Painting Session


She stretched her arms over her bed before slowly opening her eyes, and got slightly disoriented because when she opened her eyes everything looked different. She blinked a few times before it registered to her sleepy brain that she's now in her own apartment.

She's back in Tokyo and no longer in Haru's apartment. She chuckled to herself. She looked at the digital alarm clock on her side table and saw the time. It is now four thirty-two in the afternoon. She slept for more than seven hours. 

She pulled the extra pillow next to her and leaned against the bed headboard. And then, she leaned her back against the pillow.

She's feeling hungry but doesn't feel like cooking. She grabbed her phone next to the digital clock on her side table and turned it on. She was expecting a message from Mei Mei and she wasn't disappointed. She had several messages from her, all asking about her whereabouts.