all next in line looking at his mising fingers as it seamed i was chewing on something and then i spat out the neils i made a jump and we arrived in a safe spot were i dropped them my clones turning to mud when over with they're mission as i looked over them i turned to the flame ice kid he has potential to be a leach the so i used some rituals and he now is stable his power immune to them and still have kids god kid now i turned to the two resting birds of a goose i smiled and we returned to our more casual forms i woke them they were surprised and redy to defend but mostly curious i had given them answers as for twice he asked me if he is a clone or real i definitely hit him and he questioned why to realised there are no other clones of him he can now feel it down to his last cell and Togas reaction was to hug him once more , i turned to see the new undead,s reconditioning ...suffocation between two breasts large enough to act a pillows, occasionally taking breaths to breath i smiled as i noticed she liked the kid white hear body skinny yet full of muscles colored purple with blue runes followed by red ones i took a seat and further transformed the two birds stepped back as i made a ball a place were i can change people and they're power i had made it so i thru in Dabi and then with precise work gave him element transformation and after he was completely regenerated in the nutrient pool he was set to sleep i looked to the other two and asked if they want the powers changed in any matter i smiled and they denied wanting to do such things i nodded and enters the chamber were i was followed by Dumi and we go to sleep the two not knowing wat to do they left and Dabi after he woke waited wanting to know wat happens to him.