664. Eredar irregularity.

*Pov. Eredar*

On the planet Argus a young couple was expecting a new child to come.

They had a peaceful life until the Fell radar started becoming more predominant and finally, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde had taken the lead.

The Draenei had gathered and fled the plane.

And my family was left behind.

Until one day they were captured and given an ultimatum to get corrupted or mutated my mother and father accepted.

And waited until I was born so no danger may occur to me.

They accepted but the day came she gave birth and the grey one was born.

But how they spoke it in their language Gris bat I liked the gris part but well I will use the English word and use it.

After they changed to the fel they became demons emotions slowly vanishing replaced by their carnal desires.

I had been around feeling my original blue eyes were partially green, not completely, and then the blue started getting darker while the green light this process got the attention of the higher-ups.

Meaning Kil'jaeden and Archimonde got reports about me and my apparent resistance to fel magic turning it into something new.

Their curiosity got them and I was sent to be trained under them my use of the two energy,s had them curious I had been providing them with the two new energy,s for experiments and they told me to give them names as they had me as its origin,

Anima is the light one and the dark one is an Inanima force they had gained a direction to how I named them they had taught me,

and instructed me to grow as a good servant of the burning legion I had been obedient and very hungry for knowledge and I did hide the two new forces epitome leaving the easily learnable things that got them to use to insignificant effects I had gotten test subjects and made progress ending sending me on low-priority missions to both allow me to grow

and have access to my energy,s for further tests my followers were known as the Anima Horns and Inanima Fangs as their tips glowed black or white respectively.

*pov. Grey*

We can see a man tied to a metallic table where a grey large Eredar wearing a white butcher apron and black gloves and under the two articles of clothing people can see a closed insane doctor lab coat which is sleeveless and has two shoulder guards which resemble skulls the round kind with horns and red and white crystals embedded within them both assisting the beings reserves and control of his energy,s,

With care and his screaming, I was rewriting this dude,s life grid as whenever anything wood tries to snap back to its original form I used the death magic to cement its new position by stitching the lifelines as it slightly restricts the movement of the life force but it allows it to stabilize and cement themselves, the dude in front of me was a former cultist and now a really handsome and very durable dude good for the demoness that asked me to make her toy more resilient so she can be as brutal she desires to be with him this is quite simple work the payment for this time specific it is knowledge of the Azeroth as she is a summon to a warlock in the hoard.

A very long time passed and I finally was asked to accompany Archimonde I was summoned first as I have much less power and much more knowledge and expertise I had.

Asked the masters to allow me to set up a shop and work here, and they reluctantly accepted as they expected there will be no much longer until they take over this place.

I had gone to cold lands where Nerzull was placed I had talks with him and then the calamity struck.

The big maelstrom formed I had felt the crack and the very large earthquake my minions had spread to Mark.

the whole continent allowed me to teleport they become healers and assistants,s to any who needed we used the blood cross as our symbol,

We were grey and my medaling made their bodies stronger more like Azoroth races accepted these gifts as blessings back on the home planet and now they follow my lead helping and such the power they showed was nighter evil nor good,

I instructed them to make small organizations and to teach the power,

those who desired to be immortal turned to vampires or other assorted undead bound to help the Anima users as they pose no threat as a way to replenish their life stock outside of hunting animals for the needed vital energy.

A very long time passed generations passed and the void tried to take hold only to be consumed by the guardians taking the only thing that stabilized them,

For a very long time I was recognized as a demigod by the inhabitants of the Nothrelm many inhabitants of the world desired my blessings many were compatible and many more were not,

I had to get my hands to monitor the following orc invasion of some of the supposed Rogue members of my now-established church of life and death of the god of beginnings and ends,

That's what the many races ended up calling me as my name was just Grey the followers used the Gris Bat like my kin the monsters that protect my followers were named Fanged ones due to their use of blood drinking and the tendency to bite hard,

time passed and the war started to swing in motion many plans kept creeping the way I sent the yearly energy packages to the two bosses along with Sargerous he told me some specific things to do and my success against the void spon increased his goodwill towards me I managed to gain a small blessing from the titan a power he left behind pure Arcane magic I had sculpted an eye on my forehead to with bone lid that made it very hard to notice but it was there my vain course with that energy I feel I can get at least four more but that will take time,

