Bro you are courting death.

"Eh? Why did you come here? I already told you that I already have someone in my heart." Long Ling'er's smile turned into looks of irritation.

The lackey and bootlicker of Cao Shen wants to say something to Long Ling'er but Cao Shen stoped him.

"Junior sister Long, I came here because I genuinely misses you that I can't bear to part with you for a day." Cao Shan said with emotional tone that conveying his longing for Long Ling'er.

'Seems like I have a misconception on what kind of relationship they have.' Long Da Dong narrowed his eyes, Long Ling'er is his prescious daughter if there's no mishaps, with Long Ling'er's talent she will surely attain Nascent Soul stage or even Soul Transformation stage and become one of the powerhouses of Rising Mortal Realm. While Cao Shen seem just to have above average talent that only relied on backing of his Golden core master, who knows what kind of shady deals Cao Shen's family made just to be accepted by a Golden Core stage powerhouse as his disciple.

"Ling'er why don't you entertain nephew Cao for a while, it's improper to not receive them well since they travelled all the way here just for you." A hoarse voice suddenly said coming from the entrance of the door. Then an old man with mixed black and white long neatly tied hair entered the hall.

"Greetings Uncle Da Li." Long Ling'er lightly bowed her head to show respect to Long Da Li, the elder brother of Long Da Dong.

"Eldest Brother." Long Da Dong's face became slightly darker than usual when he saw his big brother.

Long Ling'er hesitated then she looks at her father. Long Da Dong noticed his daughter's pleading gaze.

"You don't have to go if you don't want Ling'er." Long Da Dong said.

"What are you saying second brother? Young master Cao here is the disciple of the 2nd elder of the Green Cloud sect, Mo Xian. Elder Mo Xian is the one that helped our Long family's problems back in our father's generation you can't remember it?" Long Da Li was looking at Long Da Dong with ridicule as if he was saying "Ignorant, I should be the one whose sitting in the patriarch's seat not you."

Cao Shen smiled, he felt a little bit grateful with Long Da Li.

Long Da Dong is in a tight situation, his brother was right they need to give Cao Shen and Wang Er Gou some face. Long Da Dong apologetically glanced at his daughter.

Long Ling'er didn't blame her father and just nodded and sat a chair apart from where Cao Shen was sitting.

Cao Shen didn't mind Long Ling'er's actions he continued to smile and asked some questions, Long Ling'er always answering him with cold tone.

Meanwhile, Long Ao Tian went out from his room after tidying the marks of love making occured in his room.

He noticed that some of the servants are curiously looking towards the main hall. He went beside the gossipy servant and asked.

"Sister what's going on there?"

The female servant just continued to focus her sight on the main hall without looking at the one whose asking her a question.

"There are two disciples from Green Cloud sect came here to visit young miss Ling'er, the one of them is so handsome but our young master is better than him." The servant said and continued her actions.

"Un, Young master Tian is really handsome even I the most handsome servant here is no match for him." Long Ao Tian nodded then he also mimicked the servant while "spying" at the main hall.

"Tsk, handsome? All the male servants I see here are all mediocre in terms of looks let me see who..." The female servant turned her head towards Long Ao Tian to see what kind of looks do the narcisistic servant have but she was so shocked on what she saw. "Eeeekk! Young Master Tian!"

The servant immediately bowed.

"I'm no match to him right?"

"No no no you are more handsome than Young Master Tian!" The servant respectfully said fearing that this young master in front of her thought of punishing her for being gossipy.

"So, Young Master Tian is no match to me a servant of this house?" Long Ao Tian teased then he suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, tell me other details you saw."

"Ye-Yes! Young miss Ling'er seems in a good mood while going to the main hall to entertain the guest. She looks like a blooming flower that recently watered." The servant didn't look directly at Long Ao Tian, she told what she saw while her head was looking down to the floor.

'I indeed "watered" Ling'er about an hour ago.' Long Ao Tian smiled then he walks towards the hall. "Go and continue what work you have been assigned."


Long Ao Tian entered the main hall like a boss, his dashing looks and immortal like temperament attracted all of the people inside.

