Time To Move On


"What game are you playing, Jiro?" She didn't bother to greet him. The moment he answered his phone she asked him. 

She has a hangover and stiff neck. She didn't need this kind of shit. If Jiro wanted to play around he could do so, but not with her. She didn't have any plans to play with him.

"I didn't send the last message you received from me." 

She heard some fighting in the background. It was faint but she could recognize the other voice as a woman. She scoffed. If he didn't send the message, she has a feeling that the woman he was arguing with was the one who sent her the message. 

It may not be him who sent the message but the fact that there's another girl who did it, still a complication that she doesn't wish to involve herself with. 

"Jiro, I gotta go." 

"Please, Laurie...let me explain."