I started my hart blood and evrithing making me human....my body expanded and then contracted....i got to my ass the pants still on....i walked to the door....and it opend ....Cecil Robot and duplicate waching...
Enn:Now...were was i yes...the viltrumites are coming...olwredy here....tell me the timeline of thingss...did Cypber...get a new body?...
Robot:I asume you are referring to me...
Enn:,*sniff sniff...* your soul is in all your creations....great you're human....were is your main body i need to see if we can fix it...were is Girl monster?
Robot:in her home...can you help her?...
Enn:Nope only Cyber was able to ....since he made a belt to allow her body to reconfigure....to the ege she was ...at..allowing her to age normally...
And listen well metal head....no world domination plans...they did not work...before...it will fail again...ok..
There you are...is air still toxic?..
Enn:Lets start with a full system flush and growth....to Asimatric form...then we can deal with your body...i got a useful virus for this....a new body.....still yours...do you guys like how i look its due to my Human adaptive virus...i made it magical...
We got to him and i nade a drop of my blood very viral charged....i droped it in his water tank....then after he assimilated it he grew...and ...left the vat the metal bits expelled...he looked about ten year old a dwarf...i focused magic and sped his body...age to about monster girls....his body cover with a pare of bath shorts.... I came closer and he handed me the neural transmiter conecting it to his spine...no pain....
Enn:Dont do anything excessive ..prepare safeguards for the planet ...theyill need them...and Start project Moon Factory...and no he is a allay...monitor the superhumans....there should come a multiverse traveler black man ...beard...and maybe hayer the mouler twins as asistance...to tell Invincible to not couse trubble....
O.man:We need to talk...
Enn:Shure...let me just finish the last mark...
O.man:last wat?
Then everybody felt a shake and felt the planet change...
Enn:Done..the mage era has came...
Now hunans are more dangerous then viltrumites....were we we yes...
My eyes glowed green as the planet furned sentient conected to me ....as payment for project Mage World...was complete ...the largest circuit buld on the crust...of the planet's core...we two then teleported off...
O.Man: what did you do?
Enn:Wat naturally happened on my world...we awakened it Gaya is awake...and she is fixing the damage to her most outer shell...cant you smell it ...inhale....all natural...new plants and animals will be born ...human...they are now starting to grow...and my kin will follow...and we will live together...sine you viltrumktes...will make for a good target to point theyr anger at theyr fear hehe... they're fucked...but you and your sons...they,l be good kids...part of Gaya...
And with me instaling the same knolege banck ..she will not make the same mistakes....
Happy end for you...
Then i saw a portal open under me ...as i fell...and managed to say...
And i fell...and fell...as i enterd the atmosphere my armour coverd me...
I landed with a loud crack!..
Around me the ground was now a creator.... I rose...and turned around...seeing a boy and a squid man...the boy,s wrist held device...glow yellow...i got to my feet then armour shifting as my form is slowly shrinking ...now human size...i held my helmet and ...poped it off...i turned to villgax as i started screaming...
Enn:You big bypedal ugly Squid...
As i stomped towards him i held my helmet and threw it at his head...he extended his hand slowing its motion as it continued moving and he hit his own face as he went unconscious..as the helmet disintegrated....my long main as hair curled and coverd my body...as the armour...deactivated...now in pants and bone sandals...
I felt a gold soul slightly blemished by human needs...i turned to the truck..i continued turning and walked to vilgax I grabbed the squid by its finger and my tail grabed the spiked ball as i jumped off.
Ben :Wat happened?...Granpa...did you see that?
Max:Lets go...hopefully he took care of Vilgax...and he isnnot hostile...
Meanwhile in the Vilgax,s ship...
Enn:And why are you here....?
Vilgax:The Omnitrix!...to conquer eveithin!...
Enn:That trash heep?...the boy is human....you could have just captured his family put them in a death trap and persuade then kid....but the thing,s is useless..but you ..*sniff sniff* are female....i did not expect for Vilgax...to be a woman...why the voice changed...or is it you are...that kind of girl...
Vilgax:Who do you thinck you are...creature!
EnnGrimm:I am EnnGrimm Alpha...a monster...and a magic user...now i am thinking....do i make you my toy...or.my maid....each have difrent perks ....and different disadvantages.....just know your ambition is forfeit... As i dont care for them..your army,s and power ...i can crush them....your strong body...all the same....now...i will convert your body...to be more suitable for me...
I jumped and sat on her stomach as she saw me grab her soul and with an instinctive fear she froze i moved the hair out of the way and she saw my face ...handsome she unintentionally uttered i smirked and my teeth glowed a jade colore i bit down on her neck tendeills parting to revele a suculent green skin....she gave a grunt...as then she felt rejection of her implants..
.i jumoed off as she turned fully in her squid form...then with her body compressing and shifting...the final result being very similar and cute....to her male counterpart trying to extract the sword from the dragons harth....i cheked her and she was not so reserved...her chest and ass giggling and she blushed....when she felt my tail hold her still i had a big smile as i pinned her to the floor....the tendrils placed to her back no tendrill hair...thick strong hands and feet a body that can crush anybody her hands have five fingers...and the proper mateing holes...
I saw her shiver my hands moved over her body...not so used to this kind of atention she closed her eyes...i had relesed the smaller human form and expanded to have her seat on my waist...her hands held up my one of myne her legs my my lower hands...i smirked and my tail moved to hold her waist still i ooend my maw and got close licking and teasing her chest...soft..as it is ...i kept lengthening my thungue reaching her black lower lips...i kept teasing....and teasing untill she spoke with her new vocal coards a very pleasant voice...
V.chan:Plese just stop it ...and Fuck me alwredy!...
