I Like Danger


She sauntered her way to the VIP area only to find him already gone. She sighed out of disappointment. Her eyes surveyed the dance floor and saw Koko still having a good time slithering her body to almost every bodies that were grinding her on the dance floor.

Watching it from this perspective it doesn't look so appealing that she decided not to go back to the dance floor. She glanced one more time at the VIP area where the man used to sit, and her shoulder slumped.

She turned her heels to head to the bar. She found a seat at the end of the bar counter next to the air conditioner. She was waiting for her order when someone hovered next to her left shoulder. She was ready to punch the bastard when she heard a sexy drawl that made her pressed her legs together.

"Looking for me?"

She was startled when the man she was looking for materialized next to her with a sexy smirk on his luscious lips. He must have seen her searching for him at the VIP area. 'How embarrassing!'

"Mister, I'm here minding my own business. Why would I look for you?" she lifted her eyebrow at the egoistic guy.

"Indeed. My apology." he chuckled.

She could hear the insincerity in his voice. But damn, he's hot! Her gaze was drawn to his black polo that had four buttons opened. Who the hell would open four buttons of a freaking shirt! He could just get naked for she could clearly see his chiseled abs with the way he was sitting on the barstool.

He was sitting half-turned in her direction in the barstool, with his elbow propped on the wooden bar counter. He's wearing a Rolex watch. She recognized it easily because her brother has the same model.

"Like what you are seeing, honey?"

"Hmm," she pouted her lips and mimicked his sitting position. "It's distracting," she said honestly.

He threw his head laughing. And despite the deafening noise in the room, she could still hear the clear ringing of his husky voice floating in the air. She wanted to see and hear him laugh more.

"So are yours," he smirked as his eyes blatantly stared at her breast.

She blushed as she laughed awkwardly. She wondered why she was feeling embarrassed when it was her intention when she cupped her breast higher and tighter in her brassiere was to catch his attention.

However, with his unabashed staring, she couldn't help but felt a bit self-conscious. It could be because of the way he was looking at her. There was no hint of shame in his eyes as he showed his desire.

"Thank you," she murmured as she was caught off guard and her brain stopped functioning as she stared at his smirking mouth, adorned by a silver ring. "Does it hurt?"

"Huh?" his eyebrows wrinkled in question, "Oh, this?" he touched his lip ring. "Not at all."

"It looks painful," she said absentmindedly, for at the back of her mind she was imagining herself leaning towards him, kissing him, and twirling his lip ring in her tongue.

She was jolted from her lewd thoughts when she felt her finger tapping her wrist.

"What are you drinking?"

"Have no idea. I just asked the barista to make me a drink."

His hand encircled her wrist that was holding her glass and brought it to his mouth. He drank her drinks!

She gulped down her saliva as she watched him lifting her drink, squinted his eyes to the rim of her glass. When he saw the part where a smudge of her lipstick stained, he brought her drink to his mouth and drank from the exact part where her lips were on the glass.

She crossed her legs as she gulped some air. She never realized that she was holding her breath as she watched him drinking from her glass.

"Taste good," he grinned. His eyes not leaving her face, he lifted his right hand in the air to get the attention of the bartender. When the bartender approached them, he said, "Give me what she's having."

She tried to pull her hand from his grip but it seems like he has no intention of letting her wrist go. She put down her drink on the counter for she has a feeling that with the way he was devouring her with his eyes, she would drop her glass any moment - probably not just the glass of her drink would drop with the way he was fucking her with his eyes.

This jerk knew his game!

When she let go of her drink on the counter, he lifted her wrist again, and pressed her palm on his cheek, "Can I have your name?"

She tilted her head and leaned forward. She pressed her cheek to her hand that he was still holding, and with her face a few inches away from his, she bit her lower lip coyly as she batted her eyelashes, as she replied, "Shouldn't you tell me yours first?"

A grin escaped the corner of his mouth and she saw a hint of dimples on them.

"Huan Yi."

"Well, hello General."

His eyebrows furrowed when she called him general. He gave her a questioning look, and then after a few minutes, he roared in laughter.

"Aren't you a history nerd?" he kissed her wrist and swirled his tongue on her pulse before he sucked it. "A very sexy one." he drawl, running his tongue on her wrist again.

She gasped for air and as she was now fully aware of the warm feelings that were growing in between her thighs.

"Tell me your name," his amused grin never left his face.

"Laurie Crisostomo."

"Crisostomo," he repeated her family name and she loves how the vowels in her name rolled in his mouth.


"Wrong," she scoffed, "Filipina."

"Oh, I see. My bad."

"No biggies. It is indeed a Spanish name. I'm a living reminder of how the Spaniard conquered my land."

When she saw the mischief that crossed his eyes when said the word conquered, it was her turned to throw her head in laughter.

"General Huan Yi. Are you planning to conquer me?" her fingers were tracing the outline of his lips.

"Miss Crisostomo, you are treading on dangerous territory."

"I like danger." She said, staring back at his eyes dripping with carnal desires.