How Was Your Exes?


After the main course, Jiro brought out some fancy-looking desserts. They were on a square glass and when he put them in front of her, she recognized the dessert as tiramisu. 

"I would ask you to marry me if you would tell me you also made the desserts." 

He threw his head laughing. "Too bad, I just got them from a store." 

"Well, you can't be any more perfect." 

He laughed again, shaking his head.

When she took a bite of the tiramisu, she closed her eyes because they were so smooth and the right amount of bitterness to them. It was a legit tiramisu. One of the best she had ever tasted. 

"It would be best if we had coffee," she grinned.

He stretched his arm and touched the corner of her lip, wiping it, then brought his hand back to his lips and licked his thumb. 

"I'm pretty sure, I don't have anything on my lips." 

"I got busted, didn't I?" He chuckled. "I simply want to taste your lips."