Private talk and learning the truth.

"Ling'er, Elder Mo Xian already sent a messenger sword to your master to take you back to the Green Cloud sect, you need to stay here first and wait for your master to pick you up." Long Da Dong's face have grave expression and he was really worried about his daughter's safety, even he knows that this is natural part of being a cultivator but his fatherly instinct is tingling.

Long Ao Tian was not worried about Ling'er's safety because he was the one who caused that commotion except there is really an evil cultivator expert that wandering around the Four Maples City.

"Yes father, Ling'er will abide your instructions." Long Ling'er respectfully said to Long Da Dong.

"I'm going back to my room now Ling'er, Father and Second Mother." Long Ao Tian said then he stood up and gave Shi Rou Xue a brief glance, their eyes quickly met and parted away. Long Ao Tian left the dining table and Shi Rou Xue knows the meaning of that glance.

Long Ao Tian was standing alone in the garden then two men suddenly arrived and stood behind his back.

"Young master Tian, I successfully broke through to 1st level of Foundation Establishment stage!" A deep manly voice said.

"Young master, I also broke through to Peak level of Qi Gathering stage but I can feel that I will also enter Foundation Establishment stage soon." The man with high pitch voice.

Long Ao Tian recognized the two owners of those voices, the deep voice belonged to Long Yi while the latter is Long Er.

Long Ao Tian turned around and scanned their progress and he nodded, the brothers just consumed 3 pieces of spirit stones.

"Stabilize your cultivation soon we will have a experiential journey around blue waves." Long Ao Tian was thinking of bringing this two on his journey to the south since it will be handy if he have some lackeys to do the cooking and other menial work.

But having a second thought they might be become cannonfodders so he discard the thought of bringing the two with him, Tang Xiao Meng is the better choice to bring.

"No, you guys will continue to cultivate here and help my father here."

The brothers were confused and just did what their young master wants, they left and went back to their own quarters to stabilize their cultivation.

Soon another person came.

"Tian'er." Said the soft matured voice owned by a woman.

Long Ao Tian just emotionlessly looked at Shi Rou Xue and gestured his right hand to follow him then he walked towards the direction of the guest house.

No one saw them going in the vacant house.

"What's wrong Tian'er?" Shi Rou Xue asked like a loving mother that's really worried about her son's wellbeing.

"Does father knows the secret about Ling'er?" Long Ao Tian's question made Shi Rou Xue's body flinched and her eyes widened.

A moment of silence that lasted for 10 second happened after Long Ao Tian asked.

Shi Rou Xue closed her eyes then she sighed.

"No, he doesn't know that Ling'er is my sister but he knows that I'm hiding to our enemies." Shi Rou Xue said then she sat on the nearest chair.

"Eh?! What?!" Long Ao Tian was stunned. 'What the hell is going on?'

"Huh?" Shi Rou Xue was confused on Long Ao Tian's reaction. "Tian'er... Don't tell me you don't know about it."

"I don't, well the thing that I know is you put a green hat to father's head and Ling'er is your child with a man that is surnamed Wang." Long Ao Tian awkwardly said. 'Did Ling'er lied to me because she wants to do those stuffs? That little... Sigh, if that's the case I almost committed an incest relationship with her if we are really siblings but based on second mother's reaction the thing she said is real.'

"Young man where did you get that ridiculous accusation?!" Shi Rou Xue shook her head. "Since you misunderstand everything and found about something you shouldn't have, I will tell you the truth but... keep this secret and absolutely not to tell others about this."

"Second Mother, I'm willing." Long Ao Tian nodded and patiently listened to Shi Rou Xue.

"Ling'er is my twin sister and both of us came from the central continent. The reason we came here is because fleeing from the Crimson Moon Sect, Me and sister Rou Yin are chosen to be betrothed to their holy child and use our daoist constitution to strengthen the holy child."