For now have managed to find a few harpy,s and got an alpha of their species and then another species of very strong fling bird I had the two pair of wings connected to a sample of my lifelines and biomass infused with the three energy,s the changing of the wings took time sequence of the lines were changed and adapted after days I had finally made them compatible as for the harpy she is hanging around with human hands she will be trained as a maid as I carved over her body levitation runes so she can fly about as she is kind of cute I had finally made the last modifications and with the help of few portals I started work to connect both flesh and lifelines the process was numbed with magic and pain dampeners when the nerve was connected I was done as the rest followed with some flesh grafting and troll life lines very good for their regenerative factor.

Followers saw the process and they were surprised at the end of the day I managed to inscribe the flesh of the wings and the runes I designed and with excess life force and careful management I get them the size of my body since the size bone connection and bone connections were sturdy,

I had also seen the feathers glow one of the three colored blue white black each with different effects the black ones disrupt life force cousin necrotic damage the life ones on contact supercharge the lifelines and make them burst if not moderated so both healing and offense and finally the blue ones equal to arcane blasts or good for recharging energy to allies, the black ones are also used to nullify any magic buffs,

As for now my small community in Northrealm had been under the dread Lord's watch full eyes they had asked me about the progress the plans have been going and gained their reports a few of them were sent to be directly under me minor dread lords They always addressed me as Prince Gris Bat, maybe jokingly or maybe due to the six Hero rank demons I had made with the assist of my powers.

I had made contact with the Nubians after gathering knowledge of the other continents they did not allow me to enter the city,s but I could talk with a Vizer discus even though they were not knowledgeable of us the eredar but good relations where I managed to make some connection for them and with a viser in toe we had made them get a more proactive approach as after some time I had told the Dread Lords I am going to Daleron to plunder their secrets without their knowledge,

I was given the green thumb and left with the delegation and the first contact with the residents of the Gnomes, Dwards, and humans,

the gnome female acted as a translator while I was assisted by the viser so I can give accurate knowledge after the permission to visit the Under King was surprised by my glowing eyes I detected as a very Haigh concentration of power as I am about twice the height of two normal humans my face relaxed two sets of horns tho smaller and three larger one was growing like a mohawk with the two smaller to the side while the other two large ones point in front and down like a black dragon those are black while the other are white both have blue marks of the purest of arcane the magical of they're kind are respectfully and very expectant as after the diplomatic ties were made to both my group and the delegation of the surface races of the human lands when it was done.

We left with the gnome and the viser so we can discuss it between ourselves things she has a shrinking rey very funny to think of using it on the two bosses hehe but now,

we had set seal so when we arrived at the port we had to teleport over to calm the people and then once more assist the chats until the Nerubien lord had met the users of the Light they were helped with a tool I made the rings of understanding the easy way to talk with others we arrived at a castle during the trip I told the nerubiens witch actions may cause ill will and which may not,

they took it seriously as I was of great assistance until now a new diplomat in training was quite good I had also exchanged me teaching a few Nerubiens the gift of anima and Inanima granting me access to intricate weaving,

and a controller totem with a few dozen sterile drones they were happy with the trade and with their base weaving knowledge.

I started using arkana strings to use the knowledge we had a long time to do things and I had been invited to the Most magic prevalent of cities,s they were welcoming I had met with some of my people as they had already found purpose here and Kelthuzard met me as one of the Cultists of my,

He had learned from both sides of the knowledge and added new templates for the use of the two energies from the attack templates to other uses the copy he gave me was all I needed as even with my vast knowledge the templates I use are just too slow and basic even if they can be overcharged at infinity as long as I have energy more specifically the difference was of efficiency over might and with both hehe I elevated my fast response on any action that may occur when I used the spear template about ten came were I just wanted to use one as they have a power limit they just split and hover in a random pattern to be then shot at my desired spot the undead he made were advanced and the Anima kept them tame enough to be used for labor.