I remained silent and she felt the two hot rods under her...slowly entering her honey pot...i had fully entered the knot,s pressing on her...i gave her slow strokes...that she could bear for a while until she couldn't bear it any longer...
And i added speed...after a few minutes..she called out..
And so the knot,s enterd all in...and she gave me my most loud moan yet...we kept..pase...and after a hour of constant plejure she gave me my first orgasm...while theis was her fourth...i had filled her ...and i made myself smaller...i carried her to the bed and slept on her pillowy breasts...with had few bite marks...she was broken her servants bowed to me...i had sent them to charge the ship and leave...while a drone sent a letter to max tenyson.
[Dear max ....you may call me Grimm i am taking ownership over the full power resources and body of Vilgax the new maid i now own....have a nice day ....i have plans and just as proof this is me on my new bed..
And he pulled a picture of me loungeing on Vilgax,s chest my hands covering her visible pilowy breats as the tail was going down her mid covering her privats i was wearing a swimsuit pants as we were in a water bed..she was naked....but we sleep in water...with V.chan sleeping with her hands behind her head and legs spreed apart....looking up..with her red eyes...
Max scoffed and folded the paper foto...before Ben or Gwen saw...
As he saw a P.S.
show this picture to ben when he gets old enoght it wood be funny...hehe..
Have a nice life..
On the ship i was hugging the big sexy squid girl..who was...resting on a bench taking her meal seriously...as she wore maid clothes...fited for her size and thickness she had a content smile....we valued the rest time as when she found a planet to conquer she debated with me its pross and cons...i got a nice space suit ....and the conquest went at a slow and steady pase...i am worth a army of ben,s aliens.....
After years...we made a stable zone of power ..our influence undeniable.... Strong minions and offspring...yes...she managed to bear me a son and Doughter...
My son Velix. And daughter...Evelin bowth cute...and in theyr human forms ...tendrills from his chins with a tale my boy is while Evelin has green long hair..with six tendeill dreadlocks...in between gills and the fishy ears bowth with scales around theyr extrememty,s and when they go in theyr full forms they grow about twice the size...and scales cover theyr hands torso and heads.
...while they're lower half deconstruct in many mobile tendrils very good under and over water...they are good kind kids...they mostly stay in theyr human form...nighter got my four hands..but my healing and energy manifestation they took that in fool .
...i enjoyed training them...teaching them...we had even decided to take a vacation...leaving the goth horned fool to keep things in check..a clone to just wach over him....
We landed with a civilian ship got the mask,s and both a house...new nabers in bellwood...next to Tennyson household...we welcomed the nabers and i fixed the kitchen with better teck...
Veila Gax:Welcome...to the Gax household naber,s..
Sandra tenison:Its nice to meet you i am Sandra Tenison , this is my husbond Carl Tenison and this young boy is Benjamin Tenison..
Enn:Hellow and ben...long tine no see ..we met in the summer vacation he was causing a small ruckus while i met Veila here she thought he was cousing trubble tried to scold him only to meet my rebuke a nice argument after we married now we have our two cute kids ...Velix and Evelin here we are the Gax famaly...we work in real estate and resource management...a plejure to meet you ...
Carl:Nice to meet you from were did you cone in our neighborhood?
Enn: Transylvania...we met there ....after the first time we encountered...i went home ...she found me and my dear Veila is from Germany we bowth lerned English for work...now we tech our children ...how come you passed by?..Come in....the living room should be set by now...Olga, is it ready?
Olga:Yes sir...come the room is nice and comfy ...
We seven went and sat while olga brought some human refreshments and some of my recipes...
Sandra:How cone you come to our naberhood?
Veila:We had been asked to come here for the new opportunity,s and the new progect we are overtaking due to emigrants coming..a lot of homes to sell and resources to manage..it...
Enn:And we are happy to use it as a vacation opportunity...
Ben how is your Grandpa?
Ben:Fine he is doing well mister Gax....
Did the tine we first meet you have long red hair?
Enn:Atta sport...yes that's me..
Anybody...want some home-baked pizza?
Then after a hour of exosting talck we had opened the welcome gift...a pie...
Then a hour laighter i felt Gostfreack....he came close as i worked on a device...i placed it down and grabbed the boy....he panicked and went tangible...
I removed my mask..
Ben saw my second pare of hands my odd skin and long hair...i then tapped the green circle and he turned back in his teen form...
Enn:Did you expect me to not recognise you Ben...Veila! We have a guest!
Veila:Who wood come at this hour?...
She enterd in a sweter with a knew Haigh dress her green skin and soul she then stopped..
Ben...dear you came to visit witout your bothersome parents...desr wat will we do with him..hes so cute...when scared...
Enn:Dont wordy kiddo we are on vacation...can we get you to babysit my kids...you see they are not accustomed to human life yet...maybe your friend Gwen can help....we are really wealthy ...wat do you say ..
I was droped in a world...no mony...no identity... Only a stupid note ..and these eyes...red...i walked around nobody could tuch or interact with me....i kept walking ...untill i wanted to go up and i did...i flew and searched for cloth ..and food....i saw a guy in black kimono jump over the humans then he swung his blade ....cutting a masked monster...
He saw me .
...and followed i found a cloth shop...i searched a big hoody a tshirt underwear and pants...sweat pants...then for foot were the most comfy shoes...then i went to a window ...and yep i look cool i pocketed the death note and pen...i went to the middle of the store activating my wings and flew up ....i know i don't care if two men go to town on each other...
