677.More hunts.

I has woke with Jinx still on my side she was thinking and pondering then she looked up and she noted i woke i moved my body as the long lair changed to a deep red a crimson like blood my eyes followed and turned Blue deep blue her eyes matching my own she noted the eye color of blue grow darker and fix to a Purple, a deep purple i smiled and she was lost in them in the deep dark color i then turned and she broke eye contact turning to my side and she closed her eyes she felt my hair move and wrapped her she felt it she is naked i smiled and she felt a silk band around her neck with a round mark on it i tapped it once and her clothes ware equipped then twice to get her back in underwear i did as well she noted the pair of underwear i wore as her wandering hand curiously moves around my body.

Tzuriel:Ow look the new follower of Zack got better i was told she needs shimmer.

Jix:No not a chance i use that thing again!

As she got to sit on her ass with the cover holding on herself.

Zack:Tzuriel don't make her paranoid i only finished fixing her i don't need her to go insane once more plus i can heal her if it comes to it , and if you need any power ups i can make something that dose not alter any aspect you do not want to change.

Jinx:T.... thank you Zack.

Zack:No problem plus you will be residing with Tzuriel in the Tzinch,s side of the home he is the lord of change and knowledge and an asshole that tries to plan everything you can get used him just expect to change slowly if you don't like a change i can revert it..

Jinx:Any other things i should know? or not do?

Zack:Curently there are six factions here in the home , Tzinch the Chaos god that is the embodiment of being a nerd , Korn the embodiment of a Murderous and nightly guy , Slanesh the embodiment of excess and sex ....she is in rape and all bdsm and Nurgle the dirty and kind old Gramphather that is the cycle of life ...he is a rotting god so they are the four Chaos gods then the renagate his name is Malal and i have five of his sons building the base outside the complex you can visit the others but i recommend you to stay out of the garden its very sticky while the red forge may be better for your metallic needs and to Purple zone of slanesh for relaxing taking sowers and such you can visit my room the core of this house i control it all and my Amber is everywhere if you are hungry we are developing the food in the cold room for bow meat and honey .

I then brought her around she noted my clothes change from underwear to simple comfy clothes she wore her usual things.

After i had left Jinx to her devices i was met with Koriel and ....a woman in a swim suit.....

Zack:Firs Tzuriel broght a folower now you whomshe is and why did you summon her?

Koriel:Great fighter ahe was about to be killed so i plucked her out her father was about to kill her.....can we keep her?

Zack:Any request .....i can practically do anything .....in exchange of you becoming a Korn folower i will maintain you sanity as he gives you more gifts if you keep worshiping him.....say it beautiful.

Mileena:Do you truly belive i am beitifull even with these.

As she showed me her sharp teeth smiled and she saw the human mouth turn and full Tarkatan mouth i then shifted it back to normal i thensaid, any request?

Mileena:Can you teach me the technick you used before?

Zack: Ok a moment any preferences?

Mileena:Can you make it so nobody can undo any of my changes?

Zack:Consider it done.

[item:Orb of shape shifting.

Description: A white orb.

Effect:Grants the skill Minor shape shifting allowing for estetic and minor battle related shifting of the body, can be improved with training.]

I helt the orb and i said.

Zack:Eat it and figure out how it works, you can go to the korn side of the house or join jinx she is a mechanical genius and very good with guns a bit insane but pleasant company you can also improve your body with training at the Korn,s side of the house he sent you herej to begin with Koriel you can guide our new combat mistress to her room, and around if she desires so , Don't forget to nock on my door i don't want any of you to get freaked out if you see me mid shifting from this to any other humanoid form as its ....disturbing to say the least.

Koriel:Will do Zack come Mileena san i will guide you.

Mileena: Thank you for everything.

I then saw the one piece bikini-wearing woman leave i then slumped on the bed i rested in stagnation and then i heard a nock.

Nuriel:Brother Zack Nurgle has found a member for our home he seems nice enough.

Toxzon:Greathing my name is....


Toxzon:Yes? ....did we meet before?

Zack:Hehe hehehe ....you insane bastard forgot your son....

Toxzon:My wat!

Zack:You can address me as Zack Tytus Xander your son ....why did Nurgel select a variant of my father .....god damn it ....before you try calling me son...You better not or i will find a vulcano and throw you in it!...Understood!

Toxzon:....How? Did i manage to have a kid if you are willing to cure my curiosity Zack?

Zack:Before you went Toxin mutant and followed the instructions of that stupid fish of yours you were married to mom .....she died when a Hyperlink fused with her bones .....ripping her to shreds as her bones became a Hyperlink monster .....you went from griff trying to make something to protect me .....you made the suit and during a battle i was as well, unalived ....i was rescued by the four Chaos gods and given power now i am living here ....with family ....now you to are here ....did you get close to dying? before getting broght here?

Toxzon:i...yes ....i was hubted down by a Fused Hyperlink before my crushing death i was plucked out my suit is still dammaged can you help Zack?

I moved inspected the dammage and made another bracelet.

[Item:Toxzon,s Armory and Imfermery.

Description:A bracelet made by Ruinous powers and Zacks desire.

Effect:Stores and repairs Armours while healing and making the host seem naturaly Human .

Side effect:Grants the knowledge of Good and evil for the first time it is worned.]

Zack:It should help with your always needing to be in a suit problem and don't try covering this world in Nurgles gift,s without my permission .....i will detonate the volcano and cleanse everything off the face of this planet even if it takes years.

