Airport Rush


She was nursing her fifth glass of frozen margarita forgoing the tequila and mostly orange liqueur, and lime juice. While she can't get hammered, she still needed to appear drunk, for she was still being watched. The man her mother hired to tail her was in the pocket garden just outside the hotel lobby.

The sun had already set, so there was no point in lying on a sunbed pretending to sunbathe when the sun was already out for the day.

A man sat on her right and started talking to her. She wasn't interested to have a small talk right now, but she has to stay at the bar for another hour or so. A man is a good excuse.

He turned up to be well versed in a lot of topics and despite just wanting an excuse to stay longer at the bar, she ended up enjoying the company of the man who introduced himself as Felix Magbanua.

He is a photographer and currently working on a project in the city and would be staying for a month or so. Her ideal kind of man - one that wasn't going to stay. Too bad, she was flying out of the country tonight. She would have enjoyed his company. He's smart and pleasant looking. He has a toned body, and his intelligence made him endearing.

She snorted. Who is she kidding? She likes men with good bodies and good brains.

"Would you like to join me for dinner today?" he smiled and tilted his head and she had a better view of his dimples.

However, right past Felix, she saw her shadow pretending to read a newspaper. He must be bored to death now. She glanced at her watch and it was already half-past six. She bit her cheeks thinking, she just found a good reason to go back to her room that would put her shadow into an awkward position. She hoped that her plan would dissuade him to follow her.

But first, she had to make Felix into an accomplice.

"I'll do a raincheck on the dinner invitation if you do me a little favor." She leaned toward him as she propped her elbow on the bar counter, she then rested her chin on her palm.

"What favor are we talking about?"

"Something you can easily give me," she playfully ran her index finger on his jawline, which made him gulp his saliva audibly. She smirked inwardly, 'gotcha.'

She turned on the front camera of her phone and held it in front of him so she could see her mother's hired shadow.

"That man in the back who has been watching us from his newspaper is someone my mother hired to follow me."

He looked at the camera and saw the man she was talking about.

"Why is it that your mother has someone follow you around?"

She cocked her head to the side and smiled suggestively, "Maybe because I'm such a bad girl."

His eyes turned round as if they were glassy marbles - and just like that, she no longer finds him attractive. A man that is too eager is easy to get and no fun at all.

"What do you want me to do?" He shifted in his seat like a boy in class waiting to be called on to recite by the teacher.

"Just escort me to my room."

"That's something I can." He grinned and his eyes sparkled with anticipation of getting lucky.

She pulled her hand away from him and sat properly. She picked up her glass and did a show of drinking it all in one go. It tastes like lime juice diluted with water. She thanked the barista and got off from the barstool.

She glanced at her watched and it is now six forty-five. She has to hurry if she wanted to catch the eight-thirty flight.

"Ready, cowboy?"

"I have never been ready."

When he leaned on for a kiss, she turned her face so his lips landed on her jawline.

"What floor is your room on?"

"20th," he leaned to whisper his answer when he could just say them without doing so.

She bit her tongue to stop the words that were about to escape her mouth, 'His room is two floors below you, it's perfect.'

They left the bar and entered the lobby to the elevator that would bring them to their rooms. He can't keep his hands by squeezing her ass clad in a bikini bottom that barely covered her ass.

She let him grab her ass especially when they passed in front of the man that was watching her. With Felix breathing heavily on her back, it was quite clear the reason for them leaving the bar together.

As soon as the elevator door closed, she swatted his hands. She pressed her floor number, and when the elevator reached the next floor she pressed Felix's floor. Assuming that her shadow was still watching the elevator he can assume someone gets on the elevator that is getting off at the 20th floor.

She then stepped away from the guy who has been pressing his groin on her back, as if she needed more affirmation that he was so horny to remove the small pieces of clothing covering her body.

"Uhm, Felix, you need to give me at least forty minutes to get ready in my room." She bit her bottom lip, acting coy.

When he was about to disagree, the elevator dings on the twentieth floor. She grabbed his collar and kissed him chastely, "Be a good boy and wait in your room for forty minutes."

She doesn't really need forty minutes to get out of this hotel. She just gave him a longer time, in case he came up too early. When the elevator opened to her floor, she dashed to her room and went directly to the bathroom to take a quick half-body shower.

In less than ten minutes, she was dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. She was surveying her hotel room, taking note of anything that she might leave behind as she put on her Paul Smith Adidas shoes.

She wrapped a scarf on her hair, put on sunglasses, got out of the room with her suitcase and backpack. She got on the elevator to the 28th floor to go to the gym, where she planned to use the elevator that would take her around the corner of the pool shower stalls.

It makes sense to have a separate elevator for people who just finished exercising since not everyone wants to be in the same elevator with people who are sweating from exercising.