.its just off-putting that they do it dressed like women...i flew off and still i was followed ...i turned back and went to it...there is a name....and lifespon....very...long...i took the notebook i wrote theyr name and made then report me....before he stabed hinself in the hart...and the blade fell on the ground....i went down and piked it up...it shocked and with a thigh hold its full energy entered my body ...the spirit fragment...hurried to try to survive by becoming mine...sword spirit....the process whipped its will as its core remained and was covered by my being...i then swung the blade and it enterd shiky....a pen ...i placed it on the book,s cover and it cliped on...
I stuffed the book in my hoody..to notice the sheath....it turned in a book holder...i equiped it and it looked well on me...i placed the book in its holder and i left... searching for fruit...fresher the better...as i kept flying ...i was attacked by hallow,s they accidentally impaled themselves on my pens extendeble tip filling my ink suply,s as the energy was scrubbed and suplyed to my body...
I finialy found a fruit shop and i got some money...from some ...not deserving to live...criminals...dead as they were pleasuring a woman...she cried ...out...i took the mony and both fruit ...i discovered i can go tangible....and eat!...tasty sweet juice apples...i was enjoying my food as i was shot at by a blue arrow...the man saw me ...i puled the pen and each shot of pure energy was absorbed by it...i pointed it at him and it shot out....impaling his left leg as i got blue ink...his leg shriveled to dust....i then left....flying about ...eating apple,s bananas and other fruit...my appearance....a bout above an above-average guy... Talk and long white hair...reaching the lower back...a kind smile...i found a nice place and fell on the couch..i rested...
The next day...
I woke as a hallow was teing to swipe at me....he looked like a lamia...i saw a orange haird girll...wach me and the couch bear the barage...not even huring me as it fazed thrue...i used the pen ...and he was ink...i turned to the girl she backed off and my notebook fell on the ground i looked at it floting there ...she grabed it ....and i spoke...
Jack:Congrats....youre now the owner of my death book...you can kill anybody you know their face and name...or you could just give it to me...forgeting evrithing i told you...and i will leave....your choice....girly.
Orehime:What will you do if i give it back?
Jack:probebly kill more criminals and monsters for they're life span...for my continued existence ....hurry up i need to get some fruit ...i am getting annoyed..if i don't eat regularly...do you have some?
Orehime:I should have some fruits come...
I did follow and ate some i then kept flowing around her...when a hallow came close i would get more ink...Ichigo met me ...and saw my black wings...and a transparent chain conected to the book..i saw him be serious....inignored him ....kept close to the book....we got in a nice rutine...untill they came....she trained..i helped when askd for fresh fruit....and then....when she was kidnaped...i was folowing...her....
Aizen:Who are you?
Jack:Shut up four eyes...im trying to enjoy the ambiance....
Aizen:And why wood i let you do that...il get the book and youll have to liaten to my questions....if infigured how you work...
Jack:Orehime ....you give my book to anybody...you'll forget me....even if you can still see me you will not be able to record me....just give it to me ill promise nobody will hurt you...hurry...before...i change my mind and he uses the book to kill all your friends...
And she gave me the book...i then poketed it in the book holder...and went floring in front of Aizen...took the book out...and saw his life expectancy...neame...and said.
Jack:Sōsuke Aizen you have a unlimited lifespan....im going to make you regret annoying me.....
Now....who is your greatest....pon....
I got it Ichigo kurosaki....il kill him end him permanently....so you will never replace the old soul king.... what wood makes me...mister smarty pants...and no ... you can not hypnotize me...you young fool...
Aizen:Can you not...il help you....if you need anything...so its true....you're ...not
...affected...ship....Orehime... please go with the nice hallow maid...get a change of clothes too...be good..
Now what the hell are you...?
Jack:i am a shinigami...a true death god...not a spiritual lifeform...i am physical and can be intangible...the only reishi i got is from my new ink pen...
A stupid guy tried cutting me....i got a new lifespan...for me...few century,s...if a shinigami is diligent...i can stay alive forever....and nobody can hurt ..me except other like me...and we don't bother....hurting our kind....its just impractical .....as long we have lifespan...we cant die....hahah..but your kind ...die..ease.....ill do as i want...but first...i want a apple ....juice..and big...you got a half hour...hurry...or your pons here will die one by one after each half hour...you are light ...maybe start with the green eyed one or the big muscled one....who will be first ....hehe...
Aizen:You maid hurry get him some apples...and send hallows fo get more...
Hallow:Yes!Lord Aizen!
After ten minutes i got...my first one....i ate it...and lounged around him he saw the chain...not interfering with him...be he saw me orbit...pass theue walls and such....when he broght the dream orb...i came closer...i tuched it....and my eye glowed....its lifesoan...very...imejurable....alive...i turned to Aizen....and said....
Jack:Ever try to subjugate it and you will be regected...this little one ...is a Dreamed....usefull to promote growth....nothing else...just dont make it angry at you...
And then i placed it back in the box...as i added.
Jack:Useless for my kin....i thick the king has a few of them in his crown....but i an no longer home...i really like it here....i will leave soon...ill come bay from time to time....don't forget to be stoked on apples...of other fruit....feed the poor girl....she is really nice...
I then floted off the chain releasing...from him i went thrue the hole loss noches...i met..Beragen....i was walking my wings retracted and used my Shikai transforming it in a jaw peace over me eye...
The hole forming under it...a hole thrue my head...
Beragen:Who are you?
Did Aizen have any orders? Peack !
Jack:Old man Death long time no see...do you remember me...i am the kid death...
Beragen:Kind....kind my old bone ass death is brutal and swift...wat is your name!
Jack:I am Jack the death of men and gods...even of those of death gods....you probably killed some to? No?
Beragen:Finish with the tomfullery...fight me lets prove who is the best death!