Toxzon:Wow .....I...*gulp* understood Zack....i am ....going to...m..my lab i have new research to be done.

Zack:Hold it i need to heal you before you try to remove the suit and spill yourself everywhere since the band will take time to fix your body.

He came closer to me and my hands glowed a deep green as he felt renewed the mutated body shifting and forming a lair of epidermis to hold him together even without the suit with bioports for the tubes and everything the suit needs to be equipped then the skin covered that epidermis and finally he was fixed i taped the button and Tytus Octavius Xander stood before me a bit buffer he gasped air for the first time in a while and noted he was dressed in simple clothes i smiled and said.

Zack:Nuriel is nice don't make anything world ending as the cycle of life plays a great role in Nurgles Chaos divinity so don't upset him he is a great uncle and maybe i will let you lose on a different planet to fill with as much toxins and destruction as you desire.

Xander Toxzon: Al ring ... Zack i will be careful.

And yes infixed his mind he now thinks with the combined mite of fishy and Toxzon .....he will be a valuable asset.

I turned and then saw Sluriel.....

Zack: What do you want slut?

Sluriel:All ghe others have already their first minions can i get one to?

Zack:Theyr patron pulled them before they're deaths i don't know if....

And a sexy naked woman fell on my lap....

She was tall matching me reptilian eyes yellow sclera and four arms her sharp teeth having bracers and her hair being made in a odd shape yet simetricle resembling Grivus,s mask.....Slanesh.....that Pervert!

Grieve chan moved sporadically as she could not see without her eyes glasses and she covered herself while still in my lap with two hands and holding me in a hug with her other two...

Zack:Sluriel! Get out! Now!....

And he did running like a hell dog wanted to use his eye socket to relieve its urges.

Grieve:*coff coff*My *coff coff*Inhaler!*coff coff*

I placed my hand on her back and fixed her lungs and any other aliments leaving for last her eyes witch from the yellow sclera turned into golden as her black cornea turned red she blincked once twice and saw how close she was to my face my ears long normal avrege looks as tall and well buid as her ahe blushed she felt the room was not cold just fine to be naked in i smiled and she buried her face in my neck.

Zack:How is the coff miss?

Grieve:A lot better thank you ....can you get me some clothes?...i feel uncomfortable being naked...

I then made another band and placed it on her hand then tapped the red dot on it as then with a poof she was clothed no eyeglasses tho.

She felt the change and looked down seeing herself in casual blue knee hay skirt and from the skirt down knew hay socks with running shoes from her skirt up a sports braw covered by a Tshirt with four holes for her hands no sleaves visible and i felt she had a mark on her belly it glowed purple and ...it was the slanesh,s mark i then was asked.

Grieve:Were am i and why was i brought here?

Zack:I will officially welcome you to close to be dead club we have four gods five ferry,s , five sons of Malice about twenty skeletons and then the first followers of the four gods on this planet ,

for Tzinch you will meet Jinx a smart and insane mechanic,

for Nurgle my insane biologi scientist of toxins and monstrous polluting creatures that is a different version of my father,

for korn a byo-engenierd female hand to hand and some weapon master Mileena, and now you for the follower of Slanesh the perverted god of pleasure excess , happiness and everything BDSM and you young Grieveus have been chosen please pre tell how wood you have died in your world?

Grieveus:I was taking a bath and ....i had a coffin fit as i held my cellphone witch was charging .....heh....so...can i go back?

Zack:Unfortunately for you no you're dead where you came from and i don't think you're fixed yet....i had managed to bost your immune system and have your body repair itself but i can see you dna is the problem and if i fix it you may go through a adjustment period and some changes may happen with new habits and ....diet...you will become more lizerd like red skin and you feet may change as well are you willing?

Grieveus:Before that can you tell me why am i still on your lap?

Zack:*coff coff* you did not move so i did not mind plus you soft ass feels nice on my legs and you skirt is hiding my boner.

As she hear the first part she gave me a cute smile then the other part it changed becoming a bashfull one she then became serious and asked.

Grieveus:So why was i chosen of so many sluts in my school?

Zack:Plejure you feel true pleasure when you train battle and spar while you also use drugs and your shamelessness when you're next to someone you like*coff coff* i feel your hand .....anyway you alsaw feel happiness to a greater extent when you progect it on someone else .....can you take that hand out of my pants? I lnow i have a perfect ass and if you continue i will respond and i wont stop until you cant gonwitout me....any other questions?

Grieveus:Was that a warning or a challenge?....and yes inwood like you to fix me completely as it seams i will be here for the long run hehe.

Zack:You tall sexy woman you will suffer my wrath!

As she saw two more sets of hands grow out under and behind my main arms i grabbed her and called both mine and her clothes, vanished to only underwear, she felt the breeze and the thuch starved woman practicaly leaped on me and she snuggled her face on my chest she had her hands intertwined with my own as i gave her pats and gentle strokes to her hair and face this went on until she got to my stiffy and she slowly moved down her large breasts sliding on my body she then removed her bra and smiled lewdly she then opened her mouth as she noted her bracers were no more she smiled and opened her mouth as she moved her tongue long and lizerdish with unique characteristics she wraped around i and moved slowly up and down she managed to take it all ....she has no gag reflex....cool.