I had met the red dragon his eyes were wide at my first appearance he was serious and I made contact.

His anger is easy to bring out but he restrained himself I had told him the burning legion is coming and one of them was revived due to the void influence and in the position of their artifact I was sent as an assurance to mess up the void hold brakes as such I already had some of my minions send knowledge that they plant to capture the red queen and use her as their breading factory so they can overcome the alliance controlled oceans hopefully you can save her before its too late,

This discussion was made in goodwill and isolated by a magical dome in a safe spot the anger he showed was quite brilliant and then the cold calm came he went to check on his loved well-being and knowing I am with the Black-white church he didn't want to get them upset as they're present in all the lands not evil nor good they accept all and even work with shamans and arcane users as place were a bit of magical community,s get help when they mess up themselves with spells or curses hard work but good practice and knowledge gathering the portals to the other churches made it easy to transfer knowledge and resources good for trade an knowledge spreading the regions leaders never tried to take hold of those installations for the simple reason that we would just abandon the empty room and settle elsewhere.

The events followed and he reached her before she was captured then the dragon wizard made a call to the others they talked he told of me as an eredar known to be of the burning legion and then the dragon of magic asked about what I was like he even got curious at my magic he did see the church but incapable to mess with them due to the many guardians that may or may not delay him enough for the rest to escape and the absence of arcane power in them made him unsure if he can even master such power the red queen was curious due to the life-changing magic and the death element as well.

After they discussed they decided to keep an eye on me the dragon of time had during all this been bewildered as he did not see me in the future even if changes happened.

*Pov. Grey*

The fury he showed was just glorious as I had left feeling the eyes fail to see me fail to track and identify me the unique way I manage my existence my power my body and my mind had the timeline feel me as a natural thing like a storm like rain like grass in the wind the emerald dream had connected to me my presence in it very spread out very hard to detect and immutable safe zones my two energy,s in this world of soul and mind shaped as two large arms both clawed and armored behind my back the energy Sargerous granted me no longer held his will personality of control and that formed my ethereal body I had started slowly influencing dreams,

Making my power freely wandering the land of the aspects of the elementals and the future corruption spot of the void beings no longer as I started taking this place Mayne no void will spread and I will not be removed well unless I will leave this is my Emerald Nightmare a pleasant dream compared to the madness of the void no side effects rather than a healthy fright the dragon's scrutiny had seen the bidding void be removed and replaced by a benevolent evil aka me I hate many things so some bad side effects are inevitable but mild at best.

The humans were happy at my arrival and my expertise in the use of the two now common energy the start of using any of the two has a unique reliance on inheritance the shearing of a seed of light and darkness and if kept in balance even greater things will happen,

for Klethuzard specializes in the arcane and the dark with mastery of the light enough to supply his creatures and even some of his brilliant work took him to the underbelly of the magic city monthly clearing of abominable magic creatures and gathering useful things harvested the inhabitants down there are good and useful things for my cultists had organized them there as a community,

for then many days passed until in front of the council a big blue dragon would come as a superior being and give the council and their strongest of magicians to get the dragon's soul and destroy it I was summoned as well the council saw a normal base eredar then with a switch like manner from my back two wings morphed out of my back

, it has the three energy,s fully turned into wings the process went well my base template has two additional ones the experimental one and the big bird one a very useful form for transport but now with the experimental form it resembled, even more, a demon but the aura and feeling it gave was completely different bigger and with a second pair of hands one black and the other white I crossed my hand and affirmed the disguised dragon's identity while I as well spoke as together we planned and I assisted I was requested to retrieve the dragon soul as due to my resistance to the void corrupted oger,

he had the disc we set up portal two way and with the nerubians assistance it is safe I with a couple of humans nerubians and other species charged and got to the hoard,s safe sport where the dragon disk resided I was in the front as I made waves of the incoming enemy,s collapse to the ground nothing special I had time to learn nervus systems are vulnerable in this world,

and the orcs are no exception the soldiers and mages around me had time to finish them out until we reached the oger and his warlocks the last ones he had due to using them to bring skeletal dragons in exchange for the red ones they would have had before I had shot his chest eyes and the people saw flesh bubble and pop while other spots wither and decay the disruption in his flesh had got him destabilized in mind due to the agonizing pain his magic nor fast enough to intercept my supercharged feathers,