Jack:Il be kind...and accept it old man!
We then left los noches as he used his resurection his bakde very large i said resurection and he saw ghe bone pach dicepere the hole as well i took my human form ...as my wings grew out and two horns were visible...i smiled and my notebook was in hand....
He used Respira dell Morte...
It coverd me and i gave a contented...moan...he saw my body turn to bone...returning to my normal form and repet i just walked...i was in front of him and hugged the old king...he was shaking...mortified...flusterd.....hororfied...i chukled and said.
Jack:I win...now lets go and eat something i am famished!....
Beragon:F..fine...i feel my age caching up to me....
I held his left hand as he walked with me we got to the food room and we got some food we talked of the meaning of death my fome still in my natural form then horns gone my wings acting as a cloke..
We had time...and few hours after i flew....off....passing the world barrier...as i got to the other side...i few thru the human world....enjoying my time untill the tow switch happened....i came and saw....it....I was noted...and i came near the old man bones...as he was to age to nothing ....i grabbed his axe....it regenerated...and the chain wrapped around me...i saved his aspect of death...and a crown sat on my head tied to the chains...i went to Aizen and fulfilled his last with ...and cut his enemy only once...
I swung the axe...and it changed in a bookmark...i took my book and only the crown remained on my head...just my horns keeping it from falling off....
I felt the chains...still able to be used as i desire...
Aize:Any more suprises?...like literely any more suprises?...god dam this sthings ...
Jack:nope...i fufiled his wish and now i got a new crown .. Chains and bix axe...that i use as book mark...any question?...
Yamato:Why have you came here!
Jack:Old man....Baraggen was quite fond of you..... He had battled with you and his best friend the guy you seald ....
But i am not Beraggan...i just stole his senescence for myself...its usefull but useless..if i can kill just by writhing ones name in my book...were was i yes ...i will wach and observe this is intertainement for me....
I then flew to a piller and kept waching....
After Ichigo got his power up i flew up..and just watched the battle and when ichigo,s shell was crumbling i grabbed a peace....infused my gained soul energy and few years...i got a black fabric ....i can shape and move it as i desire ...ichigo was wide eyed as i make a black scarf....that moved and enrapt my hands and torso under my big hoody....
i had wrappings and my waist being visible since i took of the hoody to check my new cloths i am content and flew off my wings now comfy coverd when i did not use them...maybe even then...i went off...and
They saw a portal open....
I went thru and arrived on the other side...a large sandy place...deathly trees and such my face covered by black cloth...i saw some Shinigami...look at me my crown...i grabbed it and placed it on my hip a sing of respect....to the king....i went to the portals of the human realms....looked thru them and jumped in a random one...
Next moment...i was diving down...i kept wach my wrapings....move and coverd my full body...excet my face...the normal clothes above...i flew about...and finaly...i arived at a school i saw kids..and a ocgopus teacher....kuro....and pitiful lifespan...i found a empty seat...and sat...then uncoverd my form....the class did not notice ....but he did ...he was shoked...i lifted my left hand...and asked.
Jack:Can i go to the bathroom?
The silence followed evribody turned to me...i am very tall a golden crown...gold chains...with a book pen and a page holder seemingly made of metal...tall body ..sweat pants and comfy foot were...i was smiling my hair black as night....long to my back my face a copy of ...his human forms..kuro sensei was mortified....he recognised his face ..i smiled his big goofy smile..i then heard a very....odd shure...i then dematerialized....and flew to the bathroom were i took a leek....and when i got out...he was searching everywhere ....only to see me re appear on the seat....writhing on the book a name not complete....but close to be complete....
We just went thru the day and ....we reached the sport teacher....he was to...teach me why webneeded to train...i accepted....the class wache and he gave me a knife....i came forword and he saiped the knife ...cut thrue the hoody....
Jack:My hoody...i really liked it...ow well i will discard it....i pulled the neck piece and it unraveled....and I threw it on his face ....he couldn't respond....and he was on his back...the hoody...warapped on his mug he used the knife and cut it open....so he could breathe....i smiled....and he shivered...the class saw my torso....sculpted and covered in black bandages...all neatly tied to give best support and definition to my form....the material moved coverd by mouth and nose.....
I then moved closer and grabed his neck and with the other took out the book as i wrote the last letter of his name and the way i wanted him to take his last breth....
Everybody saw me let him go...then he knelt and screamed his sins...finally he took the knife and opened his chest open. ...kuro couldn't save him....as i wrote a simple sentence...as kuro felt a change.m..his life span....now a while bit longer...about 30 year longer....
He turned to me and asked..
Kuro:Wat did you do?
Then he fell on his knees as his form changed....becoming human...i smiled and said.
Jack:I just needed to gift my father a bit more time to live....he wasn't deserving of life....i will be off...get a life...even if you loved your miss doctoress....better not die...before the time i gave you...
I then flew off....and enterd the shinigami space and once more reenterd the human world,s ....i got down and got my self in a new world....nice place...
And i thought this was Mc....i flew to tony,s tower....richard cut his head open....to take something out....i got close to him were he was left to die....i opened his restrains....and moved him upside i transfered a year worth of life force and he was regenerating....then he said..
Tony:Thancks for saving me..
Jack:Even if youre a self worshiping asshole you repent and grow as a person....dont ever thanck me or turn evilll il kill you myself....and you cant buid a mashine to stop me...got it....i know your name ...your lifespan...ans that grants me the knolege to kill you tony...have this aa motivation...fix this world....of il start killing...eveibidy....i dont like....good luck...i am wachin...and stock on fresh fruit...i need a snack...
Then he saw me decepire...