After a few minutes of hard work she got her white cream she licked her lips and i got to my feet i laid her on my bed as my hands were reduced to two sets which were still intertwined with hers as i moved her panty,s and my long tongue to lick and dig in her womanhood she gasped and moaned as i grew my pase and i was rewarded by her nectar ....it was oddly sweet i then moved up giving her kisses that nade her shiver and make cute sounds i placed my member on her stomach from were her hong pot reaching her navel she shivered in expectation then i started grinding on her falowly and stedy untill she said:

Grieveus:P...please put it in..

I smiled and did so slowly and steadily moving back and forth digging deeper and deeper until with a wet slap was fully in she made a cute gasp and her lower hands free from myne were moved to the shape of my member being visible from outside she stroked it and with a deep blush she said.

Griveus:Fuck me..hard!

I made a circular morion getting a cute gasp then i started pumping with a steady rhythm this went for hours unlike the others she is very durable and very good stamina she had now growing sillier and sillier , i got close and finally released my load and her belly started growing bigger and bigger she alwredy had orgasm a couple times and now so i did once.

Grievus had a large smile and dilated round eyes as i stoped i moved closer and we kissed i then slowly removed my member from her snatch and a large pool of semen was spilling out i allowed it as from her belly the Slanesh,s symbol glowed and the cum evaporated her skin changing becoming more silk-like and whiter the long blond hair gaining different colores intertwined her feet gained claws like nails and a slight digitigrade change to her feet her hands as well gained claw like nails, her nails dug slightly in my flesh leaving no mark she seemed happy i took my place next to her and we slept covered.

As the next day came i saw Sluriel come in sneaking and and got to Grivous,s breasts witch were a bit bigger now she woke with the fery suckling she blinked her eyes open and shrugged as the fey was cute even if perverted Grivous held it with one hand and got dressed with the fey under her sports braw and t-shirt i then guided her to the room and , she started her morning rutine.

I did as well going to the bath , showering and using a fey to remove my morning wood then brushing my teeth and finally toilet brake and removed the now filled fey to recover i got dressed and passed by Grieve san seating at the main food table were we met the rest of them camaly as then Sluriel spoke.

Sluriel:You did it with each fey....then Tzinch new follower and slanesh,s new follower my subordinate.....did Korn,s follower jump your bones yet?

Zack:Sluriel no lust tack at the food table if you continue i will plug that mouth of yours to not listen to it anymore ....Got it?

Sluriel:....Try me..*the sound of a large member entering the fey*

As i pulled the fey under the table the rest heard a now sucking sound as the fey was stuck to balls deep not being able to pool back ....evennif it needed air ....i dont care ....

We kept eating the two that were not used to such percerjens asked me.

Toxzon:Is that necessary....and at the table at that?

Mileena:Who cares at least it silents the things voice was annoying.

Zack:I apologize for the undecent sounds but that thenonly way to shut its trap without it complaining to its god.....plus he is getting his meal as well a strong proteic shake....dont ask for it i know they have it in store...somehow.

Grieve san:Even more then just that tripe of food Slanesh chan had given me access to fill the fridge with different foods....lewd foods.

I did not, i don't want any of you to not eat .....i placed a separate fridge in Sluriels room that all the perverted food ....even if you can call it that..some are good but others not so much to much cream based....sorry lets just forget about it .

I had my leg in a head lock for Sluriel to not pop off , Muriel was good in the bath but this pervert is a unique experience its eyes were harts.


I moved and left the sack of seeed-in fey form i closed his mouth before he could not spill over.

I the guys heard the sound of a zip and i cleaned the tip and place back my member, i held Sluriel with my legs to not roll over and bother others eating ....

Grive san: How come everything here is so ....modern even if we live in a mountain.....how come there is so many Anber colors here?

Zack:I dug this hole complex with the help of the power they gave me and it expands the full mountain base with support pillars and such i intend to go up and deeper down this will be the common living room .....for Nurgle we are going deeper down and Slanesh the second time level followed by Korn,s level right under this one and on top of this one for Tzinch, so no conflict so to say then following levels will be of my faction and Of Malal....for now we only need this zone..i need first to hallow then top to remove stress on the lower level....

Toxzon:So you build this how is it held from collapsing?

I moved and a Amber piller shot to the sealing and i said.

Zack:Try hitting it , its my best work yet.

He finished eating and summoned a arm peace it activated and three large claws formed of burning toxic energy , he swung at it and with a large ding sound they broke.....

Toxzon:Holy mother of Nurgle my blade!.....wait they're made of energy ....how the hell did this happen?

Zack:Stop questioning reality and start deactivating them.

He then reactivated them they were whole now.

Grieve san:Can i get four blunt swords of that material?

Zack: Dont you desire four lightsabers?

Mileena:Wats a lightsaber?

Greve san:A metalic hilt with a crista and power source generating a straight foron construct that is so hot it can cut through almost anything.... some metals are resistant...but if held for long enoght even they are melted.

Can you relly make em ...theyr expensive...

Zack:Relly expensive .....you could ask Slanesh and she would give you a lightsaber she used as a dildo .....and yes she has one...and it vibrates...i will just make amber colored ones...five i one one as well.

I used 250 points and had five metallic sticks fall on the table i took one and moved to the piller then i swung the light club...yes club i made myne extra large.

They saw me swung and hit the piller ...nod ding sound only a slow-burning sound and the smell of molten hot syrup of the pine variat, i stoped and the light blade retracted i smiled and said.

