Bruise Like A Peach


"Should I ask what you are doing inside the tub?" 


She heard Jiro chuckle at the other line and her heart did a small squeeze and at the same time skip a beat. Jiro has that effect on her. Making her feel like she's been in love for the first time. No, it's actually worse than that. He makes her feel like she has a stupid crush and that doesn't feel good when you are nearing your thirties. 

"And why are you hiding and from whom?" 

She chuckled at the confusion in his voice. "My friend is having a 'talk' with her special friend outside and I don't want to go out there and watch them be lovey-dovey with each other. It makes me feel like I'm so damn single." 

She bit her lower lip when she heard her last line. She didn't realize the implication of it until she had already spoken the words to Jiro. It was too late to take it back. She closed her eyes and cursed herself inside her head.