Tony:Wat did i get myself into...fresh fruit...heh...that's how much my life's worth...to that being...devil or angell...
Then a feather fell on his palm...
And he gulped...he went and escaped...got his armour and started to fight ...i kept wach...few ocasions i used the axe to help...deflect or cut things...then i met him....Hulk...two names...two lifespans....i went to him ....and he saw me....Hulk saw me...i saw Bruce grow angry and angryer...out of his controll...i waited and he showed up the avengers wached .....Tony gulped....as this wa the first time he met Banner....
Hulk:Bird man why here....why now?
Jack:Apples bananas fresh fruit ...
Jack:Tinccan he called...i decided to answer...he fun to mess with...fun to wach hehe..
Hulk:No kill?...
Jack:As long as he dose wat i told him...then no kill nobody...no other kin around...for now...
Hulk:Good be good...Stark..do wat he told you...or hulk will be Mad...Hulk dose not need bird man become truble...
Then he reverted back...banner only seeing a shadow of my presence....not the hole he saw me flote and move....
Thor:Wat is Hulck talking about?
Tony:Strech is evil...he took something from my brain...and left me to die....i got rescued by some kind of angel...now i have work to do...so he dose not start killing....hopefully we dont get on his bad side...
Jack:Dont forget about the fresh fruit ...you crome skull..and hellow to you Bags of life span ...
Tony:And now you met him....how do you know hulck by the way?
Jack:Well everybody know his father...the one below everybody....he usually takes controll of his son and end,s evrithing.....dreadful fella...he ate the universe i originate from....who cares...i dont...nighter did father....as we live forever....Azgardian...do you have golden apple,s with you?...no ....well thats depresing....
Thor:How come you know of the Golden Apples of Idunn and no i don't have one...do you want one?....i can get one for you...
Jack:Wat do you want in exchange?...
Thor:Can you promise to not kill anybody good?...and stay visible around...its odd to feel your presence...but not see it Death God ....
America:Death god?....is he?
Jack:Deal...il kill only sinners....and i will start when Stark fails to do his part ...so plese next time you got to Asgard get me a couple...they wood be very tasty...and filling...
Romanof:Wats so special of those golden apple?
Jack:Theyre pure lifespan...the tastiest of treats for me ....for you guys...a short bost to your life expectency.....nothing special....
Hawkeye:So eat one and live longer?
Jack:and watch your kids die..of old age...don't get any ideas...sharp shooter...only natural long lived creatures...can eat them without mental consequences....hulk may eat some...he is a long lived creature...at least half way...
Hawkeye:nope im not getting involved in that...
Natasha:you heald Tony...can you heal old woonds?
Jack:...you will be obligated to be my mate...if you wood get heald...with my way...do you thinck you can bear it?...Romanof....a long life...sith me...as your mate...you dont even know my face...follow me...il show you my face...then you can decide....
Romanof:Shure lets see who is behind those bandages.....
We left to the her room i took off the bandages...and she chad a odd look she saw a hadsome guy.... Black hair black eyes ....she bit her lip and kissed me...
Jack:Youre a good kisser...did you decide?..if i fix you i wont be able to stop myself...and nobody will be able to intervene,....
Romanof:Yes take me fufill my desire for a famaly...i am yours..
I then hugged her as she felt my skin ..covered with scars...mortal damage...she was surprised...and hugged me with more force she felt my wings cover us..and then she felt a floating sensation....on her bed...now was a blue substance and a dead reproduction system as she felt it regenerate....i felt her hold me tighter ....then she relaxed...
.she started getting hotter the hormones hit her....and lust clouded her mind ....she found my male bits and without hesitation started testing the new honypot....she regenerated...now was impaled herself ...a trickle of blood went down...as she lost her newly gained virginity...then the fucking...happend and ended ..i took the dirty sheets with the discared organ and threw them in the bin...as we set ourselfs to sleep..i was the big spoon and she the small one...
Next morning....
Tony enterd the room and saw us coverd in my large black wings ...with black blanket under the wing....i looked at him and he backed off..closed the door ...
After five minutes we walked out and she now wore a full black bandage under-suit of her suit...she told me it felt just right...i had my wings cover me...as i alsaw wore the bandage suit....with seat pants on my lower half...we met the rest of the team....and i had..kep close....to her...
Tony:How was the night?
Natasha:Plesent....and rejuvinating...i will no longer...be taking seduseing misions...i am not brakeing the vow i made with Jack..
Tony:Jack....ow the Death god....were is he?
Jack:right behind you...Boo.
Tony:Aaaah....sidiously plese stop that!
Natasha:Heheheee...ow i missed so much these feelings...
Jack:just dont get swept in them...you way just brake your promise ....
Thor:Any news?...Did you consumers your union fried Jack...an Natasha....you seem to have a new suit...its sems to have some kind of power...
Jack:Soul energy...it stimulates her own...and in time she will be able to controll them ...just it takes time...and food....you will become a full bringer.....
A human...with spiritual energy...and a unique power...i have nonclue..but you need to controll yourself...miss dancer...
Tony:can we have powers like that?...
Jack:be happy with your smarts...the same with you Hawk eye... If you guy,s are not carefull...i will have to clean Hallows....from the face of this world.
Tony:Thats a no...then...Anyway we have work to do....Black widdow are you redy?
Natasha:Yes ...and wat is our next mision?
Stark:Retrive the infinity gems and seal them in solid block of liquid flex tape...its very hard to destroy and somehow it seals the material the gems are made of away...it will give us time to make something better to put away....i know it sound absurd ...but i mixed few more compounds and made the stuff very non reactive with anything else....making it very good binding agent and i have accidentally made a ton of the suff and cant unsynthesize it....yeah first let's get the infinity gems....