Zack:And now i can probably kill all of you....except for Grive san she is my favorite....for now..keep being entertaining and i may keep you all safe...hehe i am joking i will always do my best to help you survive....for now i need to change the shape of this light club i want a baster light sword hehe..

Then i got up and left...the guys shrugged between a few fey shivered and two girls blushed ....and the rest had no reaction....

I arrived at my room and used some mana and Chaos points and now i have a grey Basterd light sword it was simple with runes of the Chaos gods leaving the blade slowly i moved it ...it had weight and heft to it i made a lipped and slashed at it the changes made it stronger...the light now having weight and when it deactivates the grey light decay,s slowly untill nothing was left ...the handle well crafted and fits perfectly in my palm i held it and activated it in a slashing morion i sliced the piller with ease, i made a Amber shieth and placed it in my belt,s loop.

I got my Ram clothes summoned other five sons of Malal and had Muriel to deal with them and handed other five cloth bands and i left for the explination can be given by her.

I jumped off the Mountain and infound myself at a town ....Human i went and rememberd this was the one i left .... My getup got the attention of some humans and i found it then orphanage it was ....the same i was only a month since i left i nocked on the door and asked if i can see a place were I a long time ago buried something i told them in will give them gold in exchange for allowing me to take it back ....the matron allowed it .

I walked sniffed and arrived were i had lived i went under my bed ....moved it and with the matron as witnesses impaled the ground with my left hand made a rummaging motion and pulled a four colored orb ....the linchpin and dungeon core for my being ....i stored it in my pocket and gave her 100 gold coins she was surprised they had amber sap on few of them i smiled and left i then left.

Before I took my departing step she asked.

Matron Toriel:By any chance you know wat happens to the child that slept closest to the thing you pulled out?

Zack:Nothing ....they will not have any side affects they may hear wispers of the four but nothing will come of it i never allow it to root in any one place more then need it ....tell no one of this i have to find a unhabited place and burri it once more ... Take Care..

She was worried and asked.

Toriel:Then why did Zack leave...

Zack:Becouse the time came to cast off the human shell and remember my purpos thats why i left .....Don't think much of it..aince it happend before and it will always happen.

Toriel:Ow then goodbye, Zack.


Then i left....as the ...maitren entered back in the orphanage ...i left calmly some guard asked my purpose and i was asked few questions ....

Guard:Sir can you want for a moment...

Zack:Yes wat is quarreling you?

Guard:can you plese tell us your buisnis today here sir?

Zack:I had to recover a Dangerous artifact from a place i burried a long time ago now i intend to find a place were no towns or people are to plant it once more so to spreed the raw energy it emanates and make nother fertile zone just like your town who found this zone i will not tell or guid anybody to it ...i dont want to have another catastrophy....i will take my leave short lived species such as you should never get theyr hands on it ....i dont meed any new Devils to be born ..Goodbye.

The guards started sweting i then jumped leaving a Amber plate on the ground right under me i opend two Amber wings and glided ...i moved my hand and with a unique grappling hook i pulled and got once more momentum, and kept gliding,

untill i reached my mountain i took a look around and no human setelments were found i went to the top pulled the orb and impaled the orb as i spilled blood on it.

The mountain glowed and i got a notification.

[Zack has instaled the Chaos Jewl the Mounten Bald now is owned by you ,

You have privileges to shape and model it at your desire the mountains mana pool is now opend for your personal use.




Skills passive: Mineral wealth , Water spring ,Medicinal herbs , Mushrooms, Trees.]

I felt it and its me ....now more then before ....i started moving the insides the mineral deposits ...plants and flora deposits, .....i made multiple groves and the mountain shifted a path was made and the tip of ghe mountain now had a gravestone with a name.

[Molly Xander Wife of Tytus Octavius Xander and mother to Zack Octavius Xander died tring to protect children]

I felt Toxzon come out of the base the levels made and perfect i had broght him here ...he noted i was knealing he looked and ...

Toxzon:....I married her...figures....so the family name is Xander not Tytus....funny i was really curious why you weren't named Tytus ....i figured you didn't like my family name but now this has more sens ....she wood have been prowed of how big you grew i understand the loss and i am a

Sorry that the me that is your father couldn't save any of you two...quite a pity .

Zack:Yes a pitty i will go rest the mountain is now me and i am the mauntain the levels are complete and i feel the pull to my corpse i will be revived in some kind of vile monster i need to meditate and take controll before my corpse will couse unforceen death,s tell them i am going to hibernate for a while the four Chaos gods will keep sumoning more folowers i will expect you guys guid them and help them to settle in the two levels from here down are my personal quorters dont let anybody there i dont want my mindless body to acidentaly kill any of you.

I then left filling a room with hony , meat and water in three holding tancks i then did the same with three larger tancka as i placed springs for the water to refill themselfs for drink and wash water i then filled a large container with hony...and summoned the fery,s they lined in front of me .....

Zack:I will be leaving my body for a while here my Father or some Ultralinck fused with my body and now is active i am going to take it over and if possible return it here ....during the process you five will be in charge more followers will come make them comfortable, i will help them when i am back do not let me rampage thru the mountain i filled here some stuff for me to eat and drink ....you can drop food for my bestial self don't be seen and not let me catch any of you tring to fuck me i will not be restrained and you can die ....it will be painfully not worth it ,don't fuck over the world the new levels have new resources and nodes were they will resupply make the base self sufficient i will expect to see the mountain base filled with stuff ...decorate the zones as i asked have a nice time untill i return ....now come here and give me a hug.