I had used a stays of his corpse as I found the dragon's soul embedded in his belt buckle I got it off with proper care and we made a turn around as I left with both his body and the objective to then at the portal met a green dragon with a black broken scale which he used I conjunction with the dragon soul to destroy it,

I was warned to not mess with the void,

i smiled and shifted to my big bird form a grey Rock with the oger in my claws I just flew off the bird was a gift from a customer the bird was gained as a sacrifice from a warlock to be granted power equal to its potential he became a useful vessel for that demon and with my gift he was suitable for inhabitation after a few changes, the Roc was magically aged and with many rituals stripped of its will and personality leaving behind tamed but strong instincts the process of binding its life grid to my own it was painful but worth it,

now with my cultists, I am searching for the perfect human body to turn in my fourth life grid but no luck,

I had in return gotten many humans interested in power even forsaking their human shape meaning with time I had gotten many human lifeline,s parts so in the future after mix matching I can have a personal unique human form,

the process took a while and I had with the nerubians and human adventure groups went to the titan's installations and managed to wake the guardians with proof from the nerubians we had set them to request the mortals to cleanse the other contaminated bases in the region,s clans were detected under the control of a whiled god trying to get they're grubby hands on the teck,

Now awake no luck and with this facility sealed properly they can't send the beasts residing inside to course trouble in the gnome city after some time I had managed to get a human face that was a little different from my own except for the tendrils and forehead bone plate those were no longer there I was still grey then the tale no longer there and my hovers now feet human while keeping the size and grey skin my eyes did not change as I am prowed of them glowing grey very handsome the people were surprised but the magic part was done no more even as my lifespan was greatly increased due to the addition of more life grids I will be capable to discard and add more when needed making it so I can live a very very long life and if I want to keep a form I can just turn it into undead as if I have at least a living life grind they will be sustained as my cores blow bright and powerfully,

glory to me the creature of the beginnings and ends,

were was i yes we had returned to the Magic city and after some discussions we were accompanied by the Green dragon flight leader and made contact with the night elves the amazon looking ones and i managed to meet a very useful prospect Illidon he was curious he knew of my worshipers i was welcomed as a demigod like they're demigod weary of me i had fainted interest in the druid but ended up discussing with Illidon he was power hungry we left while the humans and other dark elves continued they're discussions and bargaining my presence here is already recognised as such we had words and i showed him the fell then the light and then the dark and with surprised i showed him the strength gained thru the application of these two ways of power and with the arcane as just a part he spared with me he was beaten but he had a big smile he asked me to teach him he wants powered strength to and he didn't absorb the skulls energy yet i pulled two blades a demon slayer blades but one is embedded with a light core and the other with a blood core both blades glowing blue with arcane life and death,

I taught him how to make his cores and thru the book I gifted him he learned he grew and he figured as his original power will grant him much more than expected,

He followed my instructions and an eye formed his core show as a third eye above the two blind ones a new way of seeing a new point of view, retired to do his meditation and grow his power as nature itself feeds his growth, and the two seeds he holds upgraded his body.

I had time and with the portals left I met the nerubien lord with the holy light and the holy light user he was kind and versed in the light I discused with the lord and saw the potential use of it in battle while my light and darkness has good potential for healing in long term he proposed I learn it as well I took a seat and asked him to heal me soni can feel and understand the power itself he was understanding and with a neal I made a deep cut in my hand not enough to bleed out but enough to be recognized as damage I tested multiple types of damage from blunt to tearing to cutting and even puncture wounds the energy very similar yet different I had compacted the traces and wit my arcane formed a light core this took a week of concentration the white core of my power taken over by the golden light the holy light was now inhabiting a new eye then splinter slowly being fed by my arcane power making the light grow as the eye moved to above the white light now I have four eyes two in the normal spots one above the right eye the left of darkness while on my four head was the arcane i had been contacted by the red queen , she with the rest were around me i closed the holy eye making it indistinguishable from normal skin i turned and saw the aspects except the black one they were still debating now they were all looking at me my expression not impressed at all they did not expect this , i then swiched to my complete battle form as theyr full draconic fomrs from towering looked up to me as my Roc and experimental form overlaped my power maching deathwings body them they saw the fethers glow as my four eyes glowed two odd energy,s and the familiar arcane and holy corupted by my tuch.

