Rather Hasty Decisions


Laurie's palm hitting Jiro's left cheek stopped him from saying anything. She took the few minutes he was stunned from her slap to get out of his place and ran to the elevator. 

She doesn't have an idea if the elevator was going to open for her, but with her clouded mind, it was the last of her worries. She was like a cornered animal that had only one goal left in her mind. 

To get away from Jiro. 

The elevator opened when she entered the numbers Jiro gave her to invite her to come up to his apartment. 

She didn't want to give Jiro the time to explain because his rejection hurt her like she never imagined it would hurt. Maybe because it was the first time that a guy rejected her advances as he did. 

Whatever the reason was, she doesn't care anymore. Right now, she just wants to get away from his sight because there is no way for her to face him after what happened.