And they did so to then leave i sat on my bed and meditated as the body fell asleap as four colores shine in the body,s eyes with a bestial glee my body moved to a rest position waiting for prey.

Meanwile in the Max stell universe.

A wendigo Ultralink was rawring running and hunting whild animals to then stop hold its head and with a loud screach stoped moving and i blincked ...the body is not perfect ragged and painfull i focused and tuched my chest then my body glowed and my lancky uneven body grew muscle akin and ligaments while the Skull with deer horns that is my face reseaded and reshaped like rams horns still dear horns but bent unaturaly like ram horns pointing in front of me .

I smiled and the form started shifting colapsing and .....

Max Steel was in his speed form and was watching me ....i ignored and my form finished compacting and now i looked like a demi human windigo i then the bone cover shifted my form still changing as fur covered me my limbs and leaving my chest open toned muscles visible my face now revealed my identity as Zack Octavius Xander being more and more ovious my change finalized i tuched my chest and fixed my vocal cords as i smelled female feromons ....Arousal, Worry and Fear?

Zack:And who may you be ....i believe we never met before let me introduce myself i am Zack Xander who are you?

Max Steel?:I saw you get ....lincked ....i folowed to make sure you dont accidentaly kill any human i managed hurding gou here ...wat happend....and my name ...our name is May Silver...are you Toxzon,s son?

Zack:Is he still alive?

May silver:Yes he is alsaw contained he ....is not doing so good...do you need help?

Zack:I seem to have become a Hyperlinck .....can you provide me with a source of energy ...i don't want this body to fall apart before i leave again...can you help with that?

Silver:How do we know you wont go crazy and try taking power by yourself?

May:Silver i told you to not pop out you can....

Zack:Get cot by the wrong person...

I was holding Silver she was cute two limbs and one very expressive eye i checked the Linck over and sniffed it then handed her back to May which was in panicking and full of worry...

As she immediately hugged the stunned link i then focused and with little effort from my forehead a link popped out it was with one purple Eye and six tendrills witch four were still conected to ghe body as i said.

Zack:Can you fill my battery,s?

May silver: Allright but i will keep a eye on you from now on..

She then grabed my Link and filled my batery,s and now i should be abale to regenerate them myself.

I then reconected the other two limbs and connected them to my head i finalised the change as a lair of skin once more was covering the Link i had only three dots of light on my fourhead i got to my feet unstady , i then followed May as we ran to Kem-Tek we enterd and i was asked to do some tests i aquiesed i feel my Chaos points at full a total of 800 points i can acess my iventory and my blade is at hand i even spred my Amber on my body slowly like i will be encased and be immobilized if i dont keep it in check the Kem-trck scientists were curious and told me all my flesh is a mix of Deer and Human they noted my cells deccay and regenerate they alsaw checked the ember it had very haigh and concentrated amounts of minerals and nutrients i kept licking at it , tasty ....and odd hony like once i got to the inside .

I was met with my father he was huddled in the corner of his jar muttering words..

Zack:Get yourself back together Molly wood turn in her grave knowing you failed to protect zack!

Toxzon:*Sob sob* he then turned and saw a pants wearing deer horned .....version of his son ...Whow .....who are you!...why do you look like Zack!.....Hiper....i see it why are you pupetiering my boy,s body you thing!

Zack:The linck is the dead one ...at least spiritualy he shortcircuited when i possesd my Corps Toxzon i seem to have been granted a boon this is temporary as my chrent vessal is getting slowly incased in this ....Amber.....

Toxzon:But ...how.....no i wont lose you again ....even if youre just a shadow i wont lose you....So about the Amber as you call it can you controll it?

At this I smiled he saw the Amber grow rapidly forming a construct a Wendigo my previous form .

Zack:i woke after my body managed to eat a Deer and the link beast as there is no better way to call it asimilated the genes i gained controll as my brain was fully reatored i then took controll after a brief strugle and asimilated the Link and using its computing power and resurses i downsized and compresed ....all the power in this form i can brake you out but you will swear you will help Kem teck and i , do you agree?

Toxzon:Fine only if i can monitor you i dont want to loose you again.

At this i smiled and with a grasping motion i summoned my blade.

I made four cuts and the glass was chopped a door i taped and it fell as then Toxzon huged me looking over me i smiled and grabed him by the head he then saw my eyes glow and his body followed the guards saw next moment no longer Toxzon but Tythus Octavius Xander in a new suit he felt new refreshed ...confortable ...he noted my form i compresed the Amber and placed it in the port on his chest his armour started consuming the Compresed Amber marble he took a deep breth and understood i am not here completly and i did something ....i then said.

Zack:I will incase my body in Amber so when i leave the body i wont just go on a rampage the new instincts can be delt with i can always restore the body i cant send it back to my new self it wood have taken to much energy i will let youn help them and the suit is connmected to a communicator in another place, my new body not this deccayng mess i alsaw have a version of you there his famaly name is Tytus not Xander and he never merried likenyou did hehe he is a goof yet he is still a version of you.