And I spoke out.

Nozdormu, the Timeless One

The great bronze wyrm is chosen by Aman'Thul to guard time itself and police the ever-spinning pathways of fate and destiny.

Alexstrasza, the Life-BinderThe immense red leviathan chosen by Eonar to safeguard all life on the world.

Ysera, the Dreamer

The lithe green wyrm, and Alexstrasza's younger sister, chosen by Eonar to watch over the growing wilds of the world from her verdant realm, the Emerald Dream.

Malygos, the Spell-Weaver - Original

The sinuous blue leviathan is chosen by Norgannon as the guardian of magic and hidden arcanum.

Kalecgos, the Spell-Weaver - New

After Malygos was defeated, Kalecgos was chosen by the Blue Dragonflight to replace Malygos.

Neltharion, the Earth-Warder - Original

The mighty black leviathan was chosen by Khaz'goroth and given dominion over the earth and the deep places of the world.

He was driven mad by the whisperings of the Old Gods and managed to drive the Blue Dragonflight to near extinction. He is now known as Deathwing.

It was unclear whether the remaining Aspects would choose a replacement for Neltharion. Due to the Aspects being drained of their power at the end of the battle, it seemed unlikely. The most likely outcome was a power struggle amongst the Black Dragonflight resulting in a new leader for the flight, but not a Dragon Aspect.

 Thrall, World Shaman,

Aspect of Earth - New

During the battle to defeat Deathwing, Thrall of the Frostwolf Clan served as the Aspect of Earth to replace Neltharion, but whether he is still considered an Aspect is unclear (especially because he is an orc and not a dragon).

At this the four aspects had questions mostly the spell weaver I told him he cut the arcane magic off and a very large part of the sapient magic-dependent races died causing the life bringer to work alongside the remanents to kill him he remarked and said out loud as it seemed to be like him and the magic didn't lie,

my form did get them wery as I exuded the four elements at such unexpected internet that may even match their own I smiled as they were weaker than before they had to defeat him permanently after I gave them the location of his position and my power making it evident I will join in as I can maintain this form for a long time.

*Pov. Death wing*

I was found defeated humiliated and even lost the dragon soul the last thing I can do is cause them trouble and recover but after bo more than a week I saw five large figures arrive the four I recognized but the fifth was a large bird humanoid with four eyes from which two are placed irregularly and then there is the hands which are in front with two very large wings close to the dragons size the creature is an abomination a being of power near that of the dragon aspects now that they're e weekend due to overuse of their power.

*Pov. Third*

As the four dragons and the big bird thing battled the Earth mother was making her way when they finally defeated the void-corrupted death Wing the bird-humanoid-demonic-looking creature was tiered and taking advantage of the four dragons had culminated a large amount of power and formed a portal at this when they were to push the anomaly out of time the earth mother saw her chance and with great pity at his betrayer

she in a act of rebellion sent a gift a small blessing so I may somehow survive, a strong base to keep the powers from mixing and causing damage to this body.

As such an anomaly was got rid of by the dragon's flight and the world itself.

*Pov. Grey*

After the hard battle in which I learned many of my weaknesses and I consumed a bit over half of my energy reserves, I realized I am still weaker than expected,

an unexpected betrayal of the four and they worked together to banish me to somewhere I had been holding on the edges of the portal trying with my remaining force to escape its pool to then be hit by a bolder-sized energy drop concentrate heavy as a couple tons I was flung over the barrier as I saw the earth mother sympathetic face as she fucking dropped a fucking mountain over the four aspects as then the portal was closed like an old closed tv getting shut down.

