You Have The Most Beautiful Eyes


Laurie wanted to leave the party. She doesn't know anyone in this crowd except for Haru. She asked her to come but she was busy sitting down on some jerk's lap. And Laurie wanted nothing of it. 

She tried to catch Haru's attention but she was clearly drunk and intoxicated to whatever the man was whispering to her ears that she kept on giggling as though the man was the funniest man ever alive. 

She clicked her tongue in annoyance. Particularly since the man next to her kept touching her arm with his sweaty hand. She was losing a great deal of patience and wanted to swat the bottle of beer she was holding in the man's face who seemed unaware of how much she hated him. The man standing next to her was either dense or just too thick-skinned to comprehend from the dark expression on her face how she felt about him.