As i talcked my form started growing i enterd the glass container and pushed the door as i fixed it then i filled the container as i crystalized the Amber my body fully monstrous and immobilized from any movement my blade already in my inventory

Father understood this form of me not so easy to be in he tapped the glas and then he heard a bip as he saw on the videocall his son?

Zack:Sory the Hyperlincked body is sook needy and this is not a recordig evrithing left in that body is instinct ignore it if you relly need me you can always call me to chat i didnt want you to wayst away in that jar any questions?

Xander:How is this posible?

Zack:Literely and metaphricaly Magic as when i died four gods of Chaos summoned me to ghis world gave me power and now i am building my own lab , and followers i am connecting to your worlds internet soon so you can meet aome of my ally,s and partners as i may have two girls alwredy gunning after me..

As i said that Muriel came in the shot she waved and said.

Muriel:Hellow Zacks father we g

ot a dimensional variant of you here ....he is nice i belive you are as well but he can get obsessed with the weekest of inchantmet you science guys marvel way to much to measly magic anyway i need to check on the new arrivals, have a nice day.

Xander:Soo....Magic?.....Dam it all plese get me on the call we need to exchange notes ....Thanck you son .....now i can improve and make sure things like this dont happen again...Call me.

Then the char closed .

I smiled as i turned to the new eight additions to my forces....

Hagrid ...the giant

....Hater...bone skeleton...

..jester...mighty nine..

.Delma....from schoby doo.....

Pacifica...gravity falls....

Evil Mable...evil gravity falls..

Snake....kung fu panda...

The huntress....Dead by daylight...

Nurgle:Hagrid , Jester.

Korn:Mable, Huntress.

Slanesh:Delma, Snake.

Tzinch:Pacifica, Hater.

Zack:Ok so any requests?

Hagrid:Do we have a animal pen?

Zack:Fifth flor from the top there are Groves and plants as well .

Jester:Can i have painting suplys?

Zack:Yes , i will make a infinite painting suply box after the requests end.

Jester :Yey ok i will be here until then.

Mable:Any wepons or people to fuck over?

Zack:Only enemies and if you fuck over any of the residents consider yourself Fucked untill silly and dumb.

Huntress:Any place to safekeep any lost children?

Zack:Yes your room and if you hunt Residents youre getting punished .....maybe fucked too.

Delma:Any intresting reeding materials?

Zack:Yes and you will have acess to internet of a difrent world and if you want to take care of fustrations find me or use Sluriel .

Snake:Can you give me a body with limbs?

Zack:Yes remain and we can test it afterwords.

Pacifica:Can you bring me back home i dont want to be here ....can i at least have my beuty things?

Zack:Yes and youre a good manipulator thats way Tzinch wanted you.

Hater:Your are the boss you dont look that strong if i beat you can i asume controll?

I smiled my body grew and became skeletal my mouth filled with sharo teeth and long dextruous thung i smiled and eveibody felt my power crushing on them as i said.

M.K.Zack:Try asuning i am week and i will asume you want to be become a living pile of Bone fertilizer to be used for the rest of your insignificant little life.

Hater:N....No....s...sir...i wont ....have any further .....futile...atepts...at....your....g..greatness.

I then puffed and returned to normal as with a smile and few snaps i had completed the requests while i held a Snake woman and grabed Mable witch fainted i then walcked to my bedroom as i left Mable on a sofa i then got naked and the green snake woman had a cute flush as then we tangled and tested her new body.

From stretches of her limbs so some stretches more in depth I had showed her how to get to her nipples and loins bits as they were modified to allow her to be naked and not indecent she even used her snacke like nature to fully swallow my member with ease wen we were done i head a voice as mistress snake was now dressed and happy with her new form as she can go Lamia or back full in her snake form kinki.

Mable:Stupid new boss needs to be .....so hot....and perverted....maybe i can barge ....in and get some....cant risck it....Damnit ...where is he ..... He was there few moments before.....and why did it get friskier here all of a sudden?

Zack:Right behind you pervert.


As i entered then narrow and evill girl she passed out i got to my feet as she was held by my member and hands holding her chest playing with herb cute small chest each movement making the girl squirm and squirt as i arrived at then bed she had already had her first Orgasm witch woke her she tried puling herself of my dick to only have her feet betraying her and she again was fully impaled to the hilt she let out a cute moan and turned with a awkward smile as i placed my hands on her waist they felt worm and comfortable untill they lifted her up making her hope and back down getting her to let out a Moan gutherel and filled with malice filled lust.

Mable:Are*grunt*...you....*gasp*sure..*gasp*...i..*moan*..am..*moan*..the ...*grunt*..


As i started maintaining a stedy pase i said.

Zack: More neutral ....you little evil beach ...do you know if you did not hide and watch you wood havenbeen left to do your stuff bit not ...well its to late now i am on and you bearly scrach my ich....lets see how that ass is..

Mable:Plese ..*Grunt*....not the ass!

As i goot her off lined her and with slow and hidrolick force i dug deep in her .

Mable:You ....Aaah.....Bastard...it hurts....just wayt untill...Aaah....

I then moved my thung and stuffed her mouth .....sweet and somewath bitter.

I started going faster she then felt mybthubgue keep growing deeper and deeper untill i reached her guts ...and deeper still she strugled.....and gave up as i passed my member and enterd her hony pot once more at thiss she was incredjual as the pljure was very i tense and mind altering....untill....

Sluriel:Zack Slanesh san broght a Big girl ....she is huge .....sorry for disturbing your meal .....i will regurn after your done.....