As I was falling the bolder-sized tear was encompassing me more and more as I returned to the base size about ten feet high I am comfortable in my hooves becoming more iron-like my grey skin slowly taking the aspect of Porcelain, marble, and carbon fiber than my bone a mixture of alloy,s l feel the marrow grow more dense and active my muscles more compact and durable the blessing powered by my arcane and holy energy made my body more enduring stable and harder to modify with a natural healing factor constructed due to the light,s engraving itself over my body filling the cracks that happen with the change the baking and fixing of the flesh making me grow slowly bones thickening skin growing in endurance and shine I had arrived breaking thru the world barrier like a needle thru glass and with a slow decent I landed making a crater in my wake, the ground covering my body like water in an ocean I practically swam out of the ground emerging to take a breath of fresh oxygen,

*pov. Player*

As I logged in the world had an error

then a small update when I entered the world map,

I noticed a change

As the maps in my map room were modified at a bit of distance I saw the map changed when the trees and green ground now stood a place of dirt that went in a straight line I got some equipment and a storage box then I made my way to the place and I saw on the map I got a spare large map and food for the journey to then see at the location a new mob or player?

I got close and grabbed the big guy dragging him out of the ground fully to observe a custom-made avatar.

Then I built a shelter and a block under him placed three beds and set up six pistons to remove the dirt at the same time with a lever press he fell safely on the bed then the removed the blocks and a fourth bed so he as well can sleep for the night for the next day.

*Pov, Grey*

I woke up in a bed in a dirt cube with a two-meter guy in blue pants and a green T-shirt he was sleeping I looked down at my hands they were blocky I mean made of blocks but still move like before they send me to a Minecraft world? Fools!.....

Now what should I do?

I feel a new power I focused and felt changes I am more durable and more powerful but the gravity here is a lot heavier than in Azeroth approximately well at least twenty times heavier I can nearly move this size hindering my movement hmm I focused and compressed my size muscle density and the energy consumption lessen to a third of the one before and my movements became less encumbered I got used to walking and the rules of this works imposed on me its way of working and I was granted the crafting box the two by two box allowing me to change wood to cut lumber which I turned to a crafting table I need to make a magic copy of these rules,

the Steve in the dirt hut was still sleeping as I made my way around here saw the floating tree logs I collected them in my pockets the pockets all Wow players can use are pretty large so I filled one of mine I filled with wood and the saplings fell I collected them as well then at a three-meter distance I planted the saplings refilling the hole forest I deforested I was done and saw the player, walking out the dirt hut and he noted the about 100-meter circle around the dirt hut so about 30 trees if I can approximate right and each tree has about 5 blocks each 150 blocks and 40 remaining saplings from 70 that fell I can split the 150 logs into 600 cut lumber I checked the steve witch moved with rapid movements and tore apart the mud cube then filled the hole and waved for me to follow I obliged and we walked I saw my hunger bar about half empty I took a few rations and munched on them even shared a few with steve we arrived at a large well-made village and they were big nosed clocked wearing villagers with jungle type clothes i was looked at me but not talked with me they followed our walk and we enter a mine shaft as i saw his home i felt confortable but i remember a mounten few hundread blocks at a distence from here , we had stoped and he placed sing,s .

Player: Hello my name is Jerry.

I took the sign and wrote down.

Grey: my name is Grey an Eredar.

He took another sign and wrote.

Jerry:What is an eredar?

Gry: Let's say I am an outcode a being out of this world of yours.

Jerry: But you didn't tell me what an eredar is?

Grey: Do you have internet from where you come from?

Jerry: Well yea but what has to do with you?

Grey: Get your smartphone and search World of Warcraft, eredar you should get the gist of what I am but I am also, much more, go get your answers!

Jerry: Fine I will be back, please don't destroy my place until I return.

Grey: I will be changing the mountain nearby in my base see ya in a bit.

Player Jerry has left the world,

Attempting shutting down error second player active designation Gris bat

Changed to Grey per the preference of user Gris enjoy a nice game.

Grey spoke out loud:

Does it seem the game system has absorbed some of my energy and become a Law Elemental curious are you awake or just following your coding?

I got no answer so just coding for now the tech should get some upgrades with my arrival in this pocket world.

