Trip With Haru


[This chapter is dedicated to Yanet_Jackson. Thank you for choosing this book. I appreciate your support for this story.]


Laurie slept late because of the call she received last night from Jiro. The call didn't last for long because he told her to sleep early, but how can she sleep early after asking if she's fine receiving late phone calls from him.

She felt her insides melt and turned into mush when she heard Jiro asked her and of course—she said 'yes'! And thinking of Jiro calling her in the future, made sleeping difficult. 

Thinking back, if receiving late-night calls from him was part of their 'it is what it is' status, then it wasn't that bad. Not at all. Especially when she has always been a night person. She would love Jiro to call her whenever he felt like calling her as he worked in the middle of the night.