Elder brother Tian fulfill your promise.

Long Ao Tian stood up and went towards the door and opened it. He saw his redhead beautiful big breasted sister, Long Ling'er.

"Eh?! Are you really my elder brother Tian??" Long Ling'er's eyes widened when she saw her beloved elder brother. She can't recognized who is the immortal looking handsome man in front of her very own eyes.

"Silly, who else it could be? A handsome immortal that descended here in Rising Mortal realm?" Long Ao Tian smiled at his sister then he flicked her forehead, with his 1st level of Body Tempering stage cultivation even if he use stronger power to flick her forehead he wont able to cause a 1st level of Foundation Establishment cultivator pain.

The big breasted loli continuously nodded at him as her reply, Long Ao Tian lightly laughed on her small display of antics and patted her head.

"Come." Long Ao Tian invited Long Ling'er inside like a shady uncle thinking of doing bad things to the precious big breasted loli.

Long Ling'er nodded and followed her beloved elder brother.

"Is there something you need from me?" Long Ao Tian offered the single chair on his room for Long Ling'er to use with a gesture of his hand.

"Elder brother why your face and temperament suddenly changed a lot? You became more handsome and pleasing to eyes." Long Ling'er's curiosity filled eyes were locked to Long Ao Tian's handsome face, Long Ao Tian didn't mind because this is better than being stared directly by a middle aged man without blinking.

"Well, I guess it's because the stress and depression accumulated during the time my beloved cute little sister left me instantly vanished because she is here in front of me now, safe and sound. She became more beautiful too." Long Ao Tian used his glib tongue to tease the big breasted loli.

"Elder brother Tian!" Long Ling'Er rushed and hugged her beloved brother out of nowhere.

'Hey hey hey! This isn't supposed to be the script! Your reactions should be cutetly blushing then say "Wha-What are you talking about s-stupid elder brother Tian!" and slap my shoulder or punch me in the stomach.' Long Ao Tian thought while being suffocated by the huge and very soft mountain peaks of Long Ling'er.

"Li...er....can't ... breathe." Long Ao Tian tried his best to say that he was going to die due to suffocation if her hug continues for a long time.

"Eh? I'm sorry!" Long Ling'er hurriedly released her beloved elder brother Tian from her clutches. Long Ao Tian thanked the heavens that he didn't die because of suffocation, Long Ao Tian composed himself then he fixed his messed hair because of the hug.

"I'm sorry elder brother Tian, I just feel so happy that my lower body became suddenly hot because of your words and all I think is to hug you." Long Ling'er's innocent face is slightly red and her big clear blue eyes was looking directly at Long Ao Tian's actions.

Long Ao Tian flinched when he heard his sister.

"Hey! Do you want me to be caught by the FBI?"

"Ef Bi Ay?" Long Ling'er tilted her head and gave her beloved elder brother a questioning gaze.

"Forget it." Long Ao Tian shook his head.

'Well, FBI doesn't exist here... so... kuhum and Ling'er is actually in her marriageable age now based on the culture here.' Some shady thoughts are appearing on Long Ao Tian's head. In the country where the Four Maples City is located the ruling empire here set the age of marriage at 16 for men and 14 for women. For cultivators that kind of age is too early since they can live hundreds of years so finding a dao companion isn't that rushed.

"Okay... Elder brother Tian do you remember your promise back then?" Long Ling'er suddenly opened another topic of conversation.

'What's going on? Don't tell me this is the "Onii-chan I promise to be your bride in the future" cliche.' Long Ao Tian tried to be composed then he asked back to Long Ling'er.

"What is it Ling'er? you know your big brother's mind is not that bright and forgets some things." In reality, Long Ao Tian don't know what she's talking about even if he searched in his head all of the memories he inherited from the original Long Ao Tian.

"Hmph, meanie." Long Ling'er pouted.

"I don't really understand." Long Ao Tian awkwardly smiled while squeezing his brain.

