The Bastard On The Plane


She arrived at the airport with no extra minutes to spare. She dashed through the boarding gate and went directly to the plane. There were some passengers that gave her a squinted look of annoyance. She scoffed inside her head. 'Yeah, I'm late but it's not like the plane would fly earlier if I came early.' She was still on time because it's only eight-twenty in the evening.

She looked down at the piece of paper in her hand and gave it to the flight attendant standing tall and regal with a gracious smile gracing her lips. When the flight attendant saw the stub, she led her to the part of the plane separated from the rows of economy seats.

"Here is your seat, Miss Crisostomo." she gestured to her seat with a small bow.

"Thank you. Can I have a glass of red wine, please."

"Certainly ma'am."

She scooted her way to her seat next to a window. Fasten her seatbelt and put down her backpack under her seat. She pulled her phone out of her jeans pocket and put it down on the table that she pulled out from the left armrest. She propped her elbows on the table and cradled her face.

Her eyes were closed but she felt the presence of someone sitting in the seat next to her. She kept her eyes close as she murmured an apology to her mother at the back of her mind as the plane took off from the runway.

The guilt of running away from her mother hit her now that she was far enough from her. She wasn't proud of what she did. Lying to her mother and all.

However, the thought of being tied down to some man that she doesn't like would be the death of her. She is a lot of things but she is still just an average girl that dreams of marrying a man that she will be excited to wake up with.

She wasn't really one of those girls that were looking for a handsome prince charming that would sweep her off her feet. She doesn't believe in any of those bullshits. She just wanted a man that she would fall in love with and would love her back. Someone who can accept her needs for freedom.

A man who wouldn't mind a girl that has an opinion - lots of them. Someone who would look at her with an equal brain and not someone that would think of her as just pretty and good to look at.

She is pretty and damn good to look at. But she is more than that! And men back home have difficulty accepting her likes. They looked at her like she was an unknown breed when they realized that she wasn't just a pretty face, a girl that goes to church and has a good family name.

When men knew her behind her looks, they all backed out. No one wants a headache. The consensus was that - she is difficult to love. How is she difficult to love? Just because she has an opinion and knows how to say no - she is difficult?

Well, maybe because she also doesn't know how to cook. Whatever the reason was, she wasn't going to marry someone that she doesn't love. End of the discussion.

"Here is your wine, Miss."

The voice of the flight attendant jolted her from her wandering thoughts. She leaned back on her seat as she accepted her glass of wine. She sighed, rolling her neck left and right to relieve the tension of escaping the man her mother hired to tail her.

She was murmuring another heartfelt thank you in her head for the old taxi driver that made her escape possible without bloodshed.

"It is too early for a wine." a voice from a man that sounded as though he just rolled off the bed spoke next to her.

The corner of her eyebrow raised as if it had a mind of its own when she heard the condescending tone. Forget that he has a deep, warm voice that could promise a lot of life's enjoyment.

She slowly turned her head to face the voice, and she almost dropped her wine glass when she faced a man she hasn't seen for a long time. He is still as gorgeous as ever. Her eyes took in the view of his chiseled jawline and her eyes were drawn to the mischievous smirk that seemed to be glued forever in his red lips.

She bit her lower lip, remembering how those red lips taste as good as they look.

"You look like someone is running after your life." he softly chuckled as he noticed that she was ogling his handsome side profile.

"It feels like it, but then you appeared." she leaned in and whispered in a sultry voice.

"You are brazen as ever Laurie." he shook his head in disapproval.

"You know why we didn't work?" she asked, sipping her red wine. She thought she would spend her time watching some shitty movie for the rest of her flight, but then the universe gave her something to enjoy for the six hours flight to the land of the rising sun.


"Actually, I don't know." she shrugged her shoulders. "We had fun though. That's for sure."

"Hmm," he nodded his head. He looked like he suddenly had an epiphany. He glanced at her at and in the most solemn tone, he said, "We didn't work out because you can't settle. You refused to settle."

"Excuse me!" she pursed her lips as she narrowed her eyes on him. "Mr. Yi, as far as I remember you have a terrible commitment issue."

He chuckled and ruffled her hair, "Oh, Laurie dear. How many years have passed and you still haven't changed." He raised his left hand right in front of her face, "See this? Happily married."

She clicked her tongue on him when she saw the gold band on his ring finger. "Show off! I'm pretty sure she is now regretting marrying you!"

He had the audacity to throw his head in laughter. She now hated sitting next to this bastard. She dated this guy way back when she was in London. She was new to the place, looking to make some friends, and she met him on one of those Friday nights where she would go pub hopping.

She wasn't going to deny it, it was good until it lasted. And it hurts to accept the truth that she did have a hard time settling down - hell she is currently on the run! She sighed. This flight is going to be a long one, she thought as she narrowed her eyes on the handsome jerk next to her. A very handsome happily married jerk!