Then I turned to the mountain set the sign and wrote: mountain under construction please don't enter the wark sight you may just die by accident you have been warned.

Ps. have a nice day.

P.ps Jerry please don't try to take any metal ores from my base I worked very hard to harvest them.

Then with the gift of the Earth Mother and focused on using the arcane I unearthed all the materials of use under the mountain making the blocks of ore,s staking then using the stone I dug enough iron and started digging the rest of the materials filling the chests and with materials,

I selected and started building first the bones of iron then the polished diorite desi ged as armor the rooms around the bones and with gold emerald and diamond as decoration embedded in the armor while with some holes for watching around unnoticeable really,

I had even started decorating its insides and finally, I started making two wings that covered the armor like two mountainous peaks covered with many metals and crystal blocks as the rest is just glass so the armor may be seen inside,

The whole project took a few hours, and a small amount of energy in my position then I just walked into a room and sat on the many beds filling the sleeping room floor when I was done with the ship I cut the hair off and stuffed it in a pen,

After a short rest, I went and grabbed some more farm animals and then got two villagers to breed and make more in the separate cell bedroom made to hold at least twelve villagers then I made two more and moved them to the village Jerry protected now next to it a cool armored statue with wings and precious materials as decorations.

The time that collapsed is about five hours and thirty minutes quite fast if I may so myself after a half more hour I saw.

Jerry logged in

I am back

Rick logged in

Let's get over with this

Morty logged in

So we are dealing with a World of Warcraft character?

Summer logged in

I hope he is hot.

As they spooned they started in the small village then turning to the left they saw a large armour kneeling with wings making a mountain-like surface.

Jerry: That was fast, I did not expect him to build something so complicated this fast.

Rick: Accounting for the time difference and his origin I am not surprised.

Morty: At least it looks cool.

Summer: I hope he is not a nerd.

Then the small group of four went to the door under the loincloth of the armor they saw many rooms and signs many signs all with many different thoughts and around this thought purple runes passed Rick saw them and the computer analyzed them he went silent,

While the kids and Jerry were surprised I was walking the ground around here they saw kitchens and many crafting rooms mostly all were empty except for signs many signs they stopped when they reached the helmet where they saw a large throne and with many runes on the signs no more words and on that throne a three-meter tall two-meter wide player was resting.

Jerry: That's him, Grey.

Morty: Why does he look like a demon with feathered wings?

Summer: not that bad looking if he was real.

Rick: And you're a supposed eredar that somehow escaped being corrupted and turned into a demon?

Grey: And you're supposed to be a good grandfather that escaped the clutches of revenge on the man that they are biologically related to?

Well, we both can change now it's your turn, Sanchez.

Jerry: Wait how do you know my father-in-law?

Grey: Let's just say if there are people then there are Very smart people in their charge or there is a singular being from him to you Jerry, if you haven't met your wife you wood has turned into a genius in the way of politics and many more but not technology that title rests always on Rick as it's his essence he is the law and a user of it I do believe I speak the truth law of green .

Morty: if he is the esence of tecknologu them wath am i?

Summer: the essence of idiocy.

Grey : Morty smith you are currently the essence of survival and foolishness i hope you try to grow other essences to replace the foolishness as for you Summer you essence is domination and competence useful and dangerous grow some more and you may get enough to benefits to become independent from your grandfather , as for Jerry well he is weakness survival and advancement quite odd but understandeble while i am Ends beginings with mild arcane earth and the holy light the last means power to heal at the cost of becoming more emphatetic.

Rick: Essence huh neat.

Summer: Good to know.

Jerry: It coud be worse i mean ...nevermind .

Morty: So what dose it mean ?

Rick: He is beholden to the ability of demons such he can measure our most dominant essences the things on the surface and such i don't recommend delving deeper its healthier that way i suppose but essentially he is watching for potential meals nothing to worry tho since well he needs more powerful stuff then us to get him craving , and as this digital world has been filed by his essence he as well filed the mobs existence here as such a good source of different essence for his consumption .

