Spirit blood flower pill.

"So, that's the reason." Tang Xiao Meng looked at Long Ao Tian's limping little brother then she thought of something.

A blood colored perfectly round pill appeared on Tang Xiao Meng's hand which she took out from her spatial ring.

"Master this is the 1 star grade Spirit blood flower pill wich I obtained by chance and not useful to me, this pill can help you to have a better blood circulation and also gives you more stamina. Don't worry master, this type of 1 star grade pill is not strong enough to make a mortal's body explode after ingesting it." Tang Xiao Meng explained the effects of the pill then she stood up and licked the excess semen on her lips. The alchemists in the Canglan continent are ranked from 1 star Apprentice alchemist being the lowest to 9 stars Alchemy Emperor the highest rank of an alchemist can obtain in this mortal realm.

"Why I never heard of this kind of useful pill?" Long Ao Tian was amazed on its effects this pill was tailored for young man that's suffering like him.

"The alchemist union felt that it was a waste to use a precious spirit blood flower just to concoct this lousy pill, the spirit blood flower is also a common and necessary ingredient of 2 and 3 stars grade pills. So this 1 star grade pill is basically a wasted Spirit blood flower that makes other alchemist angered to the one who concocted this pill and soon the pill recipe is slowly forgotten." Tang Xiao Meng patiently told the story of the pill she was holding.

"Tsk tsk, I don't see any waste here if it can cure my erectile dysfunction." Long Ao Tian took the pill and ate it without hesitation, the pill melted inside his mouth then he gulped it. Long Ao Tian felt a burning sensation all over his body the sensation last for about 30 seconds then it disappeared.

"Wow I feel so energetic like I can run a 5 kilometer run without resting!" Long Ao Tian happily said. 'But the question is, would it help me with my problem?'

"Good for you master I hope you can use me as much as you like now." Tang Xiao Meng's erotic sounding voice suddenly rang inside Long Ao Tian's head, her voice was like a trigger that pulled and ignited the passion inside Long Ao Tian.

Long Ao Tian's little brother reacted! Finally it was ready for battle again! Even though the size is not good, as long as I can use it, it's better than nothing.

"Wait something changed!" Long Ao Tian's eyes widened he noticed that his dick became bigger than the last time! The blood flow in this area really affects the size!

"He he hehehe!" Long Ao Tian can't help himself not to laugh because of the effects of the Spirit blood flower pill.

Tang Xiao Meng laid on the bed and widely spread her legs, her beautiful looking pinkish pussy was already dripping wet and just waiting to be penetrated.

"Master, Little Meng is ready for you to use." Tang Xiao Meng erotic voice was like an advertisment of his favorite food that make him want to buy the food again even though he's not hungry.

Long Ao Tian's dick that proudly looking up to the heavens became more energetic! Long Ao Tian directly pounced at the alluring beauty in front of him like a tiger that cornered his prey.

"I wont be polite then." Long Ao Tian aimed the head of his raging dick to the entrance of Tang Xiao Meng's wonderful looking pussy. With a single thrust, Long Ao Tian's dick easily slid inside of Tang Xiao Meng's private hole.

"Ahn!" Tang Xiao Meng moaned then she smiled and looked at her master's face with sexy expression on her face.

"Feels good inside of you Little Meng." Long Ao Tian was feeling the warm and heavenly sensation that surrounding his dick.

"I'm happy that my womanhood being used by master." Tang Xiao Meng said while caressing Long Ao Tian's face.

"Your pussy makes me feel happy too." Long Ao Tian continued to pound his hips in fast manner. Even though Long Ao Tian's little brother's size is not that great, the tip of it's head was continuously hitting the sweet spot of Tang Xiao Meng's pussy.

"Master this slave is feeling good each time you pounding my womanhood." Tang Xiao Meng wasn't lying, she was really feeling good everytime Long Ao Tian's dick was rubbing on her sweet spot.

The intense pounding continued for almost 10 minutes then Long Ao Tian released his load inside of Tang Xiao Meng. Long Ao Tian knows that the higher the cultivation the lower the rate of a cultivator to conceive a baby, especially like Tang Xiao Meng who reached longevity realm so he was not afraid to shoot his load inside of her.

Tang Xiao Meng also released her love fluids, it's been almost 50 years since the last time she tasted the meat rod she already forgotten what it tastes like.

After releasing his load, Long Ao Tian was surprised that his little brother was still energetic.

"I didn't thought that the effects of Spirit blood flower pill is so amazing." Long Ao Tian smiled then he looked at the mess he made to Tang Xiao Meng. 'Damn this woman is hot as fuck!'