They had found the locations and i with Romanoff went to the soul one i wen incorporeal and grabbed the gem...and refurned....she was suprised as i did not give any sacrifice,s...
I had left...with her...she did note the axe being held by a couple golden chains.....
I held the gem in a wrapping ...then black was being...slowly transformed...the cloth....taking after the gem...i didn't care ....we got to then base and two more were there i wrapped those two up.. And had the wraps follow changeing colore...
I made three bundles of difrent colores...
Orange the soul...yellow time...and green mind..
We still need reality red...power purple..and blue space...
The other three were in the hands of elf,s..cree and azgardians...i had fully integrated soul tine and mind in the cloth...i can make more off...i stored enough energy to make ...the cloth slowly generate more of themselves i had figured....if i have all six coloreds...i can controll..the generation...with a little life span...consumption....i had set the gems in the prepared storage boxes....has made....the three cloth,s colored form stipes on my waist like a belt...i followed Romanoff with the rest we got to asgard first and i got the space gem...i was curious...as odin....was surprised as i took the gem out of the box....i packed the gem...and it slowly made the material blue....
The process took a few hours...i had wached...the asgardians jut....stare when i floted with my wings....slowly beating....the gem glowing...and the scarf grew ....untill it formed another ring. A blue ring...
The other tree scarfs followed suit....i then returned the gem back in the box.....and stuffed it with the cloth covered in tony,s flex stuff and with the cloth as conductor the box still works....
I left witout the heroes and arived at the elf lands. I sniffed and found the red gem of reality ...in the red mist.....i was filled with it....as it attempted to take over mi body.....i compressed it and gained the gem...i wrapped it and got my red ring that held one scarf...i added to the rest....and left with the gem....i returned as the team saw the red scarf....i smiled and we went back to midgard.
..were i enveloped the gem and stuffed the box...then we met the guy with the power gem...i am five out of six....i went to him he swung his hammer and then he fell on the ground as the Acuzer died of a hart attack...i got my purple cloth....and the avengers ...understood....i left as the last cloth was done....i used his lifespan...and made the rig,s grow to fit on my arms...to be precise my biceps....and wrists...long cloth still connected....
Natasha:So we have close to all the gems...we have them stored...and with your bandages...wat are they good for?
Jack:making clothes resistant to the six gems...or use them like the six gems...with a smaller...range ....meanwhile...if i we've them....together...like using the gems together...the restriction is range and amount of cloth i have...overall...good utility but not main way of use ..but now...i will stay close...i don't want you to starve your soul energy stores....you felt it right? When i went at great distances....you felt more empty...
Natasha:Thats why youre so close to me?...
Jack:That and i like to cuddle...this pregnancy ....is not evident...you feel it but its not in your body....its in your soul...i do take kare of your soul,s well being...feeding you the energy you need...when the child is redy to be born you will feel a rapid inflation of your uterus...and the child will be birth like any human child...just we need to prepare your body.
..hence our relations....the bigger you can take it the safer you can give birth to...our body,s can shift shape size texture...we are our parents accumulation of genes and spiritual blueprints i look like i look is due to my chages....that i made to feel satisfied....
Romanof:so thats why you were getting bigger and bigger....good you clarified it ..thanck you dear...
Jack:can we get some fruit...plese?...
Natasha:Shure...lets go then...
I woke once more ....i turned and saw flames . ..fling things and saw a green giant punch a metal weal.....i was on the ground ....i hear someon scream then felt pain.....my head flew off...i fell on the ground ....i saw thru difrent eyes....i felt controll i looked down and grabed the headless body it was regenerating....i jumped and climed on a building....then to another and kept climing...i felt my body wake my gent move...clime up and reached a safe place ...the i felt more energy at hand...i focused and two more agents formed next to the first....i felt the conection and sent them ...
The three fell and started cutting the enemy to bits....i watched from a safe spot.....i focused and my three dark creatures helped...ripped the enemy and helped the heroes we had went and recued any who we could....carefully to not get in the way...finaly...the portal closed....i know wat i am...i need to get some safe place....
Mai three shadows came to me....and we left..i found myself arrive to a bar..supernatural bar....i got to a table...checked for mony and had enough ...i had dismissed the three summon,s...and got drink ...after few minutes a female cane and took a seat next to me....she was sexy smeleld nice and was cold ...i played in her trap...and went with her...three girls got me in the car....one of them couldnt wait anymore....she sat on my lap ...tilted my neck and bit down carefully and started sucking my blood...
After a minute of a serene feeling the girls heard my hart bit stop....
They panicked....and after a minute of arguing...they heard Bit once more my body felt refreshed the alcohol no longer in my body....they turned to me and the girl on my lap felt mie wormth and i hugged her cool body...
Grendal:Wats the worry....never met a agent ...wat ever....youre vampires.....so we can deal...i have blood...you got mony...and i live forever...wat do gou say?
They were worried the second sister took her place on my lap then bit down....she could not stop herself...she kept drinking...and my revive happened....she talked with then she said.
We will bring you to mom and you can discuss with her...for now your ours...to be with...
Then she lowered her dress and she revealed my member....she lined herself and she took it in her honey pot...the initial entrance had me start to harden...she felt it...and leaned on my chest...the third sister exchanged place with the first at driving...and while the second was fucking herself at the climax the third sister bit my my neck...and i died the third time....while enjoying her tight hold and my first climax
She savored it and she unsheathed herself as we arrived then cleaned and went inside....as we got to a larger bed room were we had filled the three girls needs ...and getting me more energy to summon....while shortening the revival...speed....we were resting in the bed...as then...the door kreeked open...miss Dumitriscu was wide eyed at the teen with a big leg...in between his legs..she rose to her glorious height and large personality...she walked to the side of her daughters sleeping forms grabbed the teen from his armpits...she moved the teens body on her large bust as left to her room the teen holding on her dress she laid the teen and left him on the bed she then undressed and joined him to rest...
