Friendships For Keeps


They went out of her hotel room dressed to the ninth, no longer famished and on a mission to retrieve Haru's grandmother's bracelet. 

The time was quarter to eleven. They were thinking that at this hour, Kwang-Seok and the rest of his minions would be out partying. Haru's plan was to get inside the mansion by the beach that their group was renting, enter her room, get her grandmother's necklace, and get out. 

No reason to get the other things that she can easily replace. They were thinking that right after she got the necklace they would go back to Laurie's hotel. For good measure, Laurie complained to the hotel management that she didn't get a good sleep last night and would like to move to a different room. 

Before they left the hotel, Laurie already got the key to her new room, her things were delivered to the room as she got out to paint the town red and do some old-fashioned breaking and entering.