Not The One She Needs

Laurie sleeps deeply that night. She got what she wanted from Dominic. A closure of sorts, even when she didn't really need one. But it felt good to still get an answer. Despite being so many years late. 

She didn't think of those articles that were online about her and Dominic. She didn't care about those so-called scandals. Once she is back in Tokyo, those things don't matter at all. That was what she was thinking that made her sleep like a babe for the night. 

Things get only complicated when Haru woke her up to tell her that her mother was calling. She wondered how her mother found Haru. Let alone get her number. 

She was still groggy with sleep when she forced herself to get out of bed because of incessant knocking from Haru. 

Eyes half-closed, she trod to the door. "What do you want?" She asked in a whispery voice, laced with a mixture of sleepiness and annoyance.