I woke...and felt two pillowy things in my face around me a big pare of legs i was locked in a mass of comfortable flesh and soft skin....i heard a moan as she moved crushing me under her large frame i was lucky i had a poket of air....she woke as she felt something poke her belly...
She then woke looked down and with a swift move she now rested on my crotch...my member pressing on her hole a move before she was impaled....she leaned closer as she placed her hand on her waist and with a thrusting motion she impaled herself ...full sheath...she gave me a smile then started the ride that killed me three times from crushing ....and climax,es..she was unawere that my body was broke twice and she noted with each death by an serthen mean made me harder to kill that way....i am Adjin and have reactive death Adaptation....a simple boost to make me not so easy to kill...self...
Dumitriscu:Nice and filling....ow you're still alive down there maybe we can keep going ...brace yourself boy....don't brake...*sniff sniff* is that ..lets teist test ...
She leaned down and bit my neck...she kept drinking...and drinking...until she saw me shrivel slightly ...this time it took a little while longer ....she then heard my hart stoped then the next moment she heard my hart beat again....she was surprised...and she was curious then she started again...
Hours...and she was exhausted her body filed both her hunger and libido....i was in bliss miss Dumitrescu my big soft huge pillow...the next morning she started feeling my body...now with a bit more muscle and flexible skin...she had a content smile ....the door was slowly being opened three girls watching big mama resting...they having a small argument between and went to prepare some food...
I was lifted as Dumitriscu got on her large soft ass she moved me on her lap as the three girls broght the bed trey and two dishes...Dumitriscu opend them and i was treated to bread soft and well baked....and supe and a jar of dulceata i thing its wat miss dumi said....i loked like perserved fruit paste...looks tasty...she then took a spoon and said.
Dumitriscu:Open up little man thing..here comes some tasty supă ..
I opend up and relaxed on her it was tasty....she kept feeding me and when it was all done she coverd few bred slices with the sweet fruit mixture....marmelade...i thinck that is its name in my languege....she seems to say the workds in her native thungue...transilvanian?...or Romanian...meh they sound strange....
Dumitriscu:Now that youre fed and rested you wanted to make a deal with us?
Grendel : You see madam Dumitriscu i am a adjin...a not so human male...i cant die for long...i regenerate any missing bits of my being...gaining any necessary nutrients minerals and such...a good meal for blood drinkers ...i usually find myself in similar deals i exchanged blood for mony more like a monthly allowance ....to buy things ...no great sum but enough to get things....with a day or two a week to go out for things for me to cull my curiosity...its not much to ask....is it?
Dumitriscu:Lets see how about 1000 Euro ...it should be pocket change for us...my daughters have they're own way to make money i have few stocks in Stark...we had supported his father in the past he was a good man bless his soul.
Grendel:Thanck you miss Dumitriscu...That shoud be enoght...any things i should know to not do?..
Dumitriscu:Dont annoy the residents...take care and if you find intruders...normal humans ...you can dispose of them...i will show you the residents...so you will know who to not bother....get dressed we are having a toure of the house....
I got out of the bed and used some energy to craft some agent cloth,s it looked like a casual sute...i looked at the girls as they saw black matter come off the sute....
We had dressed up and finally..we met everybody ....then i released three agent shadows...makeing the...room grow colder i set them as scentuary,s to anounce if any intruder show,s up...
Years passed many days pased one day at a time...i fed interacted and rested with the others making friends and such ...after a while i had finished growing my cooking skills..
And he came....the blond idiot....i grabbed him and dispatched him....the outside world changed...i kept wach....
I hatched.....then process was ...slime....
I entered water....the membrane grow puffing up ....i saw a large...squid....i am a squid.....why am i green....i was broth by a tendril untill we reached the water edge the bigger squid went out of water and saw her take shape...inter twining the tendrils and she waked...holding a cover then dressed herself....i moved my tendrils formed a human form....then I felt five tendrils move...and on my back two wings formed...i crawled out of the sand...my total number of tendrils beeing about forty ...as ten moved six forming a chin besrd...ish and four on my back i flatend them making them thinner and coverd my intertwining limbs...and got to my feet.....
They seem to be clawed....odd i straightened my back...i am humanoid... wings ...membranus i reached my mothers chest.....she is avrege hight...she then said..
Mom:Youre name shall be Verthra you a member of the race Chinera sui Generosa welcome from your birth pool...unfortunately Lord Vilgax called for any divergents to join him in his conquest so you are now declared as a Demon Chimera sui generosa..you will spend a month here to be educated and to discover your talents....but first...the celebration...since youre his son...Son of the lord son of Vilgax our king...
Then they all froze....
I stretched my wings....sudo pods...just tendril but with the water leaving me....i moved the four extra tendril busting them and took off...i kept them beating and with a jump.....had dove down...and flew down....i bit those wings...moved my hand it extended and i grabbed a tree and swung myself off ....i kept a diving trajectory then i kept at it its fun....my form felt boneless....fluid....and strong...my additional twenty tendril uncoiled and i fell i took a ball like shape and made impact as i rolled ...and rolled....this is really fun i finally stoped my body controll very good
Verthra:So wat do we eat?...
Mom:Come ....it seams youre very skillfull...lets eat the other hachlings have come up they saw your little fun...but it seams your ability to manupulate your limbs is inherent of lord vilgax prowess...but your eyes ...not like us nighter like his...they are purple.