'So that's the reason why they are really identical to each other, like a adult and a mini version.' Long Ao Tian continued to listen.

"We came from Ye family one of the nobles of Dynasty that ruled the Land of Water."

"While fleeing to Blue waves, we encountered bunch of elders of Crimson Moon Sect in early Nascent Soul stage and some Peak of Golden Core stage."

"Me and Sister Rou Yin struggled, both of us are 4th level of Nascent Soul stage with our combined attacks and defence we successfully escaped but we paid a high price."

'Come to think of it I didn't scanned second mother, Ling'er and father's status because I already know their cultivation stages based on my inherited memory.' Long Ao Tian's eyes narrowed.

"My cultivation base is damaged while sister Ruo Yin used our clan's hidden skill, The Nirvana. That hidden skill can forcefully use the power of 1 stage higher than his/her cultivation stage but the user will fall to the state of Nirvana rebirth. The user's cultivation will be lost and he/she will become a newborn child without any memories about him/herself unless he/she attain Nascent Soul again to awaken his/her sealed memories." Shi- no Ye Rou Xue said with a sad tone.

"Does my father and you really have the husband and wife relationship?" Long Ao Tian asked the question he was really want to ask for some reasons.

"No, your father is a good man he agreed to hide us in this clan by marrying him so I helped him to stabilize his position as the patriarch, our marriage is purely cooperation but I already seen you as my son Tian'er." Ye Rou Xue smiled at Long Ao Tian.

Long Ao Tian nodded then he awkwardly smiled.

"Even if my wedding with your father is just for a show I never did something like that and who the hell said those things to you?" Ye Rou Xue rested her back on the backrest of the chair.

"Second mother is this really the whole truth?" Long Ao Tian is still having a little doubt on her.

"I, Ye Rou Xue, is making an oath to the heavens that all of informations that I said to Long Ao Tian are the truth. If not, I shall receive the heavenly punishment." After the oath the sky became dark then lightning danced in the sky and thunder roared across the land for a brief second and the sky became clear again.

Ye Rou Xue gave Long Ao Tian a motherly smile then she stood up.

"Do you believe in me now?" Ye Rou Xue gently said.

"Un." Long Ao Tian nodded. "I just heard it from the gossipy servants."


Urgent Mission: Have an intimate moment with Ye Ruo Xue.

Note: Second mother is actually a lonely woman that focused her past years to take care of you and her sister Ye Rou Yin.

Reward: 500 Qi cultivation base.

Additional Reward: Reward may vary depends on your actions towards the target. The more intimate you are, the higher the additional reward.]

'A mission suddenly triggered! This is the first urgent mission I saw. Why is it urgent? Because she's vulnerable right now?' Long Ao Tian was happy that a mission is issued.

"Now that the misunderstanding is cleared I will go back to my quarters, but remember I'm always gonna be your second mother, I watched you grow up and treated you as my own." Ye Rou Xue turned around and she was about to left.

"Second mother." Long Ao Tian's hands are wrapping around Ye Rou Xue's waist.

"Tian'er what are you doing?!" Ye Rou Xue was startled by Long Ao Tian's actions.

"Second mother... " Long Ao Tian rested his head on Ye Rou Xue's shoulder.


"I actually loved you." Long Ao Tian tightened his hug.

'Since the reward depends on how intimate my actions towards her, I will go all out.'

"Love? Me too I love you Tian'er, you will always be my little crybaby that always running to me if his knees were scratched from falling down." Ye Rou Xue tried to evade the topic but she suddenly felt a hard and warm thing that pressing in between her round ass.

"Rou Xue, now that I learned about your real relationship with father, this feelings is running rampant inside my heart. It wants to be released and freely surround you." Long Ao Tian pressed harder.

Ye Rou Xue's face is already red.


"Second mother, your baby is hungry... I want to drink your milk." Long Ao Tian's right hand travelled to Ye Rou Xue's huge mountain peak and fondled it with care.