"Oh it's Tian'er." Long Da Dong smiled at Long Ao Tian's direction.

"Greetings esteemed father." Long Ao Tian lightly bowed his fist towards his Father.

"Elder brother Tian!" Long Ling'er's eyes lit up and revealed a wonderful smile like a maiden in love.

Cao Shen narrowed his eyes and felt inferior in terms of looks and temperament with the guy who affectionately called by Long Ling'er. 'Who is this guy?'

"Tian'er why are you here?" Long Da Dong asked.

"Father, I noticed that some of our servant are looking in this direction so I decided to take a look, I didn't expect we have some visitors here." Long Ao Tian turned his head towards Cao Shen and Wang Er Gou's direction.

'He called uncle Da Dong as father, so he's junior sister Long's famous elder brother for being trash.' Cao Shen thought and he looked down at Long Ao Tian but he never show it since Long Ling Er and Long Ao Tian seems to have a good relationship.

"Hello, My name is Long Ao Tian, Ling'er's elder brother." Long Ao Tian smiled at the two guests and cupped his fist as form of greeting.

"Hello brother Ao Tian, I heard a lot of you from Junior sister." Cao Shen also did the same actions.

"Me too." The bootlicker followed.

"Like what?" Long Ao Tian's eyes lit up and asked, he knows that Cao Shen's words are just for fomality.

"Uhm... You are a great person." Cao Shen was slightly annoyed. 'It was just for formality and what about being great about a trash like you?'

"How great is it?" Long Ao Tian said like he was expecting Cao Shen to give a good answers.

"You are..." Cao Shen don't know what to say because he really don't know the good points of this trashy young master in front of him.

"Ao Tian enough with that! Let young master Cao and Ling'er have their own quiet time." Long Da Li said fearing that Cao Shen will be irritated with his trash nephew.

"Oh uncle Da Li you are here how come I didn't noticed you?" Long Ao Tian said with innocent look on his face, some of the veins popped out from Long Da Li's temples.

'This trash actually treated me as an air?' Long Da Li calmed himself then he looks at Long Ling'er.

"Niece Ling'er why don't you tour young master Cao around the city?"

Long Ling'er looks at Long Ao Tian then to Long Da Dong.

Long Da Dong shook his head.

Long Ao Tian who saw his father's reaction felt disappointed. 'Father tsk tsk, this is the reason why you got a green hat from neighbor Wang. Please have some balls and act like an alpha.'

"Let me join, since Ling'er is not really familiar on the changes in the city after a year she stayed at their sect." Long Ao Tian suggested like a good brother.

"Un let my elder brother Tian join us." Long Ling'er nodded.

'This trash is irritating me, I just want to have private time with Ling'er.' Cao Shen inwardly thought but he still puts his hypocritical smile on his face. "Okay, since Junior sister Long is not really familiar in the city anymore please accompany us Brother Tian."

"With pleasure." Long Ao Tian said then they stood up, Long Ling'er clinged to Long Ao Tian like a panda to her bamboo.

Cao Shen was so jealous that he wants to smack Long Ao Tian face with something like a blunt weapon but he remembered that they were siblings so its normal for them to act like this sometimes because they have good relationship.

Long Ao Tian noticed the slight change of facial reaction of Cao Shen then he smiled.

'Trying to steal my Ling'er? Bro you are courting death. Literally.' Long Ao Tian already have plans on dealing with this annoying fly.

The Long siblings, Cao Shen and his bootlicker rode a carriage of Long Family. They went to each of the famous locations of Four Maple City.

Soon they passed at a luxurious looking pill hall named Nine Herbs's Pill Hall.

Long Ao Tian smiled then he patted Long Ling'er's head.

"Ling'er I suddenly remembered that I have a set of pills I pre-ordered a while ago, I'm going to check it. Accompany Brother Cao and Brother Wang first, I won't be staying there foe too long."

Long Ling'er hesitated a bit but she chose to trust her beloved elder brother and nodded.

'I'm surprised that you know your place trash." Cao Shen secretly sneered.