She Ain't Playing


"Are you okay?" 

Laurie glanced at Haru, sighed deeply, and answered, "yeah, I'm fine." 

The backseat of the car went silent after that. Haru can clearly see that Laurie wasn't fine. After the phone call that she received, her mood changed. She tried to keep it to herself, acted like everything was fine but even Dominic didn't buy the cheerful smile that she wore the whole time they were at the studio, watching the boys do their own thing. 

They are on the way home now. If it was just her choice, she would like to stay longer but then, when Laurie stood up to use the restroom, Dominic told her that she should take Laurie home. 

She reluctantly agreed. 

"What was the phone call about for your mood to be ruined like that?" She couldn't stop herself but asked.