Zack:Actualy i am done ....i will live this toy for when i return ....tell me wat is the actual problem?

As i left the silly girl on the bed i dressed and walked with Sluriel we saw new rooms and people getting ajusted.....until i saw it.....a giant ....female squid ish creature she was holding a human like anstress doll i tilted my head and her nany eyes folowed my movements as she was looking at a predator....scared....purple skin two hands and many tendrils adapted for ground walcking ....i shifted and grew and the people around me made room i now was a Tocustar like form two gianent purple eyes i focused and used some chaos points and made a new skill.

[Skill:Size shifting .

Effect:Depending if someone is shorter then you , well dont waist the ocasion make them even shorter so you can man handle them with ease.

Side effect:The excess size will be stored to be used insted of mana for the host the host if downsizes he cant charge the reserves only from other can be done so.]

I moved with speed and she latched herself on my hand he teeth and strange flesh whiskers latched and she tried biting me as my other hand grabbed the human and moved him out of the cage then i focused and she grew smaller and samller folowing suit to keep her unawere my flesh returning to the human colore and desing i saw her body going from fight anf flight to motionless terror.

Zack:So are you done with your instinct tantrum?

Eespi:Why....*groul*....Tell me can you fix me....

Zack:Fix....LADY i don't fix people i bring them closure and comfort depending on they're true desire,s and you my young monster you desire destruction and prey...you're a new member of Slanesh,s fate and a toy for me like her other minions, you will be my play thing unlike my favorite woman you will change and grow ....you need to so you can survive....any thing you want to change about yourself? The are no limits.

Eespi:dull my instincts theyr ....excesive..

Zak:So you want more control over yourself ....it can be done.

I then hugged her as her body is the tactile sorts, she hugged me and i in return i got her in a carry position an her lower part clung to me .

As we arrived at the bedroom Mable nowhere to be seen I think huntress got to her ....shell be fine, i saw my bed fully clean and we fell on it the touch starved monster enjoying herself and exploring my durable form her thigh holding nothing but a child's grip at an object of clojure...

and relief she was getting hotter and hotter body temperature while going into heat ...

.a first for her i felt her grind a spot on my knee i moved my hand and with a wet *slick* i found her honey pot she shivered and released a growl ...

.very cute i then felt her hands find a hot rod she was curious and she moved her attention from my chest as she brought her midsection to me she was inspecting the new orifice in front her defecation hole as she would call it ....

the design, body was not fully explored i had extended my tung and she shivered as i moved dug in her narrow cave ..

...strawberry ...unexpected but tasty ....i continued to lick and prod until i found a babarrier it is her haymen...

..i kept moving and she finally had her first orgasm she thightend her hold over me like trying to squish me to pop .

...her reflexive motions had forced my face closer and thungue deeper then i wanted it pierced deeper and the barrier broke the plesure tainted by a sharp pain followed by a deeper plesure and i found her baby making chamber i tasted the blood .

...it tasted well not metallic like iron but silver based...mild metallic taste that is far from pleasant if her natural juice didn't blend well ...but its temporary i felt her relax my tongue retracting i looked on the Alien Female her six cristal like eyes her many tendril for legs and humanoid torso he covered her chest as it seems to bulge and with a pop two sets on nipples showed they're cute tips i moved my hands over tem getting a cute *growl* as it seams they're extremely sensitive....i made my tongue longer and i split it in four as i licked and checked in her nipple pouches she gave me very nice responses the pouches kept relaxing and four large soft breasts made they're reveal....her thick hide making way her mouth starting to change the flesh like whiskers moving to then touch and form lips covering her teeth and the upper two whiskers made space making breathing holes like a nose i then moved and felt her ass they have similar pockets with a gentil touch her bare behind slowly was replaced with two large and plump ass with a soft interior and rough sides good to be held on and used to move.

She was surprised by the new feelings and the itch she felt for so long getting scratched i checked the soft and tender flesh was covered in a very thin liquid ....swet?....it didnt taste like swet...stroberry...natural lubricant...

Such fun...and she was not corupted yet by Slanesh i made a item ....to help with her body ..

[ Item:Band of NEED.

Effect:Nourishes the body and tames instincts for more controlled use, can be shared with other people by contact or secreted fluids.

Side-effect:due to nourishment effect any female that wear this item will have they're mammal glands will fill slowly needing to be I milked . ]

Zack:So for your gift..

I placed it on her neck and she was curious about her hunger being fixed slowly and a feeling of fullness slowly took its place i then saw her four fun bags get a small trickle of liquid it is pink-ish and i took a taste ...few licks and.....yep strawberry milk yummy she was curious as well she grabbed one of her tit,s and took a sip as her face now had sudo lips structure useful for sucking and with the lips making a perfect seal around it and she sucked with care her instincts demanding her to be gentle ....and she was ...the feeling of fullness not leaving she then asked.

Eespi:C..can i be your friend*huff huff*pleae i didnt have friends that lasted...

Zack:Friends ....you can call me a friend but your just a Toy something to receive my lust ....if that lust is gentil or not ....it depends,

you will be mine like Grieve san,

you managed to be my second favorite partner and toy it helps that i can control your size, at my desire...

dont anger me or you will truly become my prey.

Eeapi:I canneork with that now can you help me with the ....wat do i call them.....theyr soft very soft....

