

"Seriously? High school?" She clicked her tongue.

He laughed when she saw her getting annoyed. "You don't think you look like a high school kid?" 

"No. That's the worst!" She stepped away from him and looked around. There was nothing to do here in the parking lot. And the place was giving off a vibe of high school kids, broke and can only afford to date in the parking lot in the middle of the night. 

She walked away from him. She couldn't understand why it pissed her so much that Jiro was thinking that she was like a high school kid. 

'Am I too immature?' 

'Not attractive enough?' 

"Ugh," she grunted in annoyance. 

"Go straight." 

She heard Jiro talking behind her. She huffed and went straight just like he said. She wanted to kick herself when she realized that she did what she was told. 

'When did I become good at following instructions?' 

"Turn left at the next lamp post."