Verthra:We all are born on this planet ....we are of one soul...i feel the plant....and feel my father...and you Mother.....i care not for being difrent ....i will help King Vilgax...but well my time to lern starts now ....lets hurry up...i am lazy.....*Yawn*..Chop chop we need to go...
Mom:Yes...this way.
We left the hatchlings were dressed and i got a pair of pants and we left....got to a large house....we were given access to food and such..after days i had figured time...passed.
I was shown a bed and we rested...the first night....i was the small spoon....a nice sleep....
In the morning i had felt off...and the morning...i was half unwinded.....i still felt the arms around me ....i waited and she woke while i felt her release me i moved and tied my legs back in humanoid limbs....i smiled and got to my feet...i stretched we went to the kitchen...we sat at a table and got some fresh fruit....it looked odd but eatable....it was sower....very sower...and then she gave me a pouch and a book with a writhing utensil...and followed then rest of the kids...with theyr parents...
We arrived ..then we were shown basic information of our biology and that there are divinations to the norm me being looked at by the class and teachers....my size then the abnormal number of limbs....i seem to be interested when they shown Vilgax and his unnatural characteristics ...like mine ....increased haight....difreant colored eyes and then his few argumentations.....the first stage he added armour ....then the first critical event reducing his body then the pistons and then the third accident ...returning to close in form to the average of our kind...with armour and equipment.....with genetical arguments..from ten planets worriors... And the defeat at his nemesis Ben tenyson.....and then they showed us the general history...we are a peaceful race...with the rare Divients that usualy are as well...Vilgax is a exception....and now they showed me...my first emergence...and my first few tests ...i was above the avrege of normal of our secies...then we went deeper in the knoleg we are going to be further instructed on...to find wat we were more interested in from engineering to biology and other subjects .
About a month after the school and the health check,s i was moustly in need of so they know how to treat me if injured...as normal dosesbare just to low to affect me
The doses needed have been recorded and sent to my bio-card...so if i decide to travel off world after i live the one month needed to be lived with the parent i mostly resemble....to figure out if i am going to have a similar profession in the near future...as Mom is a biology oriented scoler...i had been set on a ship and sent to my fathers hammer ship it took a week for me and the droids to arrived....
Vilgax:Welcome son...i am Vilgax the king...
Verthra:Hellow old fart....they showed your age as well now father did you expect me to be owed...surprised.....fearful or venerate you?.....old man...now lets see the training area i am gifted with a great body...and i want to known how to use it...Dagon wood be sad to know how our species decliend but his will maters no more....now we inheret his desing....Father...and no he did not affect me...you did when he died and you took his power you subconsciously changed my template....since if you're a god...your son or daughter cant be less then demigods...i got that power...and now we are going to unlock it after the month of bonding as its from generation to generation this tradition is good...and now with the change..i feel it necesery to tell you..I respect your accomplishments....i will not follow your footsteps i am going to become a plumber....just to get close and be signed on earth to see who is this nemesis of yours..juts to satisfy my curiosity...
Vilgax:Allright....you don't want then empire...i care less for how you know of dagon...you're my son...i will test your capability,s and help you with the baseics then i will drop you on a plumer base for training...Come i want to see how much of your old man you enhereted...hachling.
A month of battle healing tanks and more training....i discovered lazer eye my body is resistant to heat and cold...i have affinity for big blades and my strength is above superhuman....i don't need water to breathe and i can levitate ...with the wings in the mix i can fly now...the dorment energy grants me minor reality alteration capability,s ...and a very slow regeneration factor...i cant die....by fathers estimates we didnt test it out....
As we got close to the Plumer base it went on red alert ...i was sent with a escort ...and when the hatch opened i was met with four veteran plumers i walked in and the droid brought the letter i had been gifted a battle sui that will grow with me and restrict my movements....the droid gave the joint lock mechanisms and hydration and looking segments of my body...such i can hydrate for example my hands to strech them with more ease....a use for my eldritch Aura is to make water from the little there is around me..the four veterans wred the letter...pad?
Sergeant Merg:Welcome to the plumber Academy...as we were told in the threght/recomandation from Vilgax you're eager to become a peace officer ...how come you wanted to do such thing?
Verthra:I want to see the world and help if i am able to i am strong ...very young...and heard of then man that defeated my father on multiple occasions i want to know wat type of person he is and maybe learn from him...
Merg:Ben tenyson?
Verthra:Whos that?...i ment Max tenyson...he with the help of others defeted father the first times...yes?
Merg:Yea...how do you know of him?
Verthra:Father was nice to tell me of his great battles and not so eagerly tell me when he was defeated and how to not fall like he did..can we depart my feet are not so easy to balance on without my extra limbs helping with balance...there should be a green button can you twist it a little i need a bit more room in this thin can...my growth cycle will start soon...and i wood apreciate it to not be squished like a tin can...
Merg:shure recruit...
The armour relesed some steem as it opend few more ports and my body grew a inch..overall my wings wraped in metal bands were free i streched and the visor retracted...i smiled....they were suprised...
Merg:i will show you the recruit barack,s...anything we should know to not course you distress or discomfort ?..the kind that is detrimental to your overall health ?
Verthra:I with father had tested my gifted phyzique...as a Diviant of my overall species due to inhereting traits from father i had made a copy of the esencial knole on my biology...they may change as i reach my adult stage of life but they should be viable for a long time...and a good reference...from witch you can monitor my mail stones...
Merg:Good for now i will send this to the lab and we will get you a standard housing unit...again you're very young ....are you sure you want to be a pees keeper?