Can We Meet?


"Where have you been?" 

Bella rushed out to meet them the moment they entered the door. She looked harassed that Laurie couldn't help but wonder what could have happened with her. 

"We went to a temple and ate Lawson's fried chicken. Is something the matter?" Andrei asked before Laurie could ask. 

She watched Bella's hesitation with what Andrei said. 

"Yeah, we just walked around the neighborhood and came upon an old temple. Why?" 

She cleared her throat and it didn't escape Laurie's attention that Bella avoided Andrei's eyes. 

'I was gone for a day and a night and something had happened.' 

"Hideaki came looking for you," she said in a small voice. 

"I wonder how his company survives if he has a lot of time visiting us, looking for me."