"Master looks like you can still go for another round." Tang Xiao Meng's gaze was landed to the small yet well suited for her sweet spots, the dick of Long Ao Tian.

"Yeah, are you ready for the next round? We will stop this untill my little brother here cant stand up anymore." Long Ao Tian crawled on the bed where Tang Xiao Meng was lying.

"Tee'hee I'm always ready for your love master." Tang Xiao Meng received Long Ao Tian to her embrace then Long Ao Tian fondled and sucked her nipples.

"Hmmn." Tang Xiao Meng moaned while looking at her master whose sucking her breasts like a baby, she unknowingly caressing her master's hair because of the sensation she's feeling. In this world sex techniques and other positions are not well developed, unlike Long Ao Tian's old world where be lived as Feng Lei where with just a phone and internet connection you can learn a lot of stuffs regarding to this particular subject.

There is a saying in that world that "Size doesn't mean everything, it's all about how you please and make your partner so special." and "Only bitches cares for sizes not the emotions." well it's the case if you love the woman but as for our MC's current situation he just want to indulge himself to the sexual pleasure.

Long Ao Tian tried all of the positions he knows to fuck Tang Xiao Meng and reached the legendary nirvana of sex because of continuous orgasms.

During the time passed they were having sex Tang Xiao Meng suppressed her cultivation to first level of body tempering stage to enjoy the feeling of being tired and satisfied after sex, and now she was sound asleep.

The sexual intercourse lasted for almost 3 hours!! And the effects of Spirit blood flower pill were diminished from Long Ao Tian's body.

Long Ao Tian was now laying together with Tang Xiao Meng in the bed with satisfied and tired expression on his face.


The annoying ringing sound of system's notification rang inside Long Ao Tian's head the a prompt appeared in front of his eyes.

[Mission 1 : Indulge yourself in the Sweet Flower Brothel is successfully completed!

Receiving the rewards : 1500 qi cultivation base and Newbie pack.]

All of a sudden a large amount of spirit qi rushed to Long Ao Tian's dantian! The phenomenon lasted for 10 seconds untill it ended.

[Congratulations on breaking through Peak level of Qi Gathering stage!]

Long Ao Tian felt his body became stronger, sturdier and more energetic than before.

[The Newbie pack is stored to the system's inventory.]

Long Ao Tian checked his status to confirm what is his current progress with the 1500 qi cultivation base he received.

[Name: Long Ao Tian

Age: 18

Cultivation stage (?): Peak level of Qi Gathering Stage.

Cultivation Technique: Middle level Earth grade - Black Tiger Body Technique.

Qi Cultivation base: 1500.5/1999


100,000,000 Spirit Stones.

14048 Taels of Gold.

3227 Taels of silver.

2 copper coins. ]

"Oh my god did I just skipped the whole Body tempering stage?! And now I'm at Qi gathering stage not just first level but peak level! Oh my god this system is a cheat like existence! It's still unbelievable that I can be strong through debauchery." Long Ao Tian cant believe what's happening right now, mix of emotions are flooding to him.

"Oh there a (?) symbol on the cultivation stage." Long Ao Tian curiously tapped it then a series of informations appeared.

The first five Cultivation stages, levels and their respective cultivation bases to level up.

Body tempering.

1st level 1-9

2nd level 10-19

3rd level 20-29

4th level 30-39

5th level 40-49

6th level 50-59

7th level 60-69

8th level 70-79

9th level 80-89

Peak level 90-99

Qi gathering.

1st level 100-199

2nd level 200-299

3rd level 300-399

4th level 400-499

5th level 500-599

6th level 600-699

7th level 700-799

8th level 800-899

9th level 900-999

Peak level 1000-1999

Foundation Establishment.

1st level 2000-2999

2nd level 3,000-3,999

3rd level 4,000-4,999

4th level 5,000-5,999

5th level 6,000-6,999

6th level 7,000-7,999

7th level 8,000-8,999

8th level 9,000-9,999

9th level 10,000-10,999

Peak level 10,999-19,999

Core Forming.

1st level 20,000-39,999

2nd level 40,000-59,999

3rd level 60,000-79,999

4th level 80,000-99,999

5th level 100,000-119,999

6th level 120,000-139,999

7th level 140,000-159,999

8th level 160,000-179,999

9th level 180,000- 199,999

Peak level 200,000-399,999

Golden Core.

1st level 400,000-799,999

2nd level 800,000-1,199,999

3rd level 1,200,000-1,599,999

4th level 1,600,000-1,999,999

5th level 2,000,000-2,399,999

6th level 2,400,000-2,799,999

7th level 2,800,000-3,199,999

8th level 3,200,000-3,599,999

9th level 3,600,000- 3,999,999

Peak level 4,000,000- 7,999,999