Zack:Theyr tits and ass and I think you need to get fucked and for you to close your pockets over them as it seams they are under your controll....and for me to decide when to open them ...but now we relax and see if you can tense your mussles to cover up.

Eespi:Shure...lets me try....

As she tensed her tougher skin slowly extended few tendril,s from both sides and reached her nipples were they locked and started to pull harder and harder untill the tougher skin was pulled together like a bunch of Cargo Ratchet lashing belt i saw the tit-flesh be flattened as it swiftly slides down to fit under the durable skin ....until at halfway as my face was shot with two streams of pink milk blasted my face she saw and stopped in bewilderment, she then giggled and laughed out loud.

I had a are you serious look then my eyes glowed a deep purple and she gulped her closing breasts stopped as her milk started to overflow as her body felt heat and i released my member as i lined up and with pleasure and pain i entered as i reached the womb and enterd it at this she gave me a cute squeel.

Then we kept copulating the four Tits slowly licked her milk, i had suckled one at a time she enjoyed the attention and after few hours we finished and relaxed i got her a bra and skirt they were a set with a unique ability to resize and turn the supposing overflowing milk before it entered the tit bag,s and even when they are out in a small....with immense insides brest pocket,s ...with strawberry drops i was done, and she then saw the bra grow down and for a One piece swimsuit-ish since its more comfortable and with a opening on the waist i smiled as her ass compacted to her compact and agile shape, i got my hands on her ass firm and very plesent to tuch.

Eespi:This was unexpectedly plesent tanck you Darling.

Zack:Youre welcomed my Dear Big Bad Beauty you new nick name is Echidna she was known to be half human and half Snake a reptile species of limbless long noodles hehe.

Echidna Eespi: Thank you Zack of Chaos united.

Zack:Echidna do you want to stay in the Slanesh,s part of the house or in my zone ....her influence is equal but less bodily influencing meaning no transforming into a demon of lust ...of slanesh don't accept her attempts at mating you're mine and any who try having wat we had fuck em like i fucked you with your tendrils instead of me.

Echidna Eespi:..I want to stay around you i am your mate ....by friend were is he?

Zack:Lets find him .

We left my room and searched for him...

He was being toyed by Jinx he had him strapped and she was about to finish her orgasm as i with Echidna saw her bounce on his dick whit a siringe of her Insane Juce ....the juse dose not couse insanity but grants regeneration and minor body boosts, ....she gave him the last stimulation he needed and his body was fully heald ....

Jinx:Youw Zack i finished healing the idiot that came with Sluriels new deciple wats her name?

Zack:She is Echidna Eespi a monster female loves to destroy kill and now is my new seccond bed partner.

Jinx:B..but i was the seccond....wat number am i now i hope at least the third?

Zack:The fourth now better claim your territory and not playing with stray dogs...

Echidna Eespi: What is a dog?

Zack:Quadrupedal agile mammal canine that was tamed and bred by humans to be they're best friends and to fit different purposes, friendly or ferocious they are loyal ....but strays they can be dangerous and this little stay is doped up on insane juce ....a creation to help Jinx to stay healthy and not damaged due to her proclivity to blow up herself ...

Jinx:I don't ....

And her rocket blew in the background as she shut up as i said.

Zack:I will take your toy now ...he needs to decide if he joins a God or me ...he seems to like you ....maybe he will join Tzinch.

My eyes glowed blue as i said.

T.Zack:Younseem eager ....i will claim him as her apprentice he can also get her edge of to not mess up any more projects , havens bellow she nearly killed one of my princes anyway welcome to the Nerd team as Zack calls them.

Echidna Eespi:Zack why did your voice change?

Zack:That was Tzinch being efficient without Tzuriel as a mouth peace.

Jinx:Well il keep him here il wash him feed him and test the new crazy juce, hehehee.

Jack:Youre seriously letting me with her?

Echidna Eespi: Sorry Jack i need to stay close to him for now but i will visit dont get killed please or youl make me sad from losing you.

Then we left .


Nurgle:Hagrid , Jester, Toxzon.

Korn:Mable, Huntres, Mileena.

Slanesh:Delma, Snake, Eespi, Grieveus.

Tzinch:Pacifica, Hater, Jinx ,Jack.

Sons of Malal:10

Fallen of Malal:20


[Zack has instaled the Chaos Jewl the Mounten Bald now is owned by you ,

You have privileges to shape and model it at your desire the mountain mana pool is now opened for your personal use.




Skills passive: Mineral wealth , Water spring ,Medicinal herbs , Mushrooms, Trees.]

[Name:Zack Chaos.



Skill:Soul trade , Create, Equvalent exchange, Contract, Chaos room chart, Clensing fier of change,House Ferry Malice,s Gift, honey generator, Regeneration Tuch, Mounten Laws, Size shifting.





Tital:Chaos United!,Human just human.

Curses:Voices of the Chaos gods, Human only Human, Malices protection, Tamer of monsters.

Items:Nurgle,s gifts,

Slanesh gifts,

Natural Materials,

Elf stuff,

Hunting trophy.

[Skill:Mountain Law.

Effect:Depends on the owner and can change at the whims of the master.

Curent effect:Clean and Dirty.

Those who need to be clean are inside and outside as any food is converted to energy are both used to nourish both inside and outside the body, while the dirt and dirty things are sent to the compost pit as the nurglelites are kept from accidentally gifting new plagues .]