"Big brother Tian, you said that if I reached Foundation Establishment you won't marry anyone and devote yourself to me we will be having our hidden marriage." Long Ling'er said like a maiden in love while twirling her left side hair with her left index finger.

"When did I said that?" Long Ao Tian thought for a second and remembered something.


A year ago.

On the huge garden of the Long family mansion, a young man is sitting on the top of the huge rock while fishing in their man made lake. The man was the 17 years old Long Ao Tian to be precise the original one, he is sleepy, it's been an hour he only caught two small carps.

A young girl suddenly ran towards the direction of Long Ao Tian.

"Elder Brother Tian! Elder Brother Tian!" The young girl was the 14 years old Long Ling'er, she looks so cute and can be described as teen loli. Her womanly features are still hidden this year and the original perverted Long Ao Tian didn't care about her, he just says yes at her all the time.

"Elder brother Tian an elder of Green Cloud Sect accepted me as her disciple! I'm so happy! I hope elder brother Tian will also have a smooth sailing in your cultivation!" Long Ling'er excitedly said while skipping back and forth beside the huge rock.


"Uhm... Elder brother Tian the elder said that she will take me to her sect and only permitted to visit my family for once a year, will you miss me?" The energetic tone of Long Ling'er suddenly vanished and replaced with sad one.

"Yes." The sleepy uninterested Long Ao Tian answered.

"Me too! I will miss you very much, you are the only one who always agrees with me and knows how I feel.".

"*Yawn* Yes."

"Un, elder brother Tian, my esteemed mother said that she will give me anything I like as long as I reached Foundation Establishment next year, isn't that awesome?"


"What about you elder brother Tian? Would you also give me what I like if I reached that stage next year?"


"Then... if I reached Foundation Establishment you won't marry anyone and devote yourself to me we will be having our hidden marriage."

"Ye...s" The sleepy Long Ao Tian can't take it anymore then he falls asleep.




'The reason why I can't remember anything because I'm too sleepy no that freaking original Long Ao Tian is sleepy.' Long Ao Tian shake his head then she felt sorry for Long Ling'er for thinking that her elder brother is always supporting her. 'Don't worry from now on I will genuinely support you Ling'er.'

"I remembered that... but Ling'er were siblings so we can't." Long Ao Tian patted the head of the loli.

"But... Esteemed mother said that my real father isn't esteemed father but Mr. Wang therefore we can be together elder brother Tian." Long Ling'er dropped a nuclear bomb that made Long Ao Tian almost puke with fresh blood.

'What kind of fucking development is this?! So father is wearing a green hat all along, damn I feel sorry for him. You can punch my handsome face but never put a green hat on my head or else I will kill you a thousand times and also put green hat to your head if your wife is hot, then I will fuck her in front of your very own eyes... hmm if you have beautiful legal aged daughters let them join too, no all of the beautiful legal aged women of your family!' Long Ao Tian thought.

"Ling'er! Promise me don't mention that to anyone." Long Ao Tian held Long Ling'er hands while looking at her eyes.

"O-Okay, but you need to fulfill your promise." Long Ling'er's beautiful big watery eyes are staring directly at Long Ao Tian's eyes.

"Sigh, Okay but we need to keep this in secret I can't also promise you that you are the only woman whose going to be with me in my entire life." Long Ao Tian agreed since he is not the real Long Ao Tian he admitted that he harbored some sexual motives to Long Ling'er since the first time he met her and now that something complicated is going on he just sailed with the boat and go with the flow of waters.

The system will surely issue missions that involves fucking some outstanding women in this world, so his harem is surely will be created if he successfully completed it and become strong. Well it's a common thing here that an outstanding man can have many woman as long as he have the ability to do so, like the Emperor and his harem.

"Elder brother Tian, as your wife I can only obey you as long as you are happy." Long Ling'er warmly said then she smiled at him.

'Hey hey hey! Miss you are taking this too fast, what's next? You're gonna eat me before going back to Green Cloud sect?' Long Ao Tian was speechless on this development, he just arrived in this world today but lots of interesting things happened.