Grey:Just don't mess with my home as the avatars you use now are soul bound and with each death you will lose stamina in real life and you will faint until you recover.

No grave harm but your souls may grow over time if you get enough execution points.

I believe leaving you guys alone is the best for me currently and so should you do to me , plus i have no ill will towards you after i get all i want from this pocket realm i will make my way out of here and keep a copy of the game with you guys so you can keep playing.

Jerry: That's all no battle no damage to my vilege?

Rick: He is insignificant and while he could be an annoyance well i don't personally care i got better things to do so bye dont mess with the main man and all is cool.

Grey: Before you go take this it will help with the radiation probelm.

As i said that i threw him a golden apple he grabbed it then when he logged out he still held it he went with it to his lab and after a few tests he ate it as it flavored ok and helped his body start metabolizing the radiation his implants gave off.

Meanwhile Summer Morty and Jerry with Grey in his player size were talking and decided to build around Jerry,s village at a distance of course , Morty started a village of his own while Summer a castle and i behind the hill i started unearthing materials and storing them to make my own grimm display of Wow undead building from the shortest of ziggurait to the talent of Black Citadel each build taking no more them days for me sleep time for them they recognize the designs and the differences i told them they're 100 percent accurate they shrugged and we kept playing as i had made a Necropolis to research and harvest mobs unique powers from the ender man to the withers shield power very useful items were made , after days i had even the End dragons essence forming a new core for me in my left palm so i can use the infinite power and regenerative power for my own uses the orb i have at hand is very fragile but with a few runes its safe i had left the pocket realm as the Law spirit was bound to my bidding a friendly contract as i left Jerry Summer and Morty saw me emerge a ten foot tall demon looking eredar with feathered wings and a purple eye on the outside of one of his palms containing the laws of that world and a pocket realm developing to be under my controll by the vertu of having them law elemental as my familiar ,

Beth Smith saw my emergence and seeing the others calmly she said:

I didn't expect to have a guest over today.

Jerry: He is the friend i told you about.

Morty: He is cool no danger here.

Summer: I didn't expect for you to be so tall.

Grey: I thoght you guys were hight accurate.

Let me just ajust i thinck i have a Azirithian human form ....a here it is the as i call it Dracula accurate Azirithian human.

As i said this i started shifted with casual clothes on i really looked odd in my perspective at least i smiled with the mastash and stubble looking handsome if Summers starry eyes had to say something , i stretched a bit getting use to my smaller yet two heads bigger then any resident in this room i had watched as Rick enter the room stop then went backward not wanting to get implicated in this mess i scratched the back of my hed as the casual clothes shift and take characteristics from this worlds fashion while giving me a old times look then i shake my head and from feet up to my neck and elbow a black skin hugging black combo of boots long pants and t-shirt that clines half way on my neck then a blood red sleeve less vest reaching to my boots with inner pockets no gloves as my neils perfectly trimmed i smiled showing the only vesteges i kept from my large form i nodd and was happy untill i heard a hoarn i turned to the console dubble tapped it as a magic circle surround it to then the crystal structure on it be stored in my mind skape safe for now the game there with the promised copy i snaped my finger and i took oit a small basket of golden apples as i saw the guys go outside and meet ewu mister Nimbus the basket left to Beath as i told her one for each more its use will diminish .

The guest the king of Atlantis saw me looked up as i was even for him two heads taller then him i was stoic as i was present for the discussion i saw when Morty wanted to enter then portal i followed and dropped the crate i had staid there no need to eat or anything in saw time pass the kind farmer went out for a moment in his view but years for his family i helped them and when he returned he was told of what happened he was very sorry but next was the turn of his wife i staid with them ,

Morty was very surprised by my apparently never changing nature i had spent time growing my pocket realm with the energy of the planet and ambient nature the last time he cane for the bottle the science here was very advanced i left with the last bottles and morty leading the way as i returned my presence now different a lot more wisdom and knowledge but at my roots still the same i smiled as i once more in a very long time meet Rick and Nimbus i saluted and told them i am leaving and to have a nice life.

The famaly gave me a fear well as i literely tore a hole in time and space and hopped off to wereever i went.