Fight Between Brothers


"The Park Haru you were investigating was the same Park Haru that's Laurie's friend, right?" She asked her brother in astonishment. 

She had no idea that her brother already knew about that Haru girl. And, he was already asking someone to look at her background. 

"Yes, that's why I am telling you not to panic about it. It would be good for you and your relationship with Laurie if you would let me and Ryu handle this matter." 

"You can't just tell me not to worry about what is at stake," she muttered under her breath. "If only father wasn't so stupid…" 

"Stop it! There's no reason for you to keep on talking about it," he reprimanded Mei Mei in a harsh tone. 

Hideaki doesn't want his sister to worry about a stupid agreement from the past. At the time, everyone thought it was for the best of everyone and